by Leda De Zwaan
June 10, 2016
TheSpiritScience Website

This article is on
family karma,
energetic ties
and your family
being your biggest
trigger and
What is family
Family karma is
the karma of your ancestral
bloodline, from your parents down to you.
Say your father was the
most spiritually developed within his family and he had five
siblings, he would be the carrier of 'energetic blockages' in the
karmic family line. He is carrying this burden from when he was born
and will continue to do so his whole life, unless he releases it.
It is a passing down of
energy either through physical and verbal means, or completely
energetic and subconscious.
It can affect the way in which you interact with your family on an
unconscious level.
If you consider yourself sensitive and are born out of two
spiritually burdened parents, it can seem like you're carrying twice
the load. Many of us don't naturally get along with our parents, and
sometimes this has to do with energetic ties to past experiences.
Everything is
fundamentally energy, so
our consciousness exists beyond
physicality and our understanding of linear time.

We have experienced life before this incarnation. Many of the people
in your family are consciousness you have known before this life,
and have chosen to come to Earth together.
Depending on the path of
your past, you may have chosen to take on a more intense life to
balance out your karma.
We are Source consciousness projecting itself onto the 3D to better
understand itself.
From this perspective,
there is no good or
bad; there just is...
So, many have chosen to
experience a life as a killer, and the killed to gain more insight
from both perspectives and better understand the
nature of reality.
You and your mother may have had karmic building experiences in the
past, anything from hurting another to refusing to learn a lesson.
Everything needs to balance, so if you caused a lot of destruction
in your past life, you may be at the other end of it during this
Family patterns get passed on from all the way back from ancestors,
to great grandparents, to grandparents to parents, to you.
For example,
Your grandma's
theme was being too mild. She always took care of other
people and let herself be used by everyone. Grandpa's theme
could be something alcoholism and smoking.
Your mother's
theme then translates to a self sacrificial energy. This can
look a unfocused attention, lack of love for oneself or her
children. These traditions get passed down in the exact same
way oppression, false truth and hierarchy do. It perpetuates
the system and keeps the mass consciousness at a lower,
dense level.
You, as a child
of your parents, have the DNA karma of what has been passed
down to you. It could be incredibly mild or extremely
intense. It is very specific to each of us.
Traits of you being the
carrier of family karma:
You are the most
spiritually developed person and the most conscious one
amongst your parents and siblings.
You've always
felt different from your family; you've felt a grave
distance to who they are and how they behave.
Sometimes you
inexplicably fall ill and have the feeling you are carrying
the weight of the world on your shoulders.
You have been
entangled in bizarre family matters more than once.
You recognize
family patterns in your parents and ancestors, and you
actually understand it enough to change it.
So how do you
cut all the energetic cords?
People may not resonate with the part of you that is "different" and
at odds with their outlook on life.
Releasing the ties to the
parental energy means first and foremost to release the energy from
your own mind and emotions. It is about looking within and finding
out to what extent you live by your parents' set of illusions, by
their do's and don'ts which were based on fear and judgment.
Once you are clear about this and you are able to let that go, you
will be free to forgive them and really "leave the parental house."
It is only after you sever the cords on the inner level and take
responsibility for your own life that you can really let your
parents be.
You will have clearly said "no" to their fears and illusions, but at
the same time you will see that your parents are not identical with
their fears and illusions.
They also are cosmic
travelers simply trying to fulfill their
soul mission.
Once you feel this, you can feel their innocence and you can
forgive. They did their best, to love you, in a way that they could.
If you can feel in your heart that they did their best, even when
best seems lackluster - they did what they knew how to do.
In a sense you have been the victim of your parents - your parents
might have represented ego based consciousness in your childhood.
You have temporarily and partly lived according to their illusions.
In a way you had no
choice, as their child.
However to transcend your
sense of being the victim here is one of the most powerful
breakthroughs you can have in your life.
How can you
transform family patterns?
It takes deep introspection and sometimes meditation to get to the
core of any reoccurring problems in your life. They are the result
of behavioral patterns that, once fully understood, you can start to
It takes time and it all starts with the choice:
"I want to be my own
master, my own energy my own soul, my own karma-carrier. I am My
own carrier."
You are filled with
One of the first steps is
simply believe that you are…