Paul Lenda
March 24,
Shift Website

How many
do you have
every day?
How many of
these thoughts
are ones you are
consciously aware of?
How many of them
are helpful to
you or others?
How many of them
are harmful?
Taking this path of
self-inquiry can help you perform a "thought audit" where you assess
whether your current life circumstances are being improved or
worsened by your thoughts.
Self-responsibility is the mark of an evolved person
who takes ownership of the way they feel and what they experience.
Your thoughts are the
most powerful form of energy in
the multiverse.
They can create
something from nothing, which is a remarkable feat
when you think about it.
Everything you see in
the world that is both tangible and intangible
emerged out of thoughts.
You can also expand
this out on a macrocosmic scale and say that the Earth, solar
system, galaxy, universe, and multidimensional multiverse were
also created thanks to conscious creative thoughts.
The famous Indian yogi
Paramahansa Yogananda once said,
"Since you alone, are
responsible for your thoughts, only you can change them."
This understanding of
self-responsibility holds the power to change both how
you feel and what you experience.
Every thought you have is
either bringing you closer to something helpful or harmful.
Rather than this something terrible, it’s actually extraordinary and
remarkable. It means that the power is completely within you to
experience life the exact way you want to.
Reality is incredibly malleable,
and you have quite a lot of say on
what you experience.
Think of yourself as being a magnet.
In fact, your body is
a massive electromagnet, with your heart and brain being the two
largest electromagnetic fields within your toroidal energy
By being a magnet, you
are attracting your experience by whatever your dominant thoughts
Resonance is a
fundamental dynamic of Reality, and there is always a push for
things to get into resonance with one another.
That is why if you
are angry for an extended people of time, you will find
resonance with other elements and aspects of reality (people,
environments, health, etc.) that resonate at the sort of energy
that state of consciousness matches most closely.
You will attract whatever
is in harmony with the most dominant thoughts you have.
Your Thoughts
Are Magic Spells
Treat your thoughts as if they were spells of magic,
replicating in the real world from the garden of your mind.
You are the magician who
can cast spells that benefit you and others, or become a sorcerer
who casts spells that harm you or others. Getting more mindfully
conscious about what thoughts
emerging in your mind will help you have more control over
your magic...
Anything we experience in life is something we tend to categorize as
being either good or bad.
as with the ancient
Chinese parable of the old man who lost his horse, this is a
judgment we make that does not necessarily reflect the truth.
Something that may
happen to us may seem "bad" but it actually leads to something
that we then see as being very good.
The same holds true
as well...
If we stay more centered
and observe things that happen in our lives and the world from a
more neutral heart space, we can avoid adding creative thought
energy to something, which makes it bigger, before we deeply
understand what the best use of our thoughts is.
An ancient Greek stoic philosopher named
Epictetus once said,
"We are disturbed not
by what happens to us, but by our thoughts about what happens."
This is very true, and
you probably have seen that in your life...
A situation may
appear positive or negative but it may actually result in a
different outcome.
If it does, we will
see that we helped co-create something that was worse for us
because we were in a reactive state and used our thoughts to
attract something we later realized wasn’t for the best.
Fear-based thoughts often
lead to that sort of outcome.
Change your thoughts
you change your life.
Stay centered and
observe the world from a neutral space.
You are better
equipped to use your thoughts in a more helpful way.
Realize the
extraordinary power you hold and wield it for
the good of you and of all...