by Paul Craig Roberts
April 26,
PaulCraigRoberts Website

A fish rots from the head. In the Western world rot is accelerating.
rot in Washington is swiftly
spreading to state and local governments and abroad to the
Empire's vassal governments. Washington's attack on journalism
represented by the illegal arrest of
Julian Assange has now spread
to France.
The U.S. government's
policy of sanctions against sovereign countries that do not follow
Washington's orders has spread to,
the state of New
York, where the governor has threatened sanctions against
financial institutions that do business with the National
Rifle Association (NRA).
In France the
vassal president
Macron has ordered three
journalists - who revealed that Macron's government knowingly
and intentionally sold arms to Saudi Arabia and the UAE to be
used for the slaughter of women and children in Yemen - to
report for police questioning.
The report proves that
Macron's government deliberately lied when it said it was unaware
that French weapons were to be used for attack rather than
defense use in violation of the
Arms Trade Treaty of 2014.
The journalists are under
investigation by the French gestapo for,
national defense secrets."
In other words, when the
French government lies, it is a violation of national defense
secrets to report it.
The entire Western world is adopting Washington's
approach to Assange and criminalizing the practice of
journalism, thus protecting governments' criminality.
If you reveal a
government crime, as Wikileaks did, you will be prosecuted by the
criminal government for doing so. It is like permitting a criminal
to prosecute the police and prosecutor who want him arrested.
With the First
Amendment already under attack and targeted for elimination
by Identity Politics for permitting "hate speech"
With the 10th
Amendment destroyed by the war criminal Abe Lincoln
With habeas
corpus and due process destroyed by the
George W. Bush and
Obama regimes,
...only the Second
Amendment still stands, and it is under attack from New York
Andrew Cuomo.
Cuomo revealed that his threat of sanctions against financial
organizations has the purpose of putting,
NRA out of business. We're
forcing NRA into financial jeopardy. We won't stop until we shut
them down."
The tyrant Cuomo knows
that the NRA cannot operate without a bank account and insurance
To be clear, Washington's success in weaponizing government
against the people has spread throughout the empire and down
into the state governments of the United States.
When we add to this the mass spying on citizens made possible by the
digital revolution, we have as the result the death of liberty.
To any longer speak of the "Western democracies" is to mouth a
falsehood. There are exactly zero Western
governments that can be held accountable by the people.
There can be no
accountable government without a free press.
There is no economic
freedom or freedom of association when businesses are punished for
having business relationships with organizations that are targets of
government oppression.
The "war
on terror" was a disguise for an attack on the U.S.
Constitution, an attack that has succeeded. The worst act of treason
in history is the U.S. government's destruction of the U.S.
The era of tyranny has begun. Elections cannot stop it...