by Zen Gardner
28 May 2016
ZenGardner Website
Spanish version

Very new times are upon us.
The shift continues to shift in new and
amazing ways, challenging even new found paradigms almost as quickly
as we arrive at considering them. If things aren't morphing that
quickly for you perhaps you're not paying attention.
Because there's a good chance they are
and you're just not noticing.
Little things and big things are taking
on new shapes and forms. It may appear subtle at first until you
tune in, but
timeline splits and glitches in the Matrix
are real, as is this powerful background of vibrational change.
We're beginning to notice things we
either were too preoccupied to take note of, took for granted, or
were too naive to pay attention to.
But now they are increasingly hard to miss.
What to Look
Out For
One of the biggest manifestations I'm currently experiencing is
meeting new people and seeing an openness I've never seen before,
almost as if people have awakened out of a dream or some sort of
suspended animation but didn't know they were "on hold" for an
indefinite period of time.
This has been profoundly so in my recent and current travels, and
has been corroborated by trusted awake and active colleagues of
It's quite thrilling. The awakening we've sensed for so long is
manifesting so rapidly now anyone can see it - if they're looking.
Just as profound if not more so is personal experiences I and others
I'm in close touch with are experiencing.
I've written on these types of phenomena
for years but they're not just accelerating in frequency now, but
taking on new, intriguing nuances.
That to me is the most confirming aspect of these types of new
They're out of my old interpretation and
experiential paradigm, as awake and aware as I thought I may have
been. It's totally new. It my seem similar in many respects but it's
as if I've never noticed these types of things before.
It's very similar to the Mandela
Effect and other slippages, be they timeline and parallel
world phenomena or aspects of perception.
To me these attributes validate what I'm experiencing as potential "Doors
of Perception", as Aldous Huxley wrote about,
however misleading or covert his intentions may have eventually
It's simply a great metaphor.
With Parallel
Awakenings Come Parallel Challenges
The hyperbolic step up of technology is not necessarily an organic
outgrowth of the human experience.
It's being used as a co-vibrational
suppression technique by external influences while appearing to be
We can always use anything to our
advantage, but what's being unleashed on humanity is a very severe
parasitic attack on our conscious awareness
and has aspects that are disturbingly insidious, including implanted
technology in all of us of varying types and the manipulation of our
electromagnetic and plasma fields.
When you add the other vectors
assaulting our DNA and overall natural state their overall
methodology clearly states their intent - not just the subjugation
of humanity, but the altering of its very nature into something
completely controllable. becomes
No matter what is foisted upon us, we have to rise to the occasion,
as any alive being of any sort would and should.
It may be unexplored territory learning about these influences we're
becoming more aware of all the time, but that's what pioneers and
world changers do, which potentially includes all of us.
And we're each up to it.
That we're concurrently becoming aware of other potential,
parallel worlds of existence right within our own is
extremely empowering and should propel us into a state of higher
consciousness and awareness which in turn will lead us into new and
more profound solutions to the dilemma we're faced, one that can
appear to have no restraints upon it and does not portend well for
our planet.
Therein is the key. Understanding that our perception cannot and
need not be what they are projecting and reinforcing. There is a
better way - in fact, many of them!
They only await our discovery and
Where To Now?
Good question.
That's up to each of us, isn't it. How
we respond to these new types of changes is a very personal
decision, but ultimately a very simple one.
Do we say "yes" and keep progressing and
investigating new avenues of thought and behavior and methods of
being as well as expression as new input and realizations come
Or do we dig in our heels and say enough
is enough and it's getting way to weird for me out here and it's no
"Besides, it defies everything I've
come to learn and throws my life into a tailspin!"
I'll take "weird with meaning" any day.
We need new tools, new understandings,
and new spiritual methodologies desperately, to not just exist here,
but defy this parasitic invasion of our species and planet.
Old methods simply won't work and
obviously never have. Attempting to confine us to their playing
field has been the smartest ploy they ever had - and ultimately the
only one.
We have to let loose to realize that at its true nature humanity is
unstoppable and uncontainable, and that this time around we're not
going to fall for the old tricks nor take this lying down any more.
Much to their chagrin.
Hence the insane toxified and fascist
clampdown world we're witnessing today.
We are their enemy...
Launching Into
the Far Beyond
We're here.
It's time for the big adventure and
a time for 'letting go' in new and
wonderful ways. We're being called where precious few have dared to
go, at least in this generation of human existence. It's our time,
our place, our space and our calling.
The time to reach into the great beyond
is upon us.
When we realize there's nothing to fear in conjunction with the
great confluence of energetic influences we're currently
experiences, we quickly come to the realization much more, and much
better, is required to overcome the dark and increasingly complex
forces we're facing at every level.
The very fact of their morphing
oppressive existence is testament to our need to adapt.
So much has to do with our egoic identity regarding who we think we
are and what we think we can be or perform. Their programming is
limitation - freedom is the realization of our utter infinite
The requirements for this adventure are simple:
Letting go of attachments of
all sorts and a solid desire to go wherever
Universe leads and inspires us.
That's a rather broad generalization but
we simply need to let go of the known and genuinely and
unconditionally draw in the greater manifestation of source that
always awaits us.
Enjoy the ride, but never forget that once you've willingly entered
these new dimensions you are now a warrior.
And there's no better willing manifestation of the precious gift
we've been given...