Lately I was revisiting the idea of clarity which also happened to prop-up in separate conversations over the period of a week.
It felt like the 'theme'
or the 'zeitgeist' of the week, so I took some time to reflect on
it. I looked at all those things which became clear in my life
throughout the years, especially recent ones, and also pinpointed
those which are still going through the process.
I think it is simper to explain what lack of clarity in life is since unfortunately it is so familiar with most of us. Lacking clarity is like being stuck somewhere with no motion forward.
There isn't one clear 'a-ha' feeling that comes forward and gets you rolling up your sleeve and working excitedly on a goal.
Lack of clarity is also synonymous with confusion:
Lack of clarity can be general, as in with regards to our life's purpose and mission, or can be specific to a particular situation or passage in life.
For instance we could be
unclear about doing a certain life transition or what to do in a
particular relationship. These are all different facets of the same
We expect that we get clarity on an issue by getting some magical clear thought that resolves all the confusion and misunderstanding. This is actually not the case in reality.
Although we use the
expression 'having a clear head' or 'clear thinking', this actually
has nothing to do with what I mean by clarity here.
On one hand there is a general undercurrent of authentic motivations and desires coming deep from our heart and on the other there are all the stuff, fears, beliefs, ideas and rules that the mind is clinging on as a result of us being in a cultural context and social environment.
It is the battle between
our authentic aspirations and those goals expected from us
by others.
It is when you listen to that call and answer it.
You basically pick up the phone. So clarity starts from the heart by identifying and accepting that we need to do something without fearing disapproval or failure. Once that is brought in the light, the mind then can see it and translates it into words and ideas.
This is why we think that clarity comes from thinking because when the mind translates what the heart is clear about, we say something like:
In reality the
thinking is secondary.
Clarity is always born from an open space.
It is also a space that
allows internal conflicts to be resolved and processed.
We stop,
...and all the other stuff that our minds so easily gets us sucked into.
It is also releasing our emotional attachment to something.
When something troubles us, we tend to focus our emotions and thinking on it, believing that the more intensely we do it the more we will solve the issue.
It can't be farther from the truth.
Think about it for a minute.
Through most of our life we are bombarded with so many thoughts, fears and ideas that are not authentically ours. We are distracted, alienated and taken off course from our purpose and real life aspirations.
The more unconsciously we
follow the signs posted by society rather than our own internal
heart space, the farther we drive off course… the more distant we
get from home.
Indeed, clarity is not about something outside of us, like a problem or situation (although it might be), but it is mostly internal:
Once again, it's good to keep present in mind that what we seek when we yearn for clarity is actually already there in our internal heart space - that space which can be accesses once we resolve to let go of the mind's objects, our anxieties, projections and fears.
Let go of all that and
the path towards the Self becomes apparent. It's not an 'if' or a
'but' - it's a certainty that works all the time because this is the
way it works.