by David Archibald
July 20,
AmericanThinker Website

This article
provides a critical historical between the doctrines
of Nazi Germany and modern Sustainable Development,
Green Economy and Technocracy.
I have
documented that the U.S. Technocracy movement, once
based at Columbia University in 1932, established a
sister organization in Nazi Germany by 1933.
Technocracy was
very appealing to German scientists and engineers
and while the ideology lived on, the organization
itself was terminated by Hitler because of perceived
competition to his budding dictatorship.
today’s doctrine of Sustainable Development, aka
Technocracy, finds deep roots in Hitler’s
environmental ideology and practice.
Needless to
say, modern agents of Technocracy will go to great
lengths to distance themselves from these historical
Why study history, and such an ugly subject as the Nazi rise in the
Weimar Republic?
Because, quoting
George Santayana,
'those who cannot
remember the past are condemned to repeat it.'
It seems we have
forgotten a lot, because, as a civilization, we are repeating the
mad Nazi schemes of renewable energy on a massive scale.
A good source document is this book:

Cover of
Technology and Economy in Third Reich - A Program for Work
Franz Lawaszeck, published in 1933
Dr. Franz Lawaszeck was an inventor and manufacturer of
hydropower turbines in Bavaria.
As an early member of
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (the National
Socialist German Workers' Party or Nazi Party), he soon became a
prominent spokesman about the economic policy of the party,
especially energy policy.
He was clearly in the
left-wing anti-capitalist part of the party and had a close relation
to other leftist National Socialists such as,
Goebbels, etc.
His book starts by
decrying the capitalist state and calling for the life-essential
equilibrium that can exist only in a corporatist state.
Dr Lawaszeck begins discussing energy on page 10. Big industries in
a capitalist society have an advantage in that they can produce
their own power on site for 1.5-2.0 pfennig/kWh, whereas small
businesses pay 10-25 pfennig/kWh.
Then, on to page 12 and the hydrogen economy:
It seems that the
transformation of society to a hydrogen society is an important
step to a new industrial revolution. We shall use this "vorsprung
durch technik" (advantage by technology).
Hydrogen engines are
more powerful than engines driven by diesel or benzene.
With the inexpensive
oxygen, it will be cheaper to manufacture and weld steel. So we
could successfully compete on the world market and export more.
We can then pay back
our national debt, even when we have reduced the interest to
On page 47, he gets into
the intended Nazi transformation of the power industry:
In short, industry's
needs can be filled by hydro-wind power and coal.
Coal is wasted
because it is so cheap, so long-term economic effects are not
taken into consideration. Coal would be much better utilized for
making valuable chemicals and other products. Hydro and wind
power can provide up to 80% of energy.
The renewable energy
is flowing and free. Why aren't they used more? Interest on
money is the greatest obstacle for making hydro and wind
As long we have
interest on money, it will restrict the use of hydropower.
Then on to the hydrogen
economy on page 60:
Our mission is to
build the new hydro and wind power plants independent of the
electrical grid, so they produce valuable storable energy in the
form of hydrogen gas.
Hydrogen can easily
be stored and transported in pipelines. Hydrogen will be
produced by pressure electrolysis, so the gas will be compressed
without extra energy consumption.
And then more on
wind power:
Wind power, using the
cost-free wind, can be built on a large scale. Improved
technology will in the future make it no more expensive than
thermal power.
This is technically
and economically possible and opens up a quite new
life-important type of power generation. The future of wind is
no longer small windmills, but very large real power plants.
The wind towers must
be at least 100 m (330 ft) high, the higher the better, ideally
with rotors 100 m (330 ft) in diameter.
This kind of high
cage mast is already built in the shape of high radio masts.

Design for a 1,300-foot-high wind tower
producing 20 MW
Also from the Nazi national newspaper Volkischer Beobachter
(the People's Observer) of February 24, 1932:

In a sensational
speech by the constructor of the biggest steel towers in
Germany, the well known engineer Hermann Honnef from the
Rhineland, at the Institute of Physics of the Technical
University (Hochschule) in Berlin, mentioned that in the height
between 70 to 90 meters (230 to 300 ft), a high wind zone is
starting that can deliver wind energy.
Honnef had in
yearlong research constructed a high-zone wind power project,
which he declared in details. The influence of variable wind is
eliminated totally.
The most interesting
result of his experiments is that it is possible to use the
different strengths of wind in different areas to a degree, that
only 3 to 5% in the yearly peak demand is left.
This is a huge
improvement compared with the much bigger variability of hydro
power. He will combine hydro power with his wind power
constructions, which are delivering the base electricity, and in
this way improve the utility of hydro power considerably.
The surplus
electricity from the windmills, situated along the sea coast,
will be used for the production of very inexpensive hydrogen.
This will make many
products less expensive. Fertilizers will fall in price. The
hydration of coal to liquids will be cost-effective.
The cost can be
reduced from 17 pfennig per liter (64 pfennig per gallon) to 7-8
pfennig per liter (26-30 pfennig per gallon). In this way about
one billion Reichsmark can be saved, which today goes abroad
(for importing oil).
The 300,000 workers
in the coal mining industry can keep their jobs, 200,000 in the
mines and 100,000 for the liquefaction of coal. The cost savings
will make it possible that an additional 400,000 workers can be
paid in the transforming process of the industry
Big and small farms shall get the possibility to purchase
electricity in surplus times at very reasonable prices, from 6
p.m. to 8 a.m. and 12 noon to 1 p.m.
At least 1 million
new small farms shall be established.
The cheap electricity
makes it possible to heat the land, and then get a third
harvest. Again, billions can be saved, which we normally pay to
foreign countries for vegetables, salad, fruits, etc.
During the night,
electricity of about 1 kWh for 1 square meter (11 square feet)
of land will be sufficient.
One of the
1,300-foot-high wind towers would have taken 27,500 tons of steel to
make, approaching the amount used in
the Scharnhorst.
So wiser heads prevailed,
and the Nazi renewables push petered out by 1936. But another
pernicious Nazi influence was rising.
Hermann Flohn,
born in 1912, received his doctorate in 1934 and began work for the
German Meteorological Service. In 1941, he published the first
German-language article on global warming, the title of which
translates as The Activity of Man as a Climate Factor.
Also in that year, he
became the chief meteorologist for the Luftwaffe High Command,
providing advice for
Operation Barbarossa.
Herr Flohn survived the
war and was still publishing alarmist papers on global warming 40
years later - for example, the title of this paper in the journal
Umschau in 1980:

Translates as "CO2-Induced Warmth More Dangerous than
Nuclear Energy."
These sentences tell you
all you need to know from it:
Up to a value of 450
ppm, there are apparently only risks that can be countered by an
adaptation strategy(.)
A really catastrophic climate can only be expected at about 750
ppm: the freezing of the Arctic ice ocean shifts the climate and
precipitation belts around 600 to 800 km (375 to 500 mi) to the
North Pole (less to the South Pole).
So if you have ever
wondered about the intellectual origins of renewable energy and
global warming, they had their beginnings during an ugly period of
history - through misanthropic schemes created by people with a