December 05,
MonashUniversity Website
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The Ethics of Neuroscience' which is episode four of 'A
Different Lens' examines the fundamental questions being raised by
our growing understanding of
the human brain.
New technologies are allowing us to have control over the human
brain like never before.
As we push the
possibilities we must ask ourselves,
what is neuroscience
today and how far is too far?
The world's best
neurosurgeons can now provide treatments for things that were
previously untreatable, such as Parkinson's and clinical depression.
Many patients are cured,
while others develop side effects such as erratic behavior and
changes in their personality.
Not only do we have greater understanding of,
clinical psychology
forensic psychology
criminal psychology,
...we also have more
Professional athletes and
gamers are now using this technology - some of it untested - to
improve performance. However, with these amazing possibilities come
great ethical concerns.
This manipulation of
the brain has far-reaching effects,
the law
health industries,
...and beyond.
We need to investigate
the capabilities
of neuroscience and ask the ethical questions that
will determine how far we can push the science of mind and behavior.
Adrian Carter
Senior Research Fellow, Psychology
Adrian is a leading figure in Addiction
Neuroethics. He studies the impact of
neuroscience on our understanding and treatment
of addiction and other compulsive behaviors.
Core topics include notions of agency, identity
and moral responsibility; public and patient
understanding of addiction; the use of coercion
in the treatment of addiction and mental
illness; the capacity for voluntary control of
addictive or compulsive behaviors; and the use
of emerging technologies, such as deep brain
stimulation and brain imaging, to treat
addiction and other mental illnesses.
Paul Fitzgerald
Professor of Psychiatry, Deputy Director
and Consultant Psychiatrist at the Monash Alfred
Psychiatry Research Centre
Paul is both a researcher and a clinical
psychiatrist. He uses brain stimulation and
neuroimaging techniques to conduct investigative
studies of brain function / dysfunction in
disorders such as schizophrenia, depression,
obsessive compulsive disorder, substance abuse
and autism. In addition, he conducts a broad
program of clinical trials of novel brain
stimulation techniques.
Jamie Walvisch
Lecturer, School of Law
Jamie’s research focuses on the intersection
between mental health and criminal law. He is
particularly interested in the way mental health
issues should be taken into account in the
sentencing context, as well as in broader
questions of criminal responsibility and
culpability. He teaches units on Criminal Law,
Forensic Evidence, Lawyer's Ethics and
Professional Practice.
Narelle Warren
Lecturer, School of Social Sciences
Narelle is a medical anthropologist whose
research explores the everyday experiences of
chronic conditions and disability, including how
care is arranged, negotiated, and deployed in
practice. Her current research focuses on
understanding the relationship between the lived
experience of neurological conditions,
biomedical representations of the brain and
temporality, from both the perspectives of
people living with such conditions and their
informal carers.
Robert Sparrow
Professor of Philosophy; Adjunct
Professor, Centre for Human Bioethics
Robert's research interests are bioethics,
political philosophy and applied ethics; he is
an expert in philosophical arguments with
real-world implications.