by Gary 'Z' McGee
May 05, 2023
Self-InflictedPhilosophy Website
'Z' McGee,
a former Navy Intelligence Specialist turned
is the author of 'Birthday Suit of God'
'The Looking
Glass Man'.
His works are inspired by the great philosophers of the
ages and his wide-awake view of the modern world. |

Julian Majin
"I assess
the power of a will
by how much
resistance, pain, and torture it endures
and knows how to
turn to its advantage."
Life is pain.
Whether it's the
simple pain of failure, or the complex pain of death-anxiety.
Whether it's the
simple pain of hunger, or the complex pain of wrestling with
your demons.
If you're alive, and
especially if you are living a life well-lived, you will experience
How you deal with this pain, and thus how you deal with failure, is
what will make or break your character.
Disposition is the
Temperament is more
of a gauge than happiness or sadness.
Your flexibility and
openness will ultimately decide the robustness of your spirit.
With that in mind, here
are ten ways to transform failure into success...
1.) Apply the
Backwards Law
desire for more positive experience
is itself a
negative experience.
the acceptance
of one's negative experience
is itself a
positive experience."
Mark Manson
Also known as the law of reversed effort, the backward's law is a
quirky little perceptual feedback loop that can turn anyone's brain
into a pretzel.
Basically, when we dwell on wanting a positive experience, we are
highlighting our lack of a positive experience. This highlighting of
a lack is itself a negative experience. Which creates a negative
feedback loop.
The next thing we know,
we're anxious about being anxious. We're pissed off about being
pissed off. We feel like a failure about being a failure.
And that's the
There comes a point where
the only way forward into growth is to accept how shitty our
situation is, in the moment.
Embracing our failure
is itself a success.
When we accept the
fact that we're not happy, we create a positive experience.
This positive
experience may not be happiness itself, but it's a start.
It becomes a foundation
for further positivity, despite failure.
2.) Transform
demons into diamonds
obstacle is the path."
Zen Proverb
Just as the grain within the oyster can be transformed into a pearl,
the pain within the human can be transformed into strength...!
Wounds can become
wisdom when we allow ourselves to be curious about how our scars
have made us who we are.
Becoming curious with our
deep wounds is honoring them with our attention.
When we're able to
honor our wounds, we're more likely to reconcile our demons.
It's not so much that
we suffer less but that we suffer better.
Transforming demons
into diamonds is having survived a great tragic something,
whether physically, mentally, or spiritually.
It's registering more
fully with our suffering and, instead of turning away or repressing
it, we come out the other side of the cocoon able to "dance" with
Our wounded heart rises
up, bloody and bruised, but with bandages trailing behind it like a
3.) Transform
failure into a game
"A person
only plays
when they are a
in the full
sense of the word,
and they are
fully a person
only when they
Life is a poker game.
You can't control the
cards you've been dealt, but you can control how you play them.
It's your
responsibility alone to play the hell out of whatever shitty
hand you've been dealt.
As it turns out, life is
less about getting what you want and more about making the best of
what you get.
In order to transform failure into success, somethings got to give.
You cannot
self-correct in a vacuum.
You must embrace that
vacuum and squeeze all the hot air out of it, lest you fall
further into failure.
Transforming failure into
a game makes you more flexible and less rigid, more adaptable and
less intractable, more playful and less serious.
Your playfulness will
give you courage, which will open you up and transform boundaries
into horizons.
4.) Process
over Progress
"Circumstances don't make the man;
they only reveal
him to himself."
Ironically, focusing on process regardless of progress makes you
more likely to progress.
When you make process
primary and progress secondary, you are more likely to be
successful in your pursuits.
It's all about devoting yourself to a system rather than a goal.
Having a goal is just
But what happens if you
You're more likely to
get lazy or quit completely if you're focused on a goal that
fails than if you're focused on a system that endures whether
you fail or succeed.
Having a goal is better
than having no goal at all, sure.
It's better than
inertia and laziness.
But what's better
than having a goal is having a system.
Having a goal is about dreaming.
Having a system is
about action.
It's about doing.
Goals, like failures,
just get absorbed in the process of the system.
They are subsumed and
become more like guideposts along the path of allowing the journey
to be the thing.
5.) Allow
yourself to not give a fuck
"The art
of knowing
is knowing what
to ignore."
Not giving a fuck is a tricky proposition.
You can't completely not
give a fuck because then you'll just end up perpetually neglectful.
But if you give too much of a fuck, you risk taking yourself, and
the opinion of others, too seriously.
The question is this:
Why do you give a
fuck about petty shit when you could give a fuck about magical
shit instead?
Chances are,
culture has
conditioned you into giving too much of a fuck about petty,
unfulfilling shit and not enough of a fuck about magical,
fulfilling shit.
Here's the great part:
what's magical and
fulfilling is entirely up to you.
But there will always
be consequences to your choices.
There's always the
greater law of the universe to contend with.
Better to align your
giving a fuck with the healthy dictates of the cosmos so as to avoid
the unhealthy consequences of ignoring them.
6.) Transform
your failures into steppingstones
tried. Ever failed. No matter.
Try Again. Fail
again. Fail better."
Samuel Beckett
Look at each of your failures like hard-earned rungs on the
precarious ladder of life.
Separated, these rungs
are just hardened failures collecting dust in the basement of your
suffering. But if you put them together, you form a ladder that you
can climb up into something meaningful.
Collect your failures
like the precious little information engines that they are.
Combine them for
ultimate combustion.
It's all a matter of perspective.
You can choose to
languish in the prospect that your setbacks have nothing to teach
you, or you can choose to empower yourself by transforming your
setbacks into steppingstones toward something greater.
7.) Have
a sense of humor about failing
first principle
is to not fool
And you are
the easiest
person to fool."
Richard Feynman
Failing is a part of life.
It's going to happen,
a lot, whether you're lucky or not...
Ultimately it comes down
to how you respond to failing.
Is it cry, cry, cry,
or is it laugh, laugh, laugh?
Do we turn the tables
on the pain of failure and come at it with a sense of humor, or
do we tremble before it with a sense of dread?
Do we have hard
feelings about it, or do we cultivate a disposition of
Do we take it
seriously and tighten our grip, or do we take it sincerely and
loosen up a bit?
The ultimate failure is
wallowing in being the butt end of the cosmic joke.
The ultimate success is
flipping the script by laughing at the joke despite being the butt
end of it.
8.) Transform
failure into art
"In art
and dream,
you may proceed
with abandon."
Pattie Smith
You will fail.
You will be shaken.
You will not come out
You will experience
much struggle and confusion.
If you live long enough,
you will have had your heart broken again and again.
Welcome to this thing
called Life...!
But it's not all doom and
These tragedies that
befall you are kindling for artistic fire. They are the emotional
paint you can dip into to create something profound and moving.
The art created from such catharsis becomes the art of life. It's
the unfolding of life as art and art as life.
What Ernest Becker
called our "immortality project," which is essentially a creative
and heroic engagement with life that creates meaning, purpose, and
significance out of meaninglessness, pain, and failure.
It's a way of
transforming mortal pain into immortal art...!
9.) Let go of
your attachment to success
"My own
are not the
medicine, but a prescription;
not the
destination, but a map to help you reach it.
When you get
quiet your mind
and close your mouth.
Don't analyze
the Tao.
Strive instead
to live it:
with your whole
harmonious being."
Lao Tzu
There is no perfect state.
There is no final
Or, if there is, it
can only possibly exist in the moment, during the process,
unattached to enlightenment, unattached to success.
Or, so completely
non-attached to it that one becomes connected to all things
through it.
It's not a
destination but a direction.
It's not a truth but
a process.
It is only achievable
when it is understood that it is ultimately unachievable.
The only way to find
enlightenment is not to seek it, but to simply be it.
The same goes for
Don't seek success,
be successful.
That can only happen
in the moment.
In the heart of the
journey being the thing.
Sometimes it will
work out and sometimes it won't.
Move on to the next
Seizing the moment leads
to seizing the day leads to seizing a life well-lived.
Transform pain into power
the highest mountain
and punch the
face of God."
Courage Wolf
Transform pain into power.
Transforming pain
into power is transforming failure into passion.
Pain can be your
greatest teacher or your ultimate destroyer.
In some ways you'll
have a say in which way it goes, and in some ways you won't.
But in the sense that you
do have a say, you should make yourself known.
Rise up out of your
pain by becoming its student.
What you learn will guide
you into a robustness of spirit, which will ultimately help you
become a force of nature (interdependent), as opposed to merely
forced upon by culture (codependent).
The transformation of pain into power becomes a
passionate expression of self-overcoming.
A fierceness is born
that's magnetic.
It lights your soul
on fire.
You become a beacon
of light in a dark world.
Or, even better, a
beacon of darkness piercing the blinding light...
In short:
you become a force to
be reckoned with instead of a pawn to be toyed with.
Despite failure, despite
success, the power is yours.
You have only to claim