by Julian Rose
November 30,
JulianRose Website
Spanish version

A lot of people are writing and talking about,
higher self
shining health
attainment of the
A lot of people are
following the words of those who proclaim knowledge of the
It is clear that many are searching for the security of a sound
spiritual path to lead them through the material and mental chaos.
Something that will bring with it a new awareness and sense of
But this immediately raises the question:
once having set off
down this road - what will one do with the new found power which
comes with traveling it?
This opening-up of a new
dimension of personal awareness and inner freedom.
Will one be content to simply carry on with 'life as usual' basking
in the sense of uplift generated by this elevated sense of being?
Perhaps one will change one's diet.
Buy a purer toothpaste. Take a
brisk run each morning. Get a better juicer. Practice regular yoga and
positive thinking.
Even maybe seek to move to the fresher air of the
These are the 'life changing' messages that emanate from
Nothing exactly wrong
with any of these, of course, except that they mostly simply offer
bolt-on 'improvements' to the existing status quo.
More a kind of self
enhancing escape route than a going forward to build something
entirely different. Which, of course, is what is actually needed.
What is so evidently missing here, is instruction to the initiate to
direct this new found energy outwards - into actions that help
transform the dire state of life and of people on this planet.
We cannot escape this
material dimension in which we find ourselves, but we can help to
transform it, by bringing our newly acquired four dimensional
insights to bear on the largely static status quo.
To become aware, and therefore in a certain sense 'to be free',
carries with it responsibility:
A responsibility to
help bring about a radical change (in society). A change
informed by the bigger awareness achieved by our new found
This is the pay-back we
are bound to make...
For having 'seen the
truth' one cannot then hide from it. One cannot simply sit
crossed-legged and dream of a better life.
Once blessed with a little enlightenment, we are in a position to
recognize that inner personal development and outer actions for
positive change - are two parts of one whole. Just as inhaling and
exhaling are also two parts of one whole.
Only when the two are
united - and made one - can we truly express our God given
There is no spiritual 'enlightenment' without complementary grounded
actions in which to pour our greater vision for the betterment of
Such outward actions can
also be termed 'service to humanity'.
'Enlightenment plc' has tried to deceive us in this.
Enlightenment plc says,
"No problem, you can
escape from the material third dimension by seeking higher
consciousness in the fourth dimension and leaving the problems
of the world behind you.
Pay your dues and
tune in to us - and you will be healthy, happy, untainted by the
greed, violence and destruction going on around you!"
Yes, there is no doubt
about it, the self-salvation road show is booming...
Millions, who can afford
to pay its fees, swear to its efficacy and personal rewards.
How tempting
then, to jump in and turn one's back on this deeply wounded
world; leaving the 0.2% control freaks to carry on their
take-over, unopposed and unnoticed.
How easy it is to
leave the management of this jewel into which we were born
and of which we are trustees - to those who are totally
indifferent to its fate. Those whose only interest is money,
power and control. Complete control over everything.
Yes, it's oh so
tempting to evade our responsibilities as guardians of planet
earth, and escape into this chimeric deception called
Real freedom is wholeness. And wholeness is the putting back
together of that which has been made separate.
The spiritual is all too
often seen as disconnected from the physical and practical. And the
practical and physical seen as separate from the spiritual. Separate
The powers of the spirit
plane remain divorced, and even in opposition, to the powers of the
material plane. Indeed, one is often considered superior to the
other. As two halves, neither one is whole. Without integration,
both remain only half of what they should be.
Only half of what they
The maintaining of this division is the key trick played on us by
our oppressors. It is the Ace card in their control pack. We need to
recognize this and act on it.
There is a deeply disquieting mismatch between what aspirants get
high on and the actual state of life on earth.
The tens of thousands who
diligently work on their asanas; who meditate daily; who keep only
to the obligatory diets; who purify their drinking water and try to
do the same to their souls.
Supposedly 'awakened
ones' who turn a blind eye on reality, choosing to remain
'politically correct' and aloof from the fray.
Such individuals strive to remain untouched by the contaminated
world around them. Not daring to face the fact that the
contamination is there because they make no effort to prevent it.
That the wars carry on because they make no effort to stop them.
That people are abused
because they make no effort to defend them. That the main abusers
continue to push open the doors, because it is not considered
'spiritually correct' to block them.
Is this really the great road to human emancipation...?
When, I dare to ask,
Will such
individuals be willing to channel the fruits of their
awakening into bringing down the despots of destruction?
Those who
continue to hold them and this planet to ransom, when will
they dare to face the truth and act on it?
For at present too many
are living a lie and calling it truth.
They are simply
perpetuating the failings of those who are always on the look-out
for 'a great escape'.
To make life whole, the spiritual/mental plane must be fully
integrated into the physical/practical plane - and vise versa of
course. Our true power lies in the marriage of social activism and
spiritual aspiration. For in essence they are One, but have been
divided against each other.
Divided in two by powers
that seek to derail humanity and capture the planet for their own
despotic ends.
By integrating a steadily awakening spiritual awareness with a
determination to bring deep social change - we can and will -
overcome the divisive hold exerted by our oppressors.
This is the only, yes
only, way to achieve true liberation. Now is the time to unite.
Time is short. We are very far down the road of divide and conquer.
This blood and war stained road to ruin. A state, we can now admit,
which has been brought about through our own passivity and
abstention, and through the control system capitalizing on this
Let us not pretend that
we are so delusional to imagine we can live-out our lives as
enlightened slaves.
One day, those who
persist in turning their backs, may be rudely reminded of their
selfish indifference by a uniformed thug with a gun in his hand. By
then it's too late.
Now is the time to take control of our destinies - to get on the
front foot and seize the initiative. Words alone will not cut the
ice, neither will prayers alone. In the end actions always speak
louder than words.
All those who claim the
sanctity of the spirit, cannot forever turn away from confronting
those who continue to systematically destroy the very air we breath,
the very food we eat, the very water we drink, the very earth we
live on.
We are fully equipped with - but have as yet failed to manifest -
the courage necessary to turn the tide of history and to block the
despots from tearing apart the uniquely precious soul of man and the
beating heart of our living planet.
True acts of love and of
freedom manifest as bold and defiant determination. A far cry from
the call for 'love and light' to sweeten one's self satisfied
journey to a chimeric salvation.
There is no time to loose. A totalitarian jack-boot is about to
crush our deepest and most precious aspirations. We must rise up and
stand firm against it.
By bringing together, into unity, spiritual aspiration and
social activism, we will be taking a quantum leap towards true
We will be instrumental
in catalyzing a great turning point in humanity's struggle to throw
off its adversaries and lay the foundations of genuine freedom.
By braking the chains of divide and conquer we can - and will -
bring to our doorstep the great victory we long for. A victory
which, at this very moment, lies right in the palm of our hands.