by Dawn Bailey,
May 13, 2018
In5D Website

I wrote about 5th dimensional negative energy and
higher that I look for when helping someone.
These energies will leave
you alone until right before ascension to the 5th. They
try and hold you down
from ascending by lowering your
I am now going to go into the 4th dimensional energies to
watch out for. These, of course, are meant to keep you from raising
your vibration
for ascension too.
Demons and
Entities are the ones most are familiar with.
There are
different ones, but they all do the same. They cause
negative emotions and thoughts that can mentally wear you
down. They can be very painful to those that feel energy.
They exaggerate
your feelings and can cause you to act out of character.
Perhaps they
might make you say something or act in a way that isn't you,
but will not be able to stop yourself. Once removed, you
will go back to normal behavior.
are a type of demon, but these can get into your electronics
and cause some crazy problems.
They do attach to
people, also. They have the ability to leave and come back
so they can sometimes be tricky to find and catch.
weapons and objects. These don't move around and
stay in a small, concentrated area. They can be quite
painful to those that feel energy.
Parasite Entities (SPE) and Super Imposed
Influences (SII) are meant to lower your vibration
by exaggerating your negative thoughts and emotions.
I feel SPE's as a
dull, throbbing pain in a small area, usually on my back. I
feel SII's as a heavy pressure on my shoulders, almost as
someone having their hands on my shoulders and pushing down
on them with their hands.
Souls are earth bound
souls that never crossed over
and are trapped on earth due to unresolved
karma. Ghosts fit
in this category.
They will be
attracted to people who have the same unresolved karma as
they did when living, such as addictions, anger problems,
Elementals are
nature spirits that also live in the lower world, too.
Most are not
harmful, such as fairies or pixies. One to look out for is
the wraith. Wraiths are black, sticky, and oozy with hooks
that attach to the back and spread out, eventually wrapping
and hooking around someone's meridians.
are mischievous and don't hurt you but will try and scare
For example,
things might get thrown around your house or doors may open
and close by themselves. They like to hide in cabinets and
closets. My first encounter with one in my house was scary.
It went around
knocking stuff over and then, when I opened a cabinet, a
plastic cup was thrown at me. It missed me because they
can't hurt you, only scare you.
I shut all my
windows but one and ordered it to leave out the open window,
and it did.
are demons that attach to women and men, eventually causing
sex addictions and sexually demeaning behavior. I have know
a few men and one woman with these demons.
They can cause
risky harmful sexual behavior, such as sex addictions and
promiscuity that causes a person to suffer.
Curses, Spells, Bindings, and
Petitions are forms of witchcraft.
My problem with
witchcraft is that almost everything I have seen is designed
to interfere with another persons freewill or cause harm. A
spell or curse is a form of intent that sends out a negative
thought form, harmful entity, or pattern.
If you have a
string of unbelievable bad luck, it could be caused by a
One lady I helped
had all her bank accounts drained, her credit cards stolen
and ran up, and a car accident, all in a week.
I knew two
ladies that practiced
The number one
rule of Wicca is cause no harm, but these ladies ignored
that rule. They used to be friends and ran a metaphysical
shop together. They had a falling out and were no longer
friends or partners.
Since I knew
both, I knew they were doing some witchcraft to each other.
One of them even showed me the doll she had bound to bind
her ex friend and partner.
Eventually both
these ladies had massive health problems and got very sick.
Whatever you send to another person comes back to you worse
than what you sent.
This is a universal law
that no one can avoid.
All negative energy is designed to cause suffering and distractions
from you living your purpose. Everyone has the capability to heal
themselves. Stay on your path and you will find your own way to heal
until you find your own healing method that works for you.
You may need to have some
help, perhaps from a healer. I went to a healer before I learned how
and she helped me. I learned my own method by watching her work on
Just like going to a doctor for physical illnesses, you may need to
go to a healer for spiritual illnesses.
Shamans, energy healers, or reiki practitioners are here
to help you along your journey. It is also important to follow daily
spiritual cleansing practices.
Just like showering every
day, you need to take care of your aura and chakras, too.
Someone with blocked
chakras and a weak aura are much easier for them to attach to. If
you feel drained of energy and in a negative mindset, get your
spiritual health checked.
Spiritual imbalances, if
left too long, can manifest into physical illnesses...