Traveling from
Berkeley to Mount Shasta, I felt something in my life was
There was an inner
feeling that something had shifted and that the energy from the
subtle realm was going to transpose down into 3D reality into
manifested actuality.
What I didn't know
was that I was going to have an experience that would leave me
with a message to share to humanity that was as timely as it was
While much of this
message should be already understood by awake people, there is a
particular topic that was brought up that I see is often ignored
In dreamtime, during my first night at Mount Shasta where I was
staying at a charming and magical place, I "met" an
inner earth that seemed to be
from under that sacred mountain whose name sounded like
I was unsure whether
this being exists in physical form or in a subtler density
version of Earth, so I opened up a channel between myself and
the inner Earth collective earlier today and received the
message that it is both.
Sometimes they prefer
being in the dense 3D version of Earth, but oftentimes they are
in a subtler density of Earth.
There are legends that go back to at least 11,000 years to
around the time of the
Younger Dryas (Graham
Hancock has plenty of supported evidence if you are
interested in learning about the comet impact theory that ended
an advanced civilization that existed and led to the Great
Native American have talked
about the
mystical properties and significance of
Mount Shasta for a long time, so this is not some
modern creation, but rather something that has a long history.

Inner Earth and Lyran Beings
Artwork by Vashta Narada
Fotuula had milky white skin, long white shimmering hair,
and a kind and pure presence, while being down to earth.
He looked similar to
these two beings (above image), although his face was gentler
and his build was much stockier than these two.
In these images, the
Vasha Narada states the
female is an inner Earth being whereas the male is a
However, at the core
of it all, we are all fractals of the Source consciousness
so it doesn't really matter what physical avatar we are
embodying in any given moment if we are streaming Source
consciousness through us.
Fotuula sat down to speak with me in the dream, as if I
was interviewing him, but I woke up before we could talk.
Later that day, I
drove up with my partner as far as we could up the mountain
(there was over 10 feet of snow at higher elevations so most of
the way up was closed) and parked at the base to meditate.
I received further
information about the inner earth details but I was unable to
directly communicate with Fotuula.
The next morning when
I was back home, I sat in meditation and opened up a channel of
communication with him and this time we had a mind transmission
that was very insightful and something I feel I am meant to
share, on the behalf of Fotuula and the consciousness
collective he represents.
A Message
to Humanity
I asked him what does he have to say to the surface-dwelling
He said that we
should purify our avatars and keep our space pure (meaning our
physical, mental, emotional, and energetic), as well as surround
ourselves with others who are pure in thought, word, and action.
He then said something that is largely ignored by most people in
the conscious community from what I've see and what I felt was
the primary purpose of him speaking with me.
He said to,
avoid becoming a
part of groups that appear to appease to the Earthbound
conscious community (the awakened ones), but are not pure in
their intentions.
He said they act as
gatekeepers and blockades so that the
consciousness cannot raise past a certain point.
These groups corral
those who awoke into a place where they can be controlled and
whose future actions towards raising individual and collective
consciousness can be predicted, thwarted, capped, and hindered.
There is an unseen
hyperdimensional aspect to
this, that manifests as a "second
net" and which is not even known to be an influencing
factor by most people in the conscious and spiritual
communities, although I have noticed that there is increasing
awareness of it.
My friend
Bernhard Guenther goes
deeper into this topic if you are interested in learning more.
This is extremely important, because people who are "awake" seem
to still be using, for the sake of ease as one example, online
communication platforms that are limiting their ability to
productively co-create meaningful and actual solutions and
assistance to others.
We should use our
inner wisdom and be discerning and intuitive before
agreeing to something. Something may look good on the surface,
but this may just be a charming false front.
Be wise. Be
discerning. Be aware...
He also advised to
forge alliances with those of pure intention and create a
coalition collective in order to accelerate and magnify our
positive impact.
I feel this is key in
this critical in this time of transition.
There are thousands
of groups focused on helping people and establishing a new
conscious paradigm, but they are so fragmented and sometimes
unwilling to work with others.
This is
self-defeating, because as humans, we are part of the same
interconnected family on the same planet.
It is in our best
interests to put our egos in the back seat and work together;
otherwise the active darkness, which knows how to strategize and
work effectively and sagaciously, will call the shots.
Are we going to agree to them doing that or will we show that we
actually practice what we preach and can work together towards a
common goal?
This is not to say
that we shouldn't work on an individual level, because that is
important as well.
However, as humans,
we are relational beings and most of us enjoy working with
others towards the common good.
As Pierre Teilhard
de Chardin once said,
"there is almost
a sensual longing for communion with others who have a large
The immense
fulfillment of the friendship between those engaged in
furthering the evolution of consciousness has a quality
impossible to describe."
His final words were
that they are reaching out because they believe in us and our
ability to break free and co-create our self-defined path into
the future present.
the Message
I share this in the hope that this message gets across to others
who are awake, but may be agreeing to be part of things that are
either intentionally or unintentionally hindering personal and
collective evolution.
We are in a
transition cycle within
what is called 'time'
where the rubber meets the road… and what an exciting and
amazing time it is to be here...!