by Wendy Ann Zellea
December 30,
Gaia Website
Spanish version

Most people will
experience some form of grief in their life, due to loss.
It is
helpful to remember that grieving is a process, not a permanent
Grief is the energetic and emotional withdrawal that
occurs when the vibration and resonance of a person, who is no
longer here, is removed from the Third Dimensional reality of
another person.
When the person departs, those who are close to them
experience major energetic shifts, as a result of the permanent
This process is a universal one, although in other cultures grief is
sometimes approached differently.
In some societies, after a person
dies there is dancing, storytelling, and music.
The night of
partying is designed to drive away grief and, for that night at
least, it works.
However, for the most part, people tend to hold
onto feelings, many times in an attempt to hold on to the person.
Once the
process of dying begins, the energy of the person begins to
As Life Force Energy is transferred to its next
destination, they become less alive in the Third Dimension.
people leave suddenly and others take longer, but it is all by
There are certain times when it is auspicious for a person
to be born, and the same goes for dying.
The person's subconscious and their
Higher Self will create whatever
circumstances are necessary to achieve this departure.
How they
leave can be likened to how some people enter the ocean to swim:
some run and jump in, others wade in, gradually getting used to the
It is presumed that when a person dies that it is the physical
condition that is responsible, but it is actually the reverse.
Life Force Energy of the person leaves the body first and then the
body, which cannot continue without it expires.
Long-Term illness is
the result of the body reacting to the essence of the person, slowly
leaving the physical form.
Sudden death happens when the
Life Force
Energy leaves very quickly.
When one is ill and it is not time for them to go,
Life Force Energy
returns and the person recovers.
If it is time to leave this
incarnation, there is no physical recovery.
Dying is similar to
being born.
Some births are easy and some very difficult.
While experiencing the grieving process, remember that,
the Universe
is perfectly on time.
This includes the moment a person is born and
when they pass away.
No one leaves before his or her time.
death should not be looked upon as something
unnatural or
Yes, of course, the person will be missed, but their
leaving is not a Cosmic mistake.
Agreements are made before a person
incarnates and dying is part of that agreement.
It does not help to
make part of someone's life a tragedy.
What truly matters is that
the essence of any person does not die...
Instead, incarnations are completed and the soul, Higher Self,
spirit, or whatever you wish to call it, move on.
This is not just
an exercise in semantics:
nothing really does die, because
everything is made up of energy, which cannot be destroyed: only
transformed and transmuted into something else...
Loved ones remain, not just in memories, but also in reality
- just
not the Third Dimensional reality.
Therefore, it is time to take
another view of the processes of life.
Someday dying might even be a
very unusual occurrence...
In modern cultures, many people are physically removed from extended
families and communities in which births and deaths are experienced
Because of this, they are not accustomed to death as a
part of the cycle of life.
Death is not a tragedy, but an occasion
to celebrate the life of a person and revere the process of the
They will be missed, sometimes terribly, but on the
other hand, they can be remembered.
In other dimensions, they are still together with those who loved
The Love that is shared with those that have gone is real, and
that Love endures eternally.
If a person's death is truly the
successful conclusion of a contract, which they agreed to before
being born, then it can be viewed as a perfectly completed project.
From that standpoint, everyone's life, no matter how long or short,
was as it should be...