by Thais Gibson
June 26, 2016
Collective-Evolution Website
Spanish version

The Law of Attraction is based on
the principle that all matter is made up of pure energy, which is in
a constant state of vibration and spin.
The LOA implies that thoughts and emotions are also energy, each
having a unique energy signature. Every energetic frequency is in a
constant state of attraction or repulsion with all others.
With the recent emergence of quantum
mechanics, this notion has been largely supported at a micro level.
The Law of Attraction states that "like attracts like," and we are
in a constant state of creating our reality through the energy we
emit in the form of thoughts and emotion.
We continuously interact
with the fabric of reality (or
quantum field), through thought and
emotional energy, and whatever we focus on is likely to manifest.
We are each creators of our own reality,
and what we put out is what we will attract.
3 Things You
Need to Know First
A key factor missing from the
LOA is that we are creating on both a conscious and
subconscious level
This accounts for the seeming
contradiction between "opposites attract" and the major
principle of LOA, "like attracts like."
We are still attracting the part of the whole that has been
splintered and repressed into the subconscious mind.
Basically, the actively repressed traits within ourselves
are still charged, and this suppressed energy is also a
point of attraction.
Until we acknowledge and
integrate it, it will still play a role in the creation of
our external reality.
Our belief systems alter our
manifestation process
If you want to manifest $10,000
in one week, but your underlying beliefs are largely
identified with a state of lack, you will only manifest more
This is because Law of Attraction works with both thought
and emotion, and if you try to think your way into something
that you don't believe, your emotional reaction will support
your unconscious beliefs more than your conscious thoughts.
If you try to affirm, "I will be abundant," but don't
believe it, those beliefs will surface via an emotional
response that insinuates the opposite feeling. At that
point, you are literally putting the gas and the breaks on
at the same time, making manifestation very difficult.
One great tip to overcome this, as stated by Abraham
Hicks, is to "start general, and then get specific" with
your manifestation process. Start with what you can believe,
and continue to expand as you see evidence of your
manifestations taking place.
This allows your thoughts and
emotions to be in resonance rather than dissonance.
We are always manifesting
according to our highest values
Renowned behavioral development
specialist Dr. DeMartini (who was also featured in
The Secret) discovered that
we all have an inherent set of values that is largely
governing our behavior.
DeMartini is quoted as saying,
"All of our actions are
strategies to align with our values as efficiently as
possible," along with, "all of our positive and negative
emotions are feedback as to whether or not we are living
in our highest values."
Essentially, the things we value
the most filter our perception at a subconscious level. They
are governing the way that we manifest, and the reasons we
This is why, for example, someone might set a new year's
resolution to lose weight and never achieve their goal.
If one of their highest values
is social connection, their unconscious will perceive that
taking the time to exercise and eat right actually conflicts
with the time they would rather be spending at social events
with others.
The trick, then, is to change your perception
by tying in how exercise and diet actually support your high
value on social connection.
For example, you might feel more
confident meeting new people when you are healthy and
strong. Or you can approach it from the other end by tying
your value into your goal.
In this case, you could try to
engage your value of social connection by going to the gym
or to nutrition classes with your close friends.
What You Need
to Know During Active Manifestation
These are some useful tips if you are meditating on your vision, or
practicing visualization.
Clear your mind
To speed up the process of
manifestation, presence and focus are key. If your attention
is scattered, your manifestation will be too. Write down on
paper whatever is bothering you, and vow to leave it outside
of your visualization.
This will help you stay present.
Open your heart for the process
Connect with the feeling of
gratitude as you begin. This can be done by writing a short
gratitude list, or by thinking of people/events that you are
truly grateful for.
According to the HeartMath Institute,
heart generates an electromagnetic
field roughly 60 times greater in amplitude
than brainwaves do."
This field is measured by an
electrocardiogram (ECG), and brainwaves were measured using
an electroencephalogram (EEG) during these findings. The
heart is a major point of attraction.
Be clear
The law of attraction is
described as a law. This means it responds to everything,
without exception. If you are mixed in your emotions or
vision, it will slow the process. The clearer and more
detailed you are, the faster your vision will come to life.
Engage your senses
Did you know that the brain
can't actually tell the difference between experience and
visualization? This is why visualization is so useful for
athletes. This principle applies directly to the LOA. What
do you see, hear, smell, touch, and feel when you have
arrived at your vision? Feel each sense distinctly, and
don't be afraid to sit with each one individually.
Engage emotion
This is how to charge your
vision. Emotions are the driving force behind manifestation.
Align your intention with your values
Tie what you want to manifest
into your highest values. More simply put, make sure you can
see how your goals support the things that matter most to
you in life. This will help you manifest congruently from
both the conscious and subconscious mind.
Don't be desperate
Try to imagine that you are
gently requesting. If you are being needy or desperate in
your request, you are coming directly from an emotional
space of lack. The emotional feeling of lack will counteract
your thought-energy, and you are more likely to stagnate.
What You Need to Know
Take action
Taking action will create
momentum, while also building evidence towards creating the
belief that your manifestation is unfolding.
Act as if it has already happened
"I AM" is a creative, powerful
phrase. If you conduct your behavior as the person you have
already become, you are more energetically aligned with your
Be aware of your internal dialogue
Remember, you are in a constant
state of attracting or repulsing what it is that you want to
achieve. Your internal dialogue is always creating a point
of attraction, along with the emotional reactions it
produces. Be congruent!
You must fully release your
vision in order for it to manifest. If you are too attached
to it, your need for control can actually stunt the process.
Faith and belief in the process are key. It can be helpful
to think in terms of being at a restaurant. Once you've
placed your order, you have to give it time to be cooked up
and served to you!
We are all creators, and we all deserve
to live an inspired life.
The Law of Attraction is a beautiful
tool that enables us to consciously put our creative powers to use!
In the words of George Bernard Shaw,
"Life isn't about finding yourself,
it's about creating yourself."