questions the nature of reality...
This mind-churning idea proposes that the world is quite possibly just an effect of your disembodied consciousness and doesn't really exist. And your sense of self is just a statistical fluctuation.
It's something that is
more likely to come into existence by chance than the
Universe that would have had to produce it.
It has laws like an arrow of time that seems to be flowing only in one direction. It's got planetary bodies of various shapes and sizes. It also has us, humans, nature's supreme creations (at least according to us).
But all this amazing amount of varied matter is also very hard to pull off, requiring a tremendous amount of energy.
We know that generally
things tend to fall apart and decay.
Thus it would decrease
entropy, moving it further away
from equilibrium.
But such a person - let's say you - is only full of all the knowledge and experiences because you are made that way by the fluctuation that created you.
There is nothing really
there but your self-awareness.
They did not claim to
such brains really being in existence but rather used the idea to
point out the absurdities and limitations of taking the idea of
thermodynamic fluctuations to their extent.
The Caltech theoretical physicist Sean Caroll called them,
Debates of the idea persist, however, especially as it is hard to disprove.
After all, if you were a
Boltzmann Brain, everything that you could come up with to prove or
disprove it would likely be because of the hallucinations your
consciousness is having.