by Alex Myles
July 10,
Gostica Website

Indigos receive their designation
when their surrounding aura is predominately indigo in color. I will
use the term Indigo here,
however, many of the traits are very similar to those found in "old
The concept of an Indigo person was developed in the 1970s when it
was discovered that many children who were born in the 60s or 70s
had strong indigo auras.
It is believed that Indigo children are born to a parent who has had
some form of spiritual awakening during their lifetime.
This awakening results in
our DNA
altering slightly so that when we pro-create, the children that are
produced have also been awakened spiritually.
Indigos are able to tap into the collective consciousness, which
thousands of years ago was a perfectly normal thing to do. However,
as our DNA began to learn how to store memories, many of us now rely
too heavily on the data held in our memories to make our decisions
for us, rather than using our conscious state.
DNA records and stores our cell’s memories in the same way as a tape
recorder does. [1] As we go through life we search for
data in our DNA (tape recorder) rather than tapping into our higher
This has caused us to lose our ability to tap into this higher
consciousness and instead means we allow our pasts to make sense of
the situations we are in and also make sub-conscious decisions about
the information that we are constantly receiving.
When people tap into their higher consciousness, a part of their DNA
alters and strengthens.
This then means that the DNA we pass onto our offspring will also
store this data and this will form part of our children’s blueprint,
allowing them to also be able to access this consciousness, and this
will become stronger and easier as generations pass on these genes.
The children that are born to those who have accessed this ability
are Indigo children.
Indigo is a very rich, deep midnight blue color mixed with violet
which gives it a very regal shade.
Indigos relate strongly
The brow/sixth chakra
also known as the third eye, which is located at the centre
of the forehead, relates to the color purple.
An Old Soul or Indigo personality will be able to see things from
their higher self, rather than for the purpose of the ego or for
financial or material reward.
Often the easiest way to be able to tell if someone is an Indigo is
by asking if they resonate with the color indigo.
Even if indigo is not the favored color choice, it will very likely
strike a powerful resonation and no explanation is needed as to why
this is - it is an intuitive connection based on the vibrations of
energy in our surrounding auras.
Indigos have an
inner knowing that is far more
powerful than psychic abilities.
Rather than thinking,
Indigos use feeling to make sense of the world. They observe the
electromagnetic vibrations that everyone sends out and then have the
ability to translate the energy to understand it.
Indigos take responsibility for their own lives and also use their
intuition to follow their intended path. They are desperate to find
the meaning of their life and the missing answers that are found
within the hidden and subliminal messages that everyday life
Indigos will literally feel as though they have been born on the
wrong planet. They will feel alien-like while in the company of
others who do not resonate with their experience.
Indigos may feel as though they are the black sheep of the family or
that they are the lone wolves of society. This is because they do
not gel with others well, unless they are vibrating on the same
Indigos will often recreate their own families by forming a bond of
friendships with those who are similar. They often refer to those
they resonate deeply with as their soul families or warrior tribes
or something similar.
Authority will be an area that Indigos struggle with and this will
likely start within the education system. Rules and regulations will
not make sense and Indigos will easily manage to weave their way
through systems paying little regard to social norms and unwritten
An Indigo often does not need to gain formal educational
qualifications to prove their intellect or abilities, and instead
will find their own path to their own kind of success. Success to an
Indigo will begin and end with their soul being nourished and
providing service to others.
Everything else that comes from their success is seen as a
by-product and will hold very little value compared with the rewards
that are soul-deep.
One of the main traits of Indigos is a strong intuition and psychic
ability and many are clairvoyants, even if they are not fully aware
of this part of themselves.
Indigos wish to create harmony. They want to feel at one with the
earth and long for all humans, animals and all living organisms to
unite in peace. An Indigo’s soul finds it difficult to rest and
fully relax whilst there is suffering here on earth.
Many additives that are added to foods and drinks will be
intolerable for an Indigo. Sensitivities to chemicals will be very
likely and the only substances that settle well in an Indigo’s
system will be natural ones.
This is also the same for cosmetics, or cleaning products, causing
the skin to flare or react badly when it comes into close contact
with these things. All of these intolerances are ways of seeing what
the world needs to change to create a better world for future
An Indigo will have an innate desire to serve humanity and to jump
to the defense of anyone or anything that is in need. They fight for
equality and will go to any length to support those who may need
help or assistance in any way.
Indigos thrive on honesty and integrity and anything else will feel
like a stain on their soul that they will work to remove.
They make mistakes, tell lies and trip up many times, however, they
have a very strong sense of what is right and what is wrong and when
they do fail to make the right decisions they will do whatever they
can to reroute their journeys so that they do not fall over the same
obstacles time and again.
Indigos are on a mission to clear the cobwebs away from
illusions and even though it is often painfully blinding to view
reality they will adjust their perception continuously until they
see things with the greatest clarity possible.
Indigos are,
They’re the charismatic
old souls whose wise eyes give them away as they fearlessly look
straight through you and deep down into the dark vortex within.