June 20, 2016
our planet has sailed through the universe of time. And for a brief moment, we have been among its many passengers." Jeremy Irons
If we shirk our responsibility, we do so
at the detriment of both our spaceship and our fellow captains.
Nobody is more or less "in charge" than anybody else. This is
important to understand.
The concentrated power given has thus become corrupt, and the overall health of both Spaceship Earth and its captains has been compromised.
As such, mutiny has become the moral imperative of our time. And we're running out of time.
This is a pandemic delusion that is systematically destroying the biodiversity of the world, precisely because concentrated power tends to become corrupt. But power can only ever become concentrated when the majority allows it to.
When the majority takes its power back, power can no longer be concentrated.
The idea that we are ALL
captains of Spaceship Earth is the epitome of the majority
reclaiming its own powers as Captain and thus acting as a social
leveling mechanism for the concentrated power of so-called
"How are you going to teach logic in a world where everybody talks about the sun setting, when it's really the horizon rising." Cal Craig
As it stands, Spaceship Earth is cluttered with toxicity.
Our excess as passengers long ago became careless and overindulgent. In the passenger mindset we've grown wasteful and disrespectful, imagining we "deserve" this or can "own" that.
We've become hoarders and polluters of the worst kind, with a ridiculous sense of entitlement, accumulating excessively and consuming mindlessly at the detriment of our spaceship's vital resources.
As such, our Spaceship
Earth is in unhealthy
As captains we are better able to see how important it is to keep our spaceship Earth in healthy order, and we are less likely to leave it up to somebody else to fix.
As captains of the ship, we fully understand that the spaceship is crashing and the oxygen masks have been deployed.
But we also understand that the others may not realize their own captainhood, and so we must have the courage to put the oxygen masks on ourselves first in order to be there for those who are less capable or even unable.
"A little learning is a dangerous thing; Alexander Pope
This compels us to be proactive with our power rather than inert with it.
This is because, as captains, we have a bird's eye view of how everything needs to be in healthy working order in order for progressive and sustainable evolution to be a possibility.
"Everything we see hides another thing, we always want to see what is hidden by what we see." Rene Magritte
In order for Spaceship Earth to prosper, biodiversity is paramount.
This applies just as much to human diversity as it does to the biotic community. Everything is connected to everything else in such a way that the individual connections are greater than the sum of those connections, otherwise there can be no sum.
Otherwise there can be no life, only entropy.
If it is true that we are each a microcosm within a macrocosm, and that we can no more separate the micro from the macro than we can the human from the natural, then diversity is needed to put the whole into holistic.
As captains of spaceship Earth it is our duty to recognize and honor the diversity of the human condition so that Nature and the human soul can merge and a healthy evolution can become a possibility for our species.
"No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible." Voltaire
On spaceship Earth, we are all unique captains.
Each with our own unique medicine. Each with our own unique soul-signature leaving its imprint.
The question is this:
The idea of spaceship Earth has a way of putting such questions into proper perspective.
It binds us as a powerful species that needs to become responsible with its power. And the best way to be responsible with our power is to combine our power in solidarity for the Earth rather than against it.
Rather than using the Earth merely as a place to conquer-control-destroy-repeat, let's use it as a place to adapt-surrender-create-repeat, as a force to truly be reckoned with.
"We may be stumbling, fumbling, flawed primates, but when we work together, we are primates that can fly."
As mutual captains on spaceship Earth, we are independent creatures who have transcended an unhealthy codependency while embracing a healthy interdependence.
The codependent past has revealed itself as uncouth, and so, as mutual captains, we must move on.
interdependent future is emerging as the only rational, tenable and
moral way toward a healthy co-evolution between nature and the human
The healthiest way forward is to
realize, indeed to self-actualize, our power as individuals and then
to use it as a force of nature first and as individuals second.
"If a radical political alternative is not opened up then I think we are essentially going to amuse ourselves into extinction! Business as usual, at this point, is a death sentence on the human race."
Terence Mckenna
All this talk about being stewards of the planet is all for naught if we cannot manifest a healthy disposition in the dynamic present, despite the static past.
In order to get Spaceship Earth up and running again in healthy equilibrium, we must begin steering the ship as mutual captains in solidarity with each other in the moment. 'Now' is all we have. 'Tomorrow' may be too late.
Our spaceship Earth will end up like the Titanic if we're unable to steer it away from avoidable icebergs in time. The unavoidable icebergs are irrelevant. What's relevant is that it will take every single one of us (with the capacity to do so) to steer this ship.
Not one. Not an elite few. Not a voted-in group. Not any single so-called authority.
But every single one of us, self-empowered and empowering each other to take their power back and to put the "oxygen mask" on themselves first so that they can be there for those who cannot. The ship won't steer itself, after all.
And it will be steered in an unhealthy way if entrenched power or blind authority is the only thing at the helm.
"And if we do act, in however small a way, we don't have to wait for some grand utopian future. The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory."
Howard Zinn
Rather than shooting future captains in
the foot while overindulgently soaking our own, let's pull our
all-too-comfortable feet out of the hot water and begin fostering a
healthy mindset right now so that our children and grandchildren can
have a healthy world to live in.
If we really want to be compassionate and moral individuals it behooves us to, as Gandhi said,
Living simply means living in compassionate moderation.
...and then becoming an interdependent
force to be reckoned with, a mighty captain of the only spaceship
capable of keeping us all alive - planet fucking Earth!