by Rene' Descartes
July 28, 2016
WakingTimes Website
Spanish version
Rene' Descartes is
a frustrated desert veggie farmer in South Africa who
ponders and wonders much about truth.
Having sailed
around the world on a small yacht over a 4 year period,
Rene' is now interested in healing
the terminally ill
and in being of assistance to the all the souls entering
earth right now.
Email Rene' at

As in Ancient times, we are again in the beginning of a period of
radical changes for the Earth and its inhabitants,
physically, mentally, and spiritually (the entire threefold nature).
Humanity's selfishness has taken its
toll and is starting to come back in full fury. With the damage that
has been done already, there is no preventing the great Earth
changes within the next decade.
Given a sufficient
rise in Consciousness, those things
that are not past the 'karmic point of no return' could be altered
by free will, however, many are past the point of no return.
Ask yourself if the first drops of rain
from this great storm of purification, have not already begun to
There are many things today that are similar to conditions in the
old world before the great Earth changes that destroyed it -
including the political powers. The forces of darkness - best
described as the Sons of Belial - have grown very powerful,
and seek to enslave the world, at any cost.
Many people who are not directly Sons
of Belial, are pawns by virtue of their own selfishness they
'unconsciously' follow the conscious evil ones.
This is no excuse however, because they
chosen their 'unconsciousness'. They are but selfish cowards who
have willingly participated in the evil that will bring their own
destruction. The brave people of this world open their eyes to what
is happening, and refuse to be pawns.
Even many of the brave ones are not aligned with the light yet, but
at least they have resisted the darkness. These people can save
After they suffer the horrors of what is
about to befall the people of the Earth, they will have been
purified enough - involuntarily as it may be - and this purification
will awaken them to the Spirit within, and return them to serving
Universal Will.
The coming
Earth changes are not 'bad' things,
in and of themselves. They are necessary now. Necessary for a clean
up of both the Earth and of humans.
As all of these changes come to pass, we are given the opportunity
to transcend into a new world of Unselfish Love and harmony.
Some will approach the
sufferings of this purification with patience,
understanding, and Unselfish Love.
Others will react with
selfishness, negativity, and resistance.
Universal Law dictates that each
individual, through their attitudes and resultant actions, create,
and modify, their own experiences.
Those who Love Unselfishly, will
ultimately experience the 'heaven' of that attitude, while those who
are negative, will ultimately experience the 'hell' brought by that.
So it will be like the old world all over again?
More Final
Than in the old Ancient World?
There are some distinct differences between the Earth changes
of Atlantis' day, and what is going
to take place now.
First, we cannot escape them as some of
the Children did when they fled Atlantis. But also, there are
various possibilities for intervention during these great Earth
changes. It may be that we will even have some outside
Many things are not determined fully.
Free will choices are still dominant, particularly in whether or not
there will be nuclear annihilation, which would create a much bigger
mess if it is more than a very limited warring or act of violence.
So is there anything we can do about any of it? Yes and no. We can't
stop the purification - it is badly needed anyway and we shouldn't
want to stop it. We shouldn't see it as a 'bad' thing.
Can we do anything about it for
ourselves, to survive it?
What for? That is the most important question...
Do you want to survive to save your
selfish separate self, or to help be here to truly free others
and point them to the way back to Oneness, and free them from
their selfish separate selves?
But to answer your question directly,
yes, and know - know to make Inner preparations.
There are some physical preparations one
could make, and perhaps that will be done by you or others. I will
not be involved because I will be gone by then.
But think! Think...! What good are
physical preparations if you don't make the spiritual ones - what's
the point? Raise your consciousness first, then help others do the
same if you wish to.
There is nothing more to say...!
I have heard people discuss possible 'safe' areas - places of refuge
during the coming changes. I know of many areas that will be more or
less free from earthquakes, etc., more or less safe - barring
nuclear war and the like.
But I tell them what my teacher told me,
and his told him, and the ancient teachings told us all.
Make your spiritual changes your priority first. Raise your
consciousness first. After you have done that, if you still want to
pursue safer physical areas, then look for areas where people who
higher consciousness are living.
That doesn't mean where the people with
the greatest knowledge are, but rather, where those with the
greatest kindness and harmlessness are.
The greater the consciousness
concentrated in a certain area, the greater the chance of being
safe. Even on a one to-one basis, the ground could be falling out
from under your neighbors' feet, while under your feet, the ground
is lifting you above a flood or tidal wave.
Raise your consciousness first, and then it won't even matter what
happens to you! And like he said, we're all going to die someday
And regardless of how, do you want to be
prepared to go on, or be stuck with karma that forces you back to a
life on the Earth, over and over again - a life of pain and
pleasure, or possibly just pain, on an Earth that is very different
from what you know now?
For one thing, at this time, because of free will factors, we still
don't know if the Earth of the immediate future will even be
inhabitable. But regardless of whether it is or not, the main thing
you can do is to become a truly good person, an Unselfishly Loving
If there is to be any intervention (the flow, God/hierarchical help,
extra-terrestrial or whatever), the
humans who have changed to a new vibration, a harmless, caring,
Unselfishly Loving vibration, are the people who will be 'safe' -
one way or another.
If the Earth becomes uninhabitable, or
there is not intervention, those who have transcended this plane by
becoming Unselfishly Loving, can just go on to a higher plane.
And if you were a "higher being" from
outside this plane, intervening and saving people,
Who would you choose to save?
The selfish who live out of
harmony with the Universe and Nature?
Or the Unselfishly Loving, who
live in harmony with the rest of the Universe?
But many people think they will be saved
from the tribulations.
Indeed. What a surprise they have in store if they don't change.
There are many people out there who are under the delusion that they
are going to be saved from facing the trials that are coming up for
us all.
And they think that they don't need to
do anything - except perhaps, talk about it, or 'believe' in this or
Some think Jesus will
'save' them, without them becoming really good people, just
because they believe in Jesus.
Some think aliens will save
them, some think they'll go to 'the 4th
dimension'. The biggest "hole" I see with these hopeful,
'wishful thinking" scenarios, is the lack of personal
responsibility that they allow for.
Some believe that ONLY whatever
they think, or believe, or 'accept', will totally create
their reality. So they think that if they don't 'give
energy' to Earth changes or the coming chaos and
destructions, they will not be subject to them, because they
did not create them for themselves - so they won't have to
experience them. But they take this precept to the extreme -
and this precept is only half of a paradox - only partially
We are talking about reality here. And
Universal Reality.
Our species has been running the red
lights of nature. They have run the big red lights and broken
Universal Law. You personally have probably done so also, unless you
are already enlightened.
Most of the people of the world have run
the big red lights. And there simply is NO way of escaping the
consequences of breaking Universal Law. Unlike on Earth, with
man-made laws, there is ultimate justice in this Universe. That
is Karma.
Teacher, why do so many people
believe they will be saved from all these things at the last
Despite a lack of logic regarding there being any substance to
the various fantastic theories of unearned salvation, and a
preponderance of evidence that we are facing REAL ecological and
socio-political disaster, the illogical salvation theories are
what many people desperately want to hear and believe - so they
They buy into this mental/emotional
panacea, this religious 'fire insurance'.
Why? Why do they close their eyes when opening them is their
best chance to get through whatever happens?
Simple. Fear and laziness.
The selfish separate self doesn't
want to die and let the Inner Being take its place on the
throne, nor does it want to face its Karma, or the reality of
the Karma created by what has been done to the entire Earth. So
they exhibit the 'Ostrich Syndrome' - they hide their heads and
think they're safe.
They do this because they're so full of fear that they don't
think objectively or logically, thus they are more than happy to
accept these unfounded theories of,
'Salvation without need for
personal purification, enlightenment, or responsibility'.
Just think for a moment,
Why would we deserve such
unjustified salvation?
Do you really believe the
Universe works that way?
Do you not think there are
Universal Laws that govern the functioning of all things?
Do you think you can break those
laws and nothing will happen?
What alien or higher being, who
really is a higher being, is going to save parasites that
are so destructive, so disharmonious to nature and Universal

That's what ALL unenlightened humans are - destructive, inharmonious
parasites. Or like a virus, or bacterial infection in the body of
the Earth.
What if the destructive
parasites are ordinary, relatively nice people with 'good'
beliefs, even the metaphysical beliefs or religious beliefs
such as many religions have?
Do you know what the Universe's
response to that is?
'SO WHAT...'
If there is going to be any outside
help, from the predicted return of the Christ, to the
space brothers, to whatever, the logic is that they are only
going to save those who are truly different from the rest - truly
worthy of saving.
Meditation is not going to do it for
you. And just having a lot of metaphysical knowledge, or religious
beliefs, certainly doesn't make you worth saving. Neither does being
a relatively good person.
If that's what you think, you'll have a
big and unnecessary shock when the changes come to your door, and
you stare death in the face, only to realize you aren't
ready, when you could've been!
How many of you can say you are truly giving, that you care about
others more than yourself, that you love Unselfishly all the time,
and that you have truly and completely transcended your selfish
separate self and your physical body and mind? Not many.
And if you haven't changed in that way,
you'd better get busy, and you'd better make it your top priority.
Drop everything else you are doing in
your life and get busy with what is really important and eternal -
before it's too late. Be brave, and take a completely honest look
within yourself.
Are you truly good enough to live in a perfect paradisiacal world?
Look for, and see the things about you that still need perfecting.
Be glad when you find the imperfections! It means you've seen them
early enough to do something about them! Face the things you have
been avoiding.
Do the things that inside you know you
must do. Change for the better, so that you can save yourself, so
you can be saved, so you can go on to a wonderful place - whether it
be on a physical plane or a spiritual one.
And if you think you have truly changed and transcended yourself,
consider this: those who achieve the death of the selfish separate
self, and thusly attain enlightenment/Universal Consciousness,
either leave this plane, or stay to be a true teacher, and help
others achieve the same.
When you meet those who only have
knowledge, and only tell of wisdoms and truths by moving their lips,
and talking about it, or worse, telling people they don't need to do
anything but 'think positive' or 'believe in Jesus', or just
believe in anyone or anything, you tell them this:
You will not be saved, nor can you
be helping other people be saved - i.e., helping them become
truly loving and enlightened, while just disseminating theories
of 'Don't worry.
Just go with the flow and don't bust
your buns changing to be an Unselfishly Loving person.
Just have positive thoughts and
faith and you'll be taken to paradise in the 'rapture', or the
'4th dimension', or to a 'wonderful new planet
you can trash again'
Or, 'Don't worry, the space brothers
will fix all the toxic waste and neutralize the bombs.'
Surprise, surprise! You must act. You
must change.
You must live as the grand master taught us through his
examples on earth!
All of us were so moved, and stunned, that we were silent for at
least five minutes. Along the same subject, one day I had asked my
teacher about all the references I'd read about God's "chosen
This is what he had to say:
"The ancient teachings say the
'chosen ones' are not 'chosen' because of genetics, their
heritage, beliefs, being God's favorite brats, or through
knowledge - they are the ones who have made themselves 'chosen'
- vibrationally changed by their own hard work and
Thus, if there is intervention in the hard times, or last days
of life as we know it now on Earth, the true 'chosen' will be
recognized by their enlightened, selflessly loving vibrational
And if there is no intervention, the
'chosen' (those who chose to change for real), will still have
vibrationally mandated their rise to a higher plane of
existence, when the time comes to leave here - because they are
the ones who have gone through the fires of purification in
order to become totally harmless and giving.
You had better get real. You had
better wake up. You had better dispel your self-centeredness."
Love is the answer.
Any questions...?