I recently attended the
Anarchapulco conference that
featured a wide range of aspects of this important subject regarding
our personal awakening and growing financial, legal and spiritual
independence and empowerment.
...are paramount to any real truth
It's all about the initial question.
And our perspective...
The fundamental step to be taken is to find the vantage point of our higher self.
The fact that it exists at all, as Echhart Tolle so lucidly expounds upon, causes a major shift in awareness and breaks so many chains immediately.
This to me is the deep and wondrous world to be explored, which in its very seemingly esoteric nature has all the so-called answers to life we are seeking.
But this awareness needs to mix and gel
with our mental and heart awareness at the same time to make sense
of this experience we call "life".
Whether to go by impulse and just yield to our surrounding environment and accumulated habits, or learn to make a more conscious decision as to our actions as well as thoughts, this profound realization begs a whole new way of life. If we let it. And take action on what we're learning and hearing from this much more pure source of information and awareness.
It needs to be developed which is the challenge of this school of higher learning in which we find ourselves.
Unfortunately, while the fact that non-empathic, power-crazed personages is well known to be the case amongst,
...people still take their word, hoping against hope that their empty promises will come true.
What is that? Is it lethargy, apathy, psychotic denial, mind control, or what?
Most likely it's a convergence of many such conditions, but the reality of this form of mass Stockholm syndrome is absolutely pathetic:
Does that sound familiar? That's society at large.
Just the abuse/abuser cycle is rife in society, and designedly so.
After all, these so-called rulers have themselves been abused by their handlers, physical and/or interdimensional, and so pass on that same paradigm. Hence the massive propagation of fear as the ultimate controlling signal.
It's the implanted and socially
engineered parasitic mindset, be it
archontic, wetiko or some other
transdimensional explanation of this energetic vampirism. The
dynamic is there and it's designed to disempower and control through
intimidation, fear and ignorance of the truth.
Because underlying this is the empowering reality that we can break from that cycle at any time:
But whatever you do, don't support it by participating in it.
Elections are a perfect example. They're rigged and a total distraction. Just look at the strife they engender, dividing up the populace in yet another way in their effort to divide and conquer.
It's time people fully woke up to what's
really going on and how they're energy is being siphoned off.
It's time to get conscious and disengage. Their entire manufactured structure many call the matrix will crumble. It's the people who fall for the charade that support it.
But first people need to see the extent of the lie, as well as discover their own power of spiritual sovereignty.
It usually happens in increments. It becomes obvious to have the least entanglement possible with any of the world's systems. They're essentially toxic and woefully binding, hindering our very being from being truly free in a whole range of ways.
It's profound, but only goes as far as we're willing to go.
As these changes progress more and more becomes completely obvious. You are not your name, therefore any legal attachments to your paper identity are essentially fraudulent or fundamentally ensnaring.
The entire legal and political system
becomes almost embarrassingly stupid and obviously built for control
If we think we can combat or dissipate
their fabricated low vibrational world on their level we've already
lost, and will only recreate another system with the same low
vibrational construct in some form.
When it builds, community and most of all awareness it's good, whatever it is. There are definitely times to lay ourselves on the line when it comes to the encroaching machine.
There's clearly a
war on against humanity, one major
thing that will become apparent to the seeker, and we cannot lay
down and just take it, just as you wouldn't let the state come in
and take your children, never mind vaccinate them or some other such
barbaric practice.
Being honest, lovingly forthright and
sovereign comes naturally to the soul. It's the rest of our
convoluted, conditioned and reflexive self that needs to snap out of
the hypnosis and catch up.
That's the matrix working through our
horrific psycho-social programming to hold us back at as low of a
frequency as possible - and to NOT venture out into our full-on
freedom but stay firmly in the yoke of their parasitic grip.
The exterior world of the system is
closing down at a frantic pace, and your life, mine, and those of
our loved ones and the many wonderful people worldwide as well as
the life of our very planet are at stake.
There are so many factors and each of us
is our own unique expression of Universe and we need to honor that.
But respond we must to the call of consciousness.
We are communicating in very human
bodies with very real restrictions and limitations as well as needs
and desires. But at the same time we are primarily and first and
foremost spiritual beings inhabiting these incredible bio-machines.
Not judging by what's going on around us
and the actions of others or any kind of social or even alternative
norm. But expressing our uniqueness, as living examples of
authenticity and freedom in everything we do.
Now we need to operate from that all permeating knowing.
Everything else will become clear...
is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion." Albert Camus