April 29, 2020
Spiritualify Website
Information sent by MJGdeA

In our world, spiritual elderhood is rare.
From birth, we are
conditioned to believe that money, power, fame, and success will
bring us happiness.
But ultimately, we
realize that this is a great illusion.
Those of us who have
woken up have realized that something in our life has to change.
We have stopped looking
outside for our happiness and have started looking inward in the
realms of our minds, hearts, and souls for answers.
Yet despite our spiritual awakening, many of us wonder:
"What comes next?"
Inside, you might have
this vague feeling that the next steps involve some sort of
self-examination, but with so many avenues available, which one do
you take?
Whichever path you
choose, you will not go very far without
listening to your soul.
Wherever you go, you
will not progress without letting your soul mature and flourish
to maturity.
It is only when we
actively engage in soul work every day that we can become what I
call the Spiritual Elder.
As Master Lao Tzu
once said:
He who knows others
is intelligent. He who knows himself is enlightened.
Tao Te Ching,
verse 33
Spiritual maturity
requires practice, effort, and dedication.
This is something that
humanity rarely cultivates but we all have the potential to develop
it. Unfortunately, only a few do. And that is why true spiritual
Elders are rare in our society...
Fortunately, in us, everything lies in the ability to develop
wisdom. This ability to cultivate wisdom is not only reserved for
the elderly, but it is also available to us, regardless of our age.
Below, we have compiled a list of 11 traits of the Spiritual
Elder, both from our own experience and from those we have
encountered along the way.
Read on to find out if
you are one of them:
1. You don't like
judging people
Spiritual Elders have no interest in judging others for their
level of awakening/unawakened, spiritual/non-spiritual,
Everything is as it
is supposed to be in the grand scheme of things.
They are aware that at one point they were in the same place and
that there is always a painful story behind every action and
every word.
They realize that judging is more about the judge than the one
being judged.
As a famous quote
awakened, you will have no
interest in judging those who are still asleep."
2. You
respect Earth and all life in it
The spiritual elders honor and show compassion for the Earth,
its wisdom, and every expression of the spirit.
They are aware that they do not "own" the land, but rather are
equal participants. No living being is "superior" or "inferior"
to another.
You are aware of the role of the ego
Elders are aware of
the voice of the ego in
themselves and of its role in creating division and suffering.
For this reason,
their attachment to the ego is loose and their attachment to the
spirit is much greater.
4. You are
empathetic and highly sensitive but not reactive
Elders are very sensitive to thoughts, emotions, and impulses
both in themselves and in others.
They are aware of the
play of energy dynamics in different environments and can
easily put themselves in the place of others.
However, elders do not suffer from empathy or sensitivity
because they have learned to set boundaries, to cultivate
personal responsibility and non-resistance.
5. You are
a natural teacher
Elders have an innate desire to share their wisdom and are the
living embodiment of their teachings.
No position, diploma,
or official title is required to share the lessons of the soul.
6. You can
embody unconditional love
Both for themselves and for others, even in the worst
They realize that to
love completely is to attain divinity.
7. You know
about spiritual bypassing traps
Elders know how widespread and pervasive spiritual bypassing is,
and they can easily discern the truth from the illusion.
As a result, they are easily able to identify the twists of the
mind and the traps of the ego that lead to slower spiritual
8. You have
few attachments
Elders learned the importance of losing attachment to
promises, prestigious titles, money, goods, relationships,
beauty, and even health, knowing that all of these things
are happening.
Instead, they
cultivated strength in the mind and soul.
9. You know
peace is in the present moment
Long ago, elders learned that the pursuit of happiness is an
endless quest that perpetuates unhappiness.
As a result, they are
aware that the only true peace and joy that can be found is in
the present moment. As a result, elders carry a sense of
limitless, unchanging peace that remains despite internal or
external circumstances.
10. You are
happy both alone and with others
Elders completed their lonely path of self-discovery as
lone wolves and returned to the pack with deep insight
and understanding.
They learned to wear tranquility, completeness, and authenticity
which they discovered in solitude in the company of others too.
You have found wholeness
Finally, elders have rediscovered the truth that they are
already whole and complete on a fundamental level and the same
applies to all human beings, whether they know it or not.
Consequently, they no longer feel the need to seek happiness or
contentment in everything that is outside of themselves.
Life is perceived to
be perfect.