by Gustavo Razzetti
June 07,
Medium Website
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is a footprint
in the sand of time...
"Try not to become a man
of success
- but rather a man of value."
Albert Einstein
The value of your life goes beyond yourself.
Your actions and emotions influence everyone you touch. You change
others. The memories you create live in others - they become part
of who they are.
American poet Henry Longfellow wrote:
"Lives of great
people remind us we can make our lives sublime and, departing,
leave behind footprints in the sand of time."
Your legacy is like an
echo - it will continue resonating once you are gone.
Choose your words wisely; turn your story into something worth
listening over and over. If you think you are too young to design
your legacy, you are wrong. Start now...
What footprint will you leave in the sand of time?
Let your path inspire others to walk in your footsteps.
Your legacy is
much more than a memory
"The greatest gift is
a portion of thyself."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Building your legacy is
your life's purpose.
That's why Jeff Bezos
has this image on his fridge - it's a daily reminder of his life's
purpose. Don't let everyday distractions derail you from what really
matters to you.

The sand of time is history.
The footprints you leave behind last
for generations.
However, don't confuse being remembered with your
A legacy doesn't have to live only in memory.
A nameplate on a bench in Central Park can boost your ego, but not
your impact.
A legacy isn't only about leaving what you earned but
also what you learned:
those who attain
wisdom become immortal.
What if your most
important gift to others is not tangible, but a piece of yourself?
A legacy is a powerful way of connecting with those whose lives you
touch. Your roots, culture, family, connect you to those who came
before you. What you leave behind connects you to your descendants
and community.
Turn your imprint into something sublime - let your deeds and
words inspire others to become the best version of themselves.
Legacies live on:
they continue to
affect people once you are gone.
However, you don't have
total control. You can manage your behavior, not how people perceive
you. Wanting to be remembered, loved, and revered is natural.
But don't make it about
A legacy is an act of generosity - your footprint can help make
the world a better place. Remember, we don't own the planet, we are
just curating it for future generations.
You have an
invisible touch
"You can't make
footprints in the sands of time by sitting on your butt. And who
wants to leave butt-prints in the sands of time?"
What impact do you want
to create in the world?
Building a legacy requires you to be an active player, not just an
You don't have to be Gandhi, Nelson Mandela,
Richard Branson or Steve Jobs to change the world. I'm
not discouraging you from becoming a first-class change agent by any
means. The truth is, most people get stuck by comparing themselves
to exceptional leaders.
Regardless of the size, every drop of water turns the
ocean into what it is. Don't undermine your value.
The world needs your
uniqueness - don't fear the power of your own light.
"Our deepest fear is
not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves,
'Who am I to be
brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?'
Actually, who are you
not to be?"
Marianne Williamson
Our deepest fear
You have an invisible
Don't think you are
nobody. Do you want to change the world? Being famous is not a
necessary condition for creating a positive impact. Start by
inspiring those around you.
As the African proverb says:
"It takes a village
to raise a child."
It takes a village to
achieve any meaningful change in the world - from reducing
violence to fighting poverty.
Effective change requires
participation. You can fight the good fight and inspire others to
join too. We are all meant to shine, as children do.
You passion brings out the passion in others:
the invisible touch
is contagious.
As you let your passion
shine, you will be amazed by how others feel free to do the same.
Besides material possessions and money, there's so much that you can
give others. People need inspiration, solutions, knowledge, and
What's your gift to the world?
Be true to
"No legacy is so rich
as honesty."
William Shakespeare
The best legacy is one
that is consistent with your values and lifestyle.
The purpose of your legacy is not to make you look good. On the
contrary, your life should make your legacy proud. People will
remember the impact you had on them and the memories they shared
with you. One way or another, your stories will be echoed.
Your uniqueness is your best legacy.
Don't try to become someone you are not just to be remembered.
Identify what matters to you. How does your unique self contribute
to making the world a better place?
As Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner remind us in
A Leader's Legacy:
"By asking ourselves
how we want to be remembered, we plant the seeds for living our
lives as if we matter."
Keep your legacy present.
Think of it as a compass that will help you act with purpose even in
the darkest hours.
Use the following
questions to reflect on the footprints you want to leave behind.
What is important
to you?
What would make
you proud?
If you can only
do one thing to improve the world, what would your
contribution be?
How do you want
your life to touch others?
How can you
increase the well-being of those around you?
What actions
would it take to create your legacy?
The planet
needs your help too
"We don't inherit the
earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children."
David Brower
You cannot define your
legacy without considering your impact on the planet as well.
By 2050,
scientists predict there will be
more plastic than fish
in the world's oceans. That's no joke. In the meantime,
clueless politicians deny the damage we are causing to the
The U.S. is
the king of trash, producing a world-leading 250 million
tons a year - almost
4.4 pounds of waste per person per day.
Developing countries are more
efficient because they have to. Being wealthy shouldn't turn
us into predators - we have to act smartly.
Don't add
unnecessary things to your life. Try repairing what's broken
rather than throwing it away. Don't upgrade because you have
to. If your car or computer is still working, don't change
Small behavior can create a huge impact.
the impact on the planet is part of your legacy too. Being a
successful entrepreneur means nothing if you don't care
about the trash your organization creates.
The zero-waste movement
is growing.
There are an increasing number of people -
often young millennial women - whose yearly trash output
can be small enough to fit inside an eight-ounce jar. They
embrace a minimalist lifestyle that saves them both money
and time. We can all dramatically reduce our waste without
getting to that extreme yet.
While you
reflect on the legacy you want to leave behind, consider how
also to reduce your garbage footprint.
exercises to design your legacy
Write a
six-word memoir
Six-Word Memoir is the brainchild of
Larry Smith - it's a simple way to get to the
essence of who you are and what matters the most.
The challenge is simple, but not easy:
"Can you tell
your life story in six words?"
Learn more here.
Create your own
Imagine your elderly self, rocking back and forth in
a chair. Reflect on your fulfilling life.
What have
you achieved? What have you done for the world? What
is your legacy? Engage your senses. Record your
voice narrating those memories as if you achieved
them already.
Check out the
eight-step exercise here.
Write your
own obituary
This exercise confronts you with your own death -
that's why it's so powerful.
Writing your own
obituary is a moving experience. We take time for
granted, but when you face your own death, all
excuses vanish. Crafting your obituary encourages
you to live your life the way you want to be
Download the exercise and instructions
at the end of this post.
Write a legacy letter
This document is similar to a will though it focuses
on the wisdom and impact you want to give others
rather than on possession or material things.
Writing a legacy letter is not only a useful
exercise, but it's also a beautiful gift for your
loved ones for once you are gone.
Here's a simple way to take a first stab at it.
Define your values
I mentioned before, your values define your choices
in life; they are the foundations of your legacy.
Even if you think you know what you stand for, it
doesn't hurt spending some time reflecting or
revisiting your values.
Follow these steps to identify and prioritize
your core values.
We all have
a purpose in life.
your legacy will bring clarity - it will help guide your
actions and priorities. Your legacy is not about you, but
about the mark you leave in those whose lives you touch.
It's a generous act - there's no room for egos.
What footprint will you leave
in the sand of time...?