by Mike Adams
August 24, 2017
NaturalNews Website

A shocking scientific study (Prescription
Opioid Use, Misuse, and Use Disorders in U.S. Adults - 2015 National
Survey on Drug Use and Health) published in the Annals
of Internal Medicine finds that 38% of Americans were prescribed
addictive opioid painkillers in 2015.
In addition, 1 in 8
Americans are said to be active alcoholics.
With millions more
Americans on psychiatric drugs, antidepressants, statin drugs and
chemotherapy, it's no exaggeration to say that America is a
drugged-out nation.
“It's a zombie
nation,” I explain in the video below.
A whopping 5% of American
adults are currently abusing prescription opioids and 1% of American
adults are chemically addicted to opioids.
According to the CDC, opioid drugs are now killing 33,000 Americans.
This is a war on America, all conducted in the name of Big Pharma
profits and the mass chemical intoxication of the masses (read
It's no coincidence, either, that a mass drugged-out population
loses its ability to reason, making it highly vulnerable to fake
news from the lying mainstream media, which now seems determined to
destroy reason, vilify rationality and overthrow the Republic.
Learn the truth about the mass fatalities caused by toxic drugs at
