by Gary 'Z' McGee
December 12,
Self-InflictedPhilosophy Website

by Billelis
"I do not
how to teach
without becoming
a disturber of
the peace."
The job of the philosopher has always been to upset the settled
mind, to upend the applecart of our appetites, to plant questions
marks like landmines in the mind field.
From Plato to
Aristotle, Epicurus to Epictetus, Spinoza
to Nietzsche, Kierkegaard to Camus,
philosophers of all
manner have been disturbers of the peace...
And rightly so...!
For a peace which is not
disturbed soon becomes a disturbing dystopia.
Lest we inadvertently find ourselves on the slippery slope into
hell, we must be vigilant and circumspect with our culturally
conditioned heaven.
As William Blake
"We should go to
heaven for form and to hell for energy and marry the two."
We must be able to reach
into hell for the pluck and aplomb it will take to check and balance
the culturally conditioned comfort zone of the zeitgeist.
The spirit of the times can all too easily become a mass delusion.
It is the job of the philosopher to flip the scripts, turn the
tables, push the envelopes, and stretch the comfort zone over the
edge of the abyss.
Comfort be damned!
As Lev Shestov said,
"The business of
philosophy is to teach man to live in uncertainty. Not to
reassure him, but to upset him."
Here are three ways to
become a disturber of the peace.
1.) Inflict
yourself with philosophy
"Let no
young man
delay the study
of philosophy,
and let no old
become weary of
for it is never
too early
nor too late
to care for the
of the soul."
Philosophy should serve as a chisel for the hardened beliefs within
What does it mean to inflict yourself with philosophy?
It means being
ruthless with your self-improvement. No excuses. No mercy. No
It means forcing your
head over the edge of the abyss. No rose-colored glasses. No
pie-in-the-sky delusions. No safety nets.
Just you and the
eternal darkness.
Just you and the
rawness of nihilism.
Just you and the
existential angst.
Full-frontal shadow
Philosophy is the love of
As Lao Tzu said,
"To attain knowledge,
add things every day. To attain wisdom, remove things every
Practicing self-inflicted
philosophy is removing things every day.
It's removing what
you've been culturally conditioned to believe.
It's removing what
you've been religiously indoctrinated to believe.
It's removing what
you've been politically brainwashed to believe.
Self-inflicted philosophy
forces you to perceive
reality with a clean slate.
It gets down to brass
It digs down into the
roots of the human condition.
It cuts deep into the
pulsing blister of the mortal wound.
It reveals the
It demolishes all
crutches and gets down to the nitty gritty of the handicap - be
it physical, psychological, or spiritual.
It takes philosophizing to the next level.
It deconstructs and
then reconstructs meaning. It devalues and then reevaluates
It self-actualizes.
It self-interrogates.
It incentivizes
It transforms you
into a force of nature first, a person second.
2.) Inflict
others with philosophy
"Philosophy is a battle
against the
of our
The only thing more important than questioning others is
questioning yourself...
Now that you've tackled
that problem, it's time to turn the tables on others. Now that you
realize you are a force of nature first, a person second, it's time
to interrogate the "tribe."
The business of the philosopher is to act as a checks and balancing
system on society.
A philosopher is the
ultimate cultural leveling mechanism, the thorn in the side of
anyone or anything taking itself too seriously. Picture a barbed
question mark lodged into the raw meat of cultural pretense.
That's the philosopher...
Philosophers realize that,
The only good Ivory
Tower is a demolished one.
The only ideal golden
idol is one melted down to its essential metals.
The only efficient
high horse is the one reduced to kindling.
Thus, philosophers
strategically plant question marks like thought-bombs in all Ivory
They force the golden
idol into the crucible.
They roast
marshmallows over the fire of kindled high horses.
Inflicting others with
philosophy is paramount because power tends to corrupt.
It will always be
necessary to upset the current system lest its power become
Thus, a good philosopher
is a question mark sword cutting through all power
3.) Inflict
the universe with philosophy
"Philosophical thinking
that doesn't do
to one's settled
is no
philosophical thinking
at all."
What you think you know about reality is far from
what's really happening.
Your idea of truth is
probably more of an ideal.
Ideals are dangerous
because they tend to become idols.
They tend to become
revered, unquestionable, and sacrosanct.
The ideal must be
discarded lest it become a blindfold.
It must be shed lest
it become a straitjacket.
The Truth Quest must
never be sacrificed for the "truth."
As Nietzsche said,
"There are no facts,
only interpretations."
Truth is
fluid. It's an elephant in a room full of blind people. It's there.
It's big. It's very real. But it's up to interpretation. You must be
capable of entertaining a thought without accepting it.
You must be capable of
admitting that your interpretation is not the be all end all.
It is merely a passing
notion, a fickle fancy, a limited conception mired in fallibility,
imperfection, and the tendency to be wrong about a great many
Inflicting the universe with philosophy is realizing that you are
the pivot point.
You are the point of
view on whom the universe hinges.
You are the
existential crossroads.
You are the universe
perceiving itself. It's all on your shoulders.
Thus, it's your
responsibility to align your interpretation with reality.
And since you can never
be sure if you're interpretations are aligned properly, it is your
responsibility to be vigilant, circumspect, skeptical, and open to
new interpretations.
Inflicting the universe with philosophy is a perpetual hard reset.
It's authentic detachment. Self-as-world and world-as-self becomes
the supreme perspective.
Egocentrism is
trumped by eco-centrism.
independence is subsumed by multidimensional interdependence.
The world opens, the
fountainhead overflows, the Philosopher's Stone reveals itself, as
the detached individual cuts through rigidness and dogmatism like a
hot knife through cold butter.
If wholeness is your
goal, then sacred alignment is the only way.
Sacred alignment is a process not a result.
It's a journey not a
You know you're on the
right track when the disease of certainty is cured by the
medicine of curiosity, when self-deception is transformed into
détournement, and when humility gives birth to high humor...