by Zen Gardner
31 July 2015
ZenGardner website

It's interesting how we get entangled in
compromising situations and interactions, often unwittingly.
We all face this challenge continually.
So often the very encounter itself is predestined to failure without
our even knowing it and results in a sense of energy sapping
If you find yourself in such a tug of war, it's time to rethink your
entire stance. In fact, it might be time to drop the connection all
together. Winning isn't what it's cracked up to be, nor to your
benefit in most cases in these circumstances.
This happens because we get snared into lower level thinking on a
preset playing field designed to do just that. Ensnare and entrap.
This societal mechanism is designed to set the parameters and
disguise the real solution which is way outside this constructed
paradigm. When we join into the "contest" we subject ourselves to
the win-lose dialectic, the pitting of one versus another paradigm
that has beset humanity for eons.
That's not to say there isn't a time to attempt to illuminate
ignorance or expose manipulative mechanisms, we just can't expect to
"win" in an arena built for pointless conflict that distracts from
seeing the essential and empowering reality that blows their entire
construct to bits.
If we're too busy fighting amongst ourselves, physically or
intellectually, we'll never see that bigger picture where the true
problem truly lies.
The conscious conclusion to draw on such encounters is clear. If you
don't want to play their insidious, pointless, draining and
distracting games of tug of war, simply drop the rope and walk away.
The Conflict
Society has been manipulated to such a degree that the easiest way
to control us is through simple distraction.
Bread and circus
competitive sports and similar mind-stinting entertainment,
right-left paradigm political charades and society dividing issues
such as race, immigration and social, economic and class status are
furiously alive trigger points of distraction running rampant in
this seriously dysfunctional world mind.
We help define and reinforce these memes ourselves by our
Without rising above this imposed playing field and
understanding the world we're already living in we certainly cannot
find the way to change it, never mind the way out into a new
paradigm without their constrictions.
Simply said, if you don't want to play their insidious, pointless,
draining and distracting games of tug of war, simply drop the rope
and move on.
Let them fall in their own devices.

Dropping the
When dealing with this seeming "conflict resolution" we appear to be
confronting on many levels, "dropping the rope" is a very
interesting way to break this sycophantic relationship with our
What invariably surfaces in our left
brain human response in these sorts of circumstances is a sort of
contest between people or situations. One side opposes the other in
some form, and one or the other or both sides express umbrage at
what the other is saying.
It's a programmed and mass entranced conflict, the "strategy of
tension" as they call it, utilized by the media and military with
very successful abandon.
When we find ourselves in these situations it can be quite
stressful. Reflexive thinking usually kicks in and we take sides,
concentrating on the "issues" at hand while ignoring the overall.
Even in a personal heated exchange, subtle or obvious, no one wins.
They can't.
The overarching truth is being missed in this morass of
"logical" confined thought subscribed to by the perspective of the
Overall social psychosis perhaps, or the left brained reptilian mind
going to work, who knows. It's just futile in that type of paradigm.
These types of conflicts are an exercise in futility. Oh, we may
bring some light of truth to the conversation or situation but the
problem is that we're buying into their boxing ring.
Someone has to come out the "victor" and
the game goes on, without addressing the underlying reality outside
the ring, or imposed and deliberately created stadium of conflict.
This realization is a blow to the egoic mind set and, while
essentially counter intuitive, it's only destined to be repeated.
And the pointless game goes on. Don't fall for it.
You're well above all this.
Scoliosis and Letting Go of the Unchangeable
The application of this realization can get quite personal.
we're closest to can often display usage of this dialectic and it's
not easy to discern up close and personal, nor know how to respond
to it.
There's often an embedded agenda to what is being said or proposed,
as exemplified by news outlets, or as we usually see it by people
around us, that is much more profound than the surface argument.
You'll often hear sweeping language with generalities that appear to
be true in such contests of mind but these can have a much more
insidious nature.
People, as well as social engineers, often use this technique.
It's usually very cleverly embedded, be it by an individual or
But on an individual basis it can get pretty dicey.
The Personal
It's naive to think we could correct spiritual
scoliosis or perform
some kind of exorcism or somehow overwhelm this mechanism to get it
into its proper place and perspective when dealing with an infected
individual with such a mindset.
In fact, those are the things and
persons that conscious people sidestep until the subject really
wants help and starts to see the light of day and fully lets go of
their petty shibboleths.
These are issues that really aren't so petty when you get down to
the spiritual nature of it and difficult to discern as well as
But when you're awake to these traits you don't argue with them or
plea with them to let go. They either do when confronted with
conscious awareness or they don't. Otherwise you leave them alone
until there's a change, and move on to those open to real dialogue.
This kind of conscious awareness is sadly thin in today's world but
people are catching on.
No players, no game is a great default setting.
Their approach has a lot to do with posturing, as if they're
authoritative on some subject. Unthinking people often submit to
that. When someone comes on pretending to be an authority on
anything and speaks in that tone and posture it's time to sit up and
take notice - carefully. Not sit back in acquiescence.
Real truth
sharers propose and entreat.
Remember, words, which carry spirit,
can eventually overpower you if you keep listening to where you
sense it's empowering rooted in truth and love, or isn't healthy.
It'll be clear. Just listen...

Be Like Water
Avoiding these kinds of obstacles is a bit of an an acquired art,
but it can be learned.
This has to do with the nature of on going
change. Water just goes around the rock, or over it, or both.
Sometimes rocks move with the water a little but never fully. Like
those set in their ways.
They're rocks. That's the attached baggage people won't let go of in
their hearts and it clogs up the works and infects anything it
embeds in. They're fine, or should I say less dangerous, on their
own and they have their place despite their issues.
But they're not
water; and if you expect them to come along like water it's going to
be a long and arduous journey that pretty much is playing the rock's
Water moves on to where its welcomed. Go with the flow.
Let the
rocks be, i.e., let go of the rope.
It's important to not get caught up in futile and ultimately
destructive contests of any sort, be they relationships or
unconscious dialogue as they can have very deceitful and
disempowering consequences.
That's how the system works. Getting everyone caught up in lower
vibrational interactions that muffle the call to conscious awareness
and activism in avenues that have real meaning. It's something to
which they are clearly diametrically opposed. They're more than
happy to entangle you in anything petty to keep you from realizing
You can't win on their level. Don't even go there. But if you do and
find yourself in a tug of war with ignorance, egos or manipulating
entities…..just drop the rope. It's that simple.
Let 'em fall on their asses and you go merrily on your way.
And go take a nice walk in our majestic freedom and glory in your
independent magnificence! Then turn and do and say what's right - in
every situation you come up against.
Screw the programming. We're free.
That's how truth wins out.