by John Vibes
August 07,
TruthTheory Website

In recent years, the world has finally begun to take notice of the
declining bee populations, and people are starting to
understand the impact that this could have on the ecosystem.
Slowly, people who care
are working to correct this problem with some inventive solutions.
The father-son duo behind the "Flow Hive" took notice of this
problem over ten years ago, and worked tirelessly to make their
honey business more friendly to the bees.
After roughly a decade of research, Stuart and Cedar
Anderson released an
Indiegogo-funded invention called "Flow
The idea behind their invention was to replicate a real beehive and
harvest honey without causing any harm or posing any risk to the
bees or their home.

Cedar Anderson is a third-generation beekeeper from Nimbin,
Australia, and has been tinkering with beehives and the associated
technology since he was a young child.
Cedar was inspired to create a harm free beehive after his brother
was stung during the honey extraction process.
Eventually, once Cedar had a working prototype, he put a video
online showing the prototype and explaining his idea, hoping to
raise $70,000 for a tool that was needed for the factory.

However, much to the family's surprise, the IndieGoGo campaign
raised over $2 million dollars in one day, and would go on to be the
most successful campaign in the website's history, raising over $12
million in total.
In just a single day, the Anderson's lives were changed forever, and
they were left with the monumental task of shipping out 24,000
orders to over 130 countries.

However, instead of just retiring and enjoying their riches, the
Andersons have donated their profits towards a network of
pollination projects that are working to protect wild habitats.
"We're proud to have
donated 100% of profits from the sale of our Flow Pollinator
House to nine local grassroots pollinator projects in Australia
and the United States that are at work protecting wild habitats
all around the world.
Pollinators need
large areas of habitat to flourish - the more we can do to
protect and conserve native habitats, the more opportunities
these tiny environmental champions will have to do their
important work," Cedar said.
As the video below shows,
the Flow beehive is a game-changer in beekeeping:
This invention makes the
process far more efficient for the beekeepers and much safer for the
Earlier this year, Truth Theory reported that actor Morgan
Freeman turned his 124-acre ranch in Mississippi into a
sanctuary for bees. Freeman said that the bees seem to appreciate
his help.
He has never been stung
while working with the bees, and he doesn't even wear any protective