by Gary Z McGee
January 04, 2019
WakingTimes Website

"It's no measure
of health
to be
to a profoundly
sick society."
How do we know that our society is profoundly sick?
Our society
pollutes the air it needs to breathe.
Our society
pollutes the water it needs to drink.
Our society
pollutes the food it needs to eat.
Our society
pollutes the minds it needs to evolve with.
Any system that forces
its people to breathe polluted air, drink polluted water, eat
polluted food and then continue to do all the things that causes
that pollution, is a profoundly sick society.
It is in this fundamental way that human wellbeing itself has
become the enemy of the state.
Statism only functions with
unhealthy, divided individuals. It cannot continue if people are
healthy and connected.
In short:
statism fails when
enough people achieve a sense of wellbeing despite it.
So, if wellbeing is the
enemy of the state, then it stands to reason that anyone seeking
wellbeing is also an enemy of the state.
Just as those seeking
health, vitality and freedom do well to be maladjusted to a
profoundly sick society, those seeking wellbeing do well to become
enemies of the state.
Freedom is the
enemy of the state
"State is the name of
the coldest of all cold monsters. Coldly it lies; and this lie
slips from its mouth: 'I, the state, am the people'."
Have no illusions, the
curtailment of human freedom is the state's business.
At every turn the Goliath
of the state rears its ugly head, checking the free movement of
otherwise free individuals. It's a monstrous Hydra of overreaching
power, hellbent on keeping its people controlled, corralled, and
contained under the illusion of security and safety, and
under the rampant delusion of law and order.
No nation-state on the planet is genuinely free. All are falsely and
insincerely "free." They are only ever "free" inside the unhealthy
box of their conditions. Therefore, they are not free.
True freedom is allowing
the free movement of people and allowing people to govern themselves
under the guidance of the golden rule and the non-aggression
So what is a free-range human to do in the face of such a
monstrosity? Become David against Goliath. Become Heracles against
Hydra. Become a well-armed lamb contesting all votes. Become
lionhearted despite all cowards.
But before that, you must check yourself. You must become free. If
you are not free, then you cannot be heroic. You must be free in
order to gain the type of courage necessary to become. Full stop.
The golden
rule is the enemy of the state
"Live simply so that
others may simply live."
Statism is the
antithesis of the golden rule.
Why is this? Because the
state demands that you do unto each other as the state demands. This
is the opposite of the golden rule.
The state tricks you into believing that the state is the people.
But the state is not the people. It's the illusion of a people.
People are made up of individuals. Individuality is predicated upon
Further freedom is
predicated upon individuals allowing other individuals to be free.
The state doesn't allow
individuals to be free. It only gives individuals "permission" to be
free upon certain conditions, which is the illusion of freedom.
If freedom is the foundation of the golden rule, then consent is its
backbone. Without consent there is only rape. Lest we allow rape,
consent is paramount.
It's simple:
The difference
between robbery and a good trade is consent.
The difference
between murder and assisted death is consent.
The difference
between rape and a healthy sexual encounter is consent.
The difference
between oppression and freedom is consent.
The difference
between coercion and voluntarism is consent.
Consent is everything...
If I don't want
to trade my dollar for your twinkie and you steal my dollar
anyway, that's robbery, because I did not consent.
If I don't want
to have sex with you but you have sex with me anyway, that's
rape, because I did not consent.
If I feel that
your arbitrary law is immoral and you force me to follow it
anyway, that's oppression, because I did not consent.
If I don't want
to give up my money to your arbitrary tax system but you
force me to do so anyway, that's coercion, because I did not
give my consent.
In order to be a healthy,
responsible, moral, and just human being, you must allow others to
give their consent.
Otherwise, you are
violating the golden rule.
If your values
are based upon violence being the solution to problems, then
your values violate the golden rule.
If your values
are based upon hindering the freedom of others, then your
values violate the golden rule.
If your values
are based upon coercing people to give you money when they
haven't consented, then your values violate the golden rule.
Bottom line:
if your values are
based upon violating the golden rule, then your values are
immoral, unjust and unhealthy.
Nonviolence is the enemy of the state
"An eye for an eye
makes the whole world blind." But "When there is only a choice
between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence."
The state wants violent
citizens so that it can control them.
When people are
nonviolent and compassionate toward each other the state doesn't
have an excuse to prevent freedom (though it will still make up
When people are violent
and intolerant toward each other the state has a reason to prevent
Nonviolence is the enemy of the state because the state's solution
to all problems is violence. When its citizenry comes up with
nonviolent solutions it makes the state obsolete. But the state will
always fight to maintain its overreaching power and control.
So, in order not to
become obsolete, it must maintain its violence.
The only thing that can prevent state violence is the people
realizing that the state is not the people, and upon realizing this,
choose to be nonviolent despite the violence of the state. The flip
side of this coin, however, is self-defense.
The people must also wake
up to the fact that they alone must defend themselves against
violence. Whether that violence comes from an individual, a group of
individuals, or from the state.
The only time when
violence is morally correct is in self-defense.
This can become a tricky psychological briar patch. But, basically,
offensive violence is unhealthy and immoral (tyranny), whereas
defensive violence is healthy and moral (justice).
As Albert Camus
"Absolute freedom
mocks justice. Absolute justice denies freedom. To be fruitful,
the two ideas must find their limits in each other."
Peace is the
enemy of the state
"Never relinquish
your ability to doubt, reflect, and consider other options -
your rationality as an individual is your only protection
against the madness that can overcome a group."
Robert Greene
If wellbeing, health,
freedom, the golden rule, and nonviolence are all the enemy of the
state, then what does that tell you?
Feel free to lose the wrestling match between your higher reasoning
and your cognitive dissonance. I'll wait here…
The bottom line is this:
War is the only way
any nation-state maintains itself. And yet love (peace,
compassion, freedom, justice) is the only way humans can
progressively evolve in a healthy way.
The state is always
at war:
with itself, with its
citizens, with other states...
There is no way out of
its net of covert violence unless you leave it behind and become a
free-range human. In order to be a lover of humanity one must become
an enemy of the state.
The realization that in order to be a healthy, moral, and just human
one must become an enemy of the state, is a tough pill to swallow.
It's not for the
faint of heart.
It will take
counterintuitive reasoning to fully fathom it.
It will require
you to think outside of whatever box you've been conditioned
to think inside of for most of your life.
It will force you
to unwash the brainwash.
It will involve
reprogramming your programming.
It will demand
that you question the profoundly sick society you were born
Most of all, it
will require audacious courage in the face of comfortable
But, as Ralph Waldo
Emerson wisely stated,
"A man is to carry
himself in the presence of all opposition. I ought to go upright
and vital and speak the rude truth in all ways. Your goodness
must have some edge to it - else it is none."