by Paul Lenda
June 23,
Wakeup-World Website

Everyone is on their own path, going at their own pace...
We often become friends
and acquaintances with people because we were aligned with them on
some level, or multiple levels (or we had a parasitic attraction
dynamic with them).
However, at a certain
point, we may realize that certain people are making us feel worse
after spending time with them.
You may love someone, or what they represent, but if they are
causing you to stagnate, or even retract on your own path, it is a
sign that they have become toxic for you...
Here are some other signs
that there is someone toxic in your life:
They only pay
attention to you when there is something in it for them.
They keep teasing
or making fun of you about something you did in your past.
They make you
feel like you are a failure.
They project
limiting beliefs about what you can achieve in your life.
They lie to you
and about you.
They make you
feel “negative” about yourself and others.
They compete with
you to get something.
They make you
feel exhausted.
They try and
force you to be someone they want you to be.
They manipulate
you for their own desire for control.
If you feel toxic when in
the company of someone who has hurt you, then you earn no spiritual
points by forcing yourself to be there.
Sure, you can make an
attempt to stay incredibly motivated, inspired, and true to yourself
when around them, but you will quickly see you're being wasteful
with your energy.
You owe it to yourself to have people in your life who exude
gratitude, love, and hope.
You want your friends to be helpful in
your continued personal evolution.
That doesn't mean
surrounding yourself with an echo chamber of endless praise.
fact, you should have people within your life who are willing to
call you out when you are acting out of alignment with your
authentic and best self.
You should have people
who will shine a light on your shadows and likewise, you should be
doing the same for them.
How to Leave
Toxic People Behind
Leaving toxic people behind is an art. You probably want to avoid a
big scene with a lot of hostility.
Here's how you can leave
toxic people behind in the most graceful way:
Accept that it may take more time than you would like
Depending on who the toxic people is in your life, it may take
more time than you would like it to.
Situations where this
is the case involve family members, childhood friends, a boss,
or someone living with you.
Listen to
your intuition
You have an incredible intelligence within you that can be your
guiding compass for what to do in a situation.
This insight and
advice from your inner being will vary depending on the
situation, so it is not my place to say what that would be.
Avoid rationalizing with them or hoping to change them
People who are toxic in your life do not want to change and
rationalizing with them will get you nowhere.
You should stand up
for yourself, but avoid getting into complex debates, since they
actually use that as bait to drain you of even more energy.
Create physical
and communicative distance
Stop talking to them or communicating with them like you used
This can be either a
gradual tapering off over time or an abrupt cessation of
communication, if they are very toxic. Stop meeting up with them
and spending time with them in person.
Replace the time you
would have spent with them on things that develop yourself more.
This gives you an
option of providing a reason you cannot spend time with them,
since you want to avoid lying and also not flat out tell them
they're toxic to you.
Leaving toxic people
behind is usually not the easiest of tasks.
However, if you follow
the steps I mentioned above, you can make the process easier and
have a smoother transition into a life without them...