by Catherine J. Frompovich
February 15,
ActivistPost Website
Catherine J Frompovich (website)
is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced
degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences,
Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus
Paralegal Studies.
Her work has been
published in national and airline magazines since the
early 1980s.
Catherine authored
numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring
papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and
holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a
consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting. |

Is global warming
Or, is it a
man-made myth?
What are your
thoughts about the abnormal weather patterns the USA has
been experiencing over the past several years?
Do you think
science is capable of monkeying around with the weather to
cause droughts and floods?
Well, one analytical
geoscientist, J. Marvin Herndon, PhD, of Transdyne
Corporation in San Diego, California, has found what may amount to
"smoking gun" proof global warming is deliberate.
Back on July 2015, I published an interview with Dr Herndon, "The
Four Horsemen of the Weather Apocalypse" wherein he talked about his
findings of coal fly ash in what's been dubbed "chemtrails," those
artificially-produced sky graffiti lines some think are contrails.
Here's a graphic indication of the difference:

Here's a very short video (1:28 minutes) on the difference between a
contrail and a chemtrail:
This video details some independent research regarding chemtrails.
This 12 minute video contains information from a supposed "military
chemtrail pilot."
Now that readers are familiarized with chemtrails, I'm going to
discuss what Dr Herndon found as a result of what apparently was a
"fortuitous" accidental release by an aircraft of an oily-ashy
substance onto homes and vehicles in Harrison Township, Michigan
(USA), on or about February 14, 2016.
According to the Press Release Dr Herndon put out dated February 3,
On or about February 14, 2016, an oily-ashy substance fell on seven
residences and vehicles in Harrison Township, Michigan, USA.
Commander of nearby Selfridge Air National Guard Base in Michigan
told the press that the release was not from a military plane. Upon
being queried as to whether a government agency or contractor plane
was involved, Brig. Gen. John D. Slocum did not respond.
that this was an accidental release from a covert geoengineering
activity, geoscientist J. Marvin Herndon of Transdyne Corporation,
"obtained samples of the material from one of the residents whose
property was splattered from above and had the material analyzed.
The material was also sampled and analyzed by officials from the
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality."
In a recent article
in the Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science
International, Dr. Herndon reports that,
"the results of those
analyses provide evidence of a deliberate operation to melt ice and
snow, which is consistent with the hypothesis that aerosolized coal
fly ash is being used to deliberately enhance global warming."
Excuse me, but did Dr Herndon say there's a,
"deliberate operation to
melt ice and snow and there's a possibility aerosolized coal fly ash
is being used to deliberately enhance global warming?"
Yes, he did...!
And here's what Dr Herndon came up with to substantiate his claim.
It's what I, and others who track weather geoengineering, call
"weather warfare."
In Dr Herndon's article, "An Indication of Intentional Efforts to
Cause Global Warming and Glacier Melting," one finds the following:
The principle involved in inhibiting rain is simple and is well
known from pollution studies.
Micron and sub-micron
particulate-pollution matter, when sprayed into a region where
clouds form, keeps moisture droplets from coalescing to form drops
sufficiently heavy to fall as rain or snow.
Eventually, the moisture
laden clouds must release their aqueous burden potentially causing
storms and downpours.
The military and covert-activity implications
are clear: Spray particulate matter into the air above a perceived
enemy, destroy the agricultural economy, decimate livestock and
cause hardship and starvation.
[Page 3]
Dr Herndon goes on to say,
In the last several years tropospheric
particulate-matter spraying
has become a near-daily activity over much of the world without
official acknowledgement and without informed consent of those who
breathe air that is contaminated with these tiny particles […]
[He] discovered three independent lines of evidence that the
tropospheric geoengineering particulate-pollution consists mainly of
coal combustion fly ash […]
When sprayed into the troposphere,
coal fly ash inhibits rain/snow fall, absorbs atmospheric moisture,
enhances the electrical conductivity of atmospheric moisture, warms
the atmosphere, and blocks radiation from the surface into space.
When the coal fly ash with its typically dark gray color settles to
Earth, it absorbs sunlight and changes the albedo of snow and ice
which aids in its melting.
In other words, in addition to causing
drought, when sprayed into the troposphere on a near-global,
near-daily basis as at present, the aerosolized coal fly ash warms
the planet, causing deliberate anthropogenic global warming of a
different type than caused by greenhouse gases.
Source: J Marvin Herndon, PhD

In the above photograph marked "Air-Drop" with car, one sees the extent of
damage to the car.
The "Air-Drop" glob is a sample of the material dropped, which Dr
Herndon thinks is man-made
Cryoconite, which he calls "proto-cryoconite."
The "Cryoconite" photo shows what natural Cryoconite looks like
under a microscope.
The "Cryoconite holes in glacier" depicts what natural Cryoconite
does to induce ice and glacier melting.
Naturally-produced Cryoconite,
"is a granular sediment found on glacier surfaces
comprising both mineral and biological material.
Due to its dark
color, cryoconite efficiently absorbs solar radiation and 'drills'
quasi-circular holes up to tens of centimeters deep into glacier
ice surface."
Dr Herndon says,
"Patterns of
quasi-circular holes, sometimes called 'cryoconite holes' are observed on ablating glacier surfaces
The "Cryoconite holes in glacier" photo above was taken
on the Greenland ice sheet, courtesy of Joseph Cook.
According to Dr Herndon,
"Clearly, the air-drop material is not
mainly coal combustion fly ash, but, as evidence indicates, coal fly
ash is a commonly used geoengineering material."
So what else did
they find in the "air drop"?
The elements found were,
In his article, Dr Herndon offers,
"The air-drop material, I posit,
is synthetic cryoconite or proto-cryoconite, whose purpose is to
melt glacial ice." […]
"One can reasonably infer that the
apparently accidental, momentary release of the air-drop material
over Harrison Township is not a unique instance unto itself, but is
indicative of part of a much larger systematic effort to melt
glacial ice."
As an aside, Dane Wigington of GeoEngineeringWatch.org consistently
has filed reports about how the Arctic region has been so much
warmer and sea ice is melting dramatically.

And there is the
measurable methane emissions
from the Arctic.
Excessive methane
burst North and East of Greenland.
07 31 2016
(Thanks Harold Hansell)
Coal fly ash is not an 'inert' byproduct of coal-fired power plants;
it's hazardous waste and very expensive to dispose of too. So,
fluoride, humans are made to ingest it!
According to Wikipedia,
Constituents depend upon the
coal bed makeup
but may include one or more of the following elements or
substances found in trace concentrations (up to hundreds ppm):
...along with very small concentrations of
PAH compounds.
Conclusions Dr Herndon expresses
in his paper are nothing short of stunning!
The results of
this investigation provide evidence that is indicative of a
deliberate effort to hasten the melting of glaciers, and thereby
hasten global warming.
Considerable time, effort and expense
was required to develop the air-drop material, that I refer to
as synthetic cryoconite, or proto-cryoconite, and to develop and
test the technology to dispense that material from the air in a
systematic and effective manner; consequently, it seems unlikely
that this was simply a local operation […]
worldwide should call for, and indeed demand, a full and open
investigation into these covert geoengineering activities whose
potential impacts on Earth's climate system, the integrity of
Earth's biota, and on human health may prove to be extremely