by Ben Linders
June 08, 2023
InfoQ Website

Our planet and populations depend on the carbon
Without carbon,
life on earth would cease...
Yet, the war on carbon is escalating by downplaying
"carbon neutral" and replacing it with "net-zero"
programs; namely, just quit emitting carbon, period.
The logical extension of this thinking would be to
just get rid of all carbon-emitters or anything that
The war on humanity is just that simple to
Carbon Neutral
Really Means
and How Net-Zero
is Different...
Carbon (CO2) neutrality means that the total amount of emissions is either
eliminated, neutralized, or compensated.
Net-zero is a target that
doesn't include compensation and puts more emphasis on avoiding
carbon emissions.
Many products, data centers, or companies are
already carbon neutral, but few have reached net-zero.
Martin Lippert
spoke about sustainability at OOP
2023 Digital.
There is no exact
or clear definition of carbon neutral and net-zero, but we have a
well-established common understanding of them, Lippert mentioned.
distinguished between two ways to deal with emissions- eliminating
emissions and offsetting emissions:
emissions means to not emit carbon into the atmosphere in the
first place; you basically avoid creating carbon dioxide (or
equivalent greenhouse gasses) and avoid emitting them into the
carbon emissions means that you continue to emit carbon into the
atmosphere, but you either compensate for those emissions (e.g.
via carbon certificates) or you try to remove those emissions
from the atmosphere again over time - which is often referred to
as neutralizing emissions.
Lippert explained
that carbon neutral means that the total amount of emissions is
...or a combination of all
three ways.
But you don't know
which way was chosen to achieve carbon neutral - as long as the
total sum is the same as the amount of carbon emissions that you
caused, he added.
So it might be the
case that a company did not do anything to eliminate emissions, but
solely bought certificates to compensate for those emissions.
That would still
result in a carbon neutral banner, Lippert said.
In contrast to
that, net-zero takes the compensation part out of this equation and
puts a lot more emphasis on the elimination (avoidance) part,
Lippert explained.
It usually means
that you first try to eliminate as many carbon emissions as possible
- and neutralize (remove later) the remaining emissions that you
can't eliminate, he said.
According to
Lippert, net-zero is a much stronger goal when it comes to reducing
carbon emissions - and probably the reason why you see many
products, data centers, or companies already being carbon neutral,
but not so many net-zero - at least not yet.
The problem with
offsetting approaches is that you - more or less - outsource the
problem and continue to emit carbon, Lippert argued. If you emit,
for example, 1 metric ton of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
today, it contributes to climate change now.
Planted trees - a
widely used practice to achieve carbon neutrality - will need
between 40 and 80 years to remove that carbon from the atmosphere
While planting
trees is usually a good idea, it doesn't really compensate for your
emissions in a meaningful time - especially if you continue to
produce carbon emissions, Lippert concluded.
InfoQ interviewed Martin
Lippert about offsetting emissions and net-zero.
Offsetting emissions by either
neutralizing or compensating sounds a bit vague.
Can you elaborate on what this
really means?
fundamental idea of "neutralizing" emissions is that you try to
remove the emissions that you have put into the atmosphere from the
atmosphere again - or at least emissions of the same amount.
Planting trees is a widely known example of this. Those trees
extract carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
And because it is hard
for individuals and companies to plant those trees themselves, they
can sponsor those activities via organizations.
The underlying idea
if you can't avoid the emissions in the first place, try to at
least remove them again at a later time...
The story behind
compensation is somewhat different.
The underlying idea here is:
you can't avoid the emissions on your end, help someone else to
avoid emissions (in the same amount).
A famous example is to sponsor
modern cook-stoves in developing countries.
Those modern cook-stoves
emit far less greenhouse gas emissions than the ones people would
continue to use if they would have no chance to get those modern
So this helps to avoid emissions somewhere else that would
occur otherwise.
Both variants are
often realized via so-called carbon offsets that you can buy via
organizations that then invest the money into those projects.
You mentioned in your talk that
offsetting approaches do not really solve the problem.
Buying carbon offsets sounds like an easy way to deal with your own
carbon emissions and feels like you don't do anything wrong anymore
when you buy those carbon offsets.
The term carbon neutral
underlines that impression.
But even though those offsets are - most
of the time - well invested into good ideas and projects, they don't
change the fact that you've put carbon into the atmosphere and that
this carbon doesn't go away anytime soon and 'accelerates'
We really need to focus on
avoiding emissions in the first