by Aletheia Luna
25, 2021
LonerWolf Website

It's that thick fog of 'slime' in the air, that dark feeling of
heaviness, or that draining sensation of being sucked dry of energy
Negative energy is all around us
and it's seemingly ever-present and unending.
Whether you feel exhausted in crowds of people, emotionally 'vomited
on' by your coworkers, or unexplainable creeped out by a certain
place in town, we've all experienced negativity:
it's part of nature
and an uncomfortable fact of life...!
Living in this world of
duality, there is always a yin and yang,
a light and a dark, and positive and negative side.
Yet, although we understand that negative energy is part of this
world, we don't want to live at the mercy of it - understandably,
most of us want to 'get rid of it' ASAP...!
So, how do we 'get
rid of' negative energy?
Or better still, how do we make peace with this fundamental
aspect of existence?
In this article, my goal
is to help you change your relationship with negative energy.
What is Negative Energy?

Negative energy,
is a form of energy
that is said to vibrate at a lower frequency than more positive
forms of energy such as love, joy, and peace.
It's for this reason
that negative energy is often referred to as low vibrational
Why is negative energy
thought to be of a 'low vibration'?
The answer is that
the lower one's energy is, the denser it becomes, and therefore
the more heavy and contracted we feel inside - aka. life feels
dark and depressing...
In more recent times,
vibration and its effect on our consciousness have been mapped out
by figures such as renowned physician, psychiatrist, and teacher
David Ramon Hawkins, (M.D,
Hawkins, who used the technique of
Applied Kinesiology for his
research, developed a map of consciousness that ranges from 1 to
1000. Everything from shame (having the energetic frequency of 20)
to enlightenment (energetic frequency of 700-1000) was recorded.
Here's a visual depiction of that map:

Image of the
Map of
David R. Hawkins
In other words,
the lower the
frequency, the more miserable and negative the associated energy
Energy and Spiritual Awakening

If you want
to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of
energy, frequency and vibration.
Nikola Tesla
There is a great irony to
be beheld within the spiritual community worldwide.
Terms like "good vibes
only!" and the desire to banish or ascend past negative energy, are
in and of themselves, all forms of negative energy.
When we look at the Map of Consciousness developed by
Hawkins, we can see that,
fear is
of a lower frequency, whereas acceptance is of a
higher vibration...
By rejecting and even
demonizing the presence of negative energy, we're unconsciously
spreading the very thing we dislike!
Now, I'm not saying to be a doormat here and let the darkness of the
world take over you.
I'm not asking you to
like negative energy. Instead, I'm pointing out that the wisest and
healthiest approach to negative energy is absolutely one of
acceptance - we'll explore what I mean by this a little later.
Ultimately, learning to understand and make peace with negative
energy is a central part of walking the spiritual awakening path.
At some points on our paths, we'll inevitably be drawn into darker
ravines (such as the
Dark Night of the Soul), yet these
seemingly negative experiences are actually potent and crucial forms
of spiritual alchemy, purification, and transformation.
Furthermore, facing the source of our 'negative energy, aka.
examining our core wounds' through inner work practices like
shadow work and
inner child work, is
practically mandatory for any authentic inner change to occur.
There's no use running away!
Our spiritual healing,
spiritual growth, and spiritual evolution depend on our ability to
face negative energy head-on.
As Hawkins writes,
Every thought,
action, decision, or feeling creates an eddy in the
interlocking, inter-balancing energy fields of life.
In this
interconnected universe, every improvement we make in our
private world improves the world at large for everyone...
21 Short Term
Approaches to Removing Negative Energy

While negative energy is a fact of life that we need
to come to accept, we don't have to let it eat away at us.
There are many simple and quick ways of 'increasing your vibration'
or putting this in more down-to-earth terms, helping you to feel
more at peace.
Here's a simple, tried-and-tested list of options that you might
like to experiment with:
Removing yourself
from the situation that is causing distress.
Setting clear
personal boundaries.
Drinking lots of
fresh water and eat fresh food.
Opening the
windows and letting in the air and sunshine.
Burning herbs and
Visualizing white
light permeating your whole being or the space around you.
Walking barefoot
outside on the grass or sand.
Doing some
Taking a long
walk in the outdoors.
Mindfully bathing
and visualizing the energy going down the drain.
Listening to
solfeggio frequencies and
binaural beats:
Stretching and
moving around.
Listening to some
healing meditations.
Using crystals.
Use essential
Visualizing a
protective bubble around you.
Watching funny
Sprinkling salt.
Journal to
release the energy.
Declutter your
Approaches to Negative Energy

Negativity is an
addiction to the bleak shadow that lingers around every
human form - you can transfigure negativity by turning it
toward the light of your soul.
Wanting to know how to
get rid of negative energy from your life is normal and natural.
If something hurts and brings you down,
why not try to fix it and
remedy it, right?
This desire to rid oneself of negative energy is a logical and
rational response.
It is healthy to want to stop struggling with the
toxic people and negative energy around us.
However, as mentioned previously, in the self-love and
self-improvement community there is an out-of-proportion emphasis on
learning how to get rid of negative energy, learning how to block
"low vibration" feelings/topics of discussion, and learning how to
shelter oneself from what is known as energy vampires (people who
feed on your energy).
All of these approaches, while well-meaning, don't create much
long-term change. In other words, we keep running into these
situations again and again and suffering because of them.
Don't get me wrong, there are some excellent short-term approaches
to negative energy.
These techniques help you
to feel much better in the immediate present moment - but they are
limited in their ability to truly help you understand negative
energy and function alongside it in the long term.
The problem with many short-term approaches that teach you how to
get rid of negative energy is that they speak about negative energy
in terms of,
"how to banish
"defeat it"
"block it"...
But these common
approaches don't take into account the reality of life:
there is negative
energy and there is positive energy.
Without one, there can't
be the other....
And not only that, you
can never permanently block, defeat, or overcome negative energy. It
will always return!
However, although negative energy may always return in the form of a
jealous thought or annoying relative, such energy can be understood,
integrated, and thus transcended.
If you would like to learn how to get rid of negative energy - or
better still, learn how not to be so deeply impacted by it - you
might benefit from some of the lessons I have personally learned on
my spiritual path:
Negative energy is a fact of life

By accepting negative energy and negative people in your
life precisely as they are, you create harmony and greater
peace of mind.
Why? Well, by
honoring life as it is instead of trying to forcefully
change it all the time, you find more inner peace.
Ironically, the moment we resist the negative energy of
others is the moment we allow it to have power over us, and
the moment we declare "this shouldn't be this way!" is the
moment we contribute to the negativity even more.
Accepting negative people doesn't mean letting yourself be
used as a doormat or toilet

Embracing negativity doesn't mean opening yourself up to
absorbing it (especially important to know as an empath) -
instead, it means simply accepting that it's a part of
You can still set
boundaries and be assertive about your needs when it comes
to negative people but it will be in a less reactive and
stressful way.
Permit yourself to empathize with negative people, but not
to enable them

Many people argue that empathizing is a form of enabling.
You can
understand a person's pain that fuels their toxicity without
feeding their bad behavior.
Very few of us are skilled empathizers, which is why we need
to learn to love and accept ourselves first before we can
effectively empathize with others (and keep in mind that
being an empath is not the same as
having empathy).
The more self-love you have, the easier it will be to love
Think about your ability to deal with negative energy in the
short and long term

By all means, supplement the need to accept and understand
negativity with all of the short-term techniques mentioned
at the start of the article.
For example, you might like to limit your exposure,
de-clutter your work area, learn how to be mindful, clear
your area with essential oils, and so forth.
The question isn't how to
get rid of negative energy, but how to accept it as an inevitable
force of life, without resistance...
I want to leave you with a beautiful message from the Tao Te
I reflect on these verses
Do you think
you can take
over the universe
and improve it?
I do not believe it can be done.
The universe is sacred.
You cannot improve it.
If you try to change it,
you will ruin it.
If you try to hold it,
you will lose it.