by Paul Cudenec
June 17,
Network23-PaulCudenec Website
Spanish version

In "A
Maze of Political Lies", I wrote about a dark "something"
below the surface of the visible political world which controls our
lives and corrupts our thinking.
However, there is another "something" which acts in the opposite
direction and which is deeply feared by that malevolent energy.
It is the
life-affirming energy which, again and again, is blocked by the
toxic control complex - its momentum shunted, as we saw, into
the dead ends of nationalism, statism or
corporate deception...
It embraces our innate desire for self-determination, our
unquenchable thirst for freedom and our eternal longing for an
escape from this industrial nightmare so that we might
rediscover our health and wisdom in the bosom of Mother Nature.
When these vital forces,
so long suppressed, surge up together in our hearts and our minds,
they can stir a powerful wave of revolt against
But for this revolt to succeed, a further element needs to be set
free from the labyrinth of lies in which it, too, has long been
This element is,
our sense of the
sacred, our connection with the Whole, our spirit.
Dominant culture has
worked hard to stifle this dimension, not just by denying its
existence through its one-dimensional modern materialist mindset,
but by caging it within the rigid and lifeless structures and dogmas
of power-serving religion and by diverting it into
unwholesome cults or shallow pseudo-spiritualities which
preach passivity and pose no threat to its rule.

As on the political level, these grotesque caricatures of authentic
spirituality are used to discredit the real thing, to keep us
chained in the cellars of servitude and unable to drink the
knowledge that would set us free to soar.
The greatest heresy of all, the gnosis that must be kept hidden from
us at all costs,
is that each of us is
a manifestation of the living cosmos.
The sacred is not "up there" and we do not need self-appointed
intermediaries to make contact with it. It is within every
living being.
If we clean the
accumulated layers of our culture's corruption from our hearts, we
can allow the light to shine through us, as it was always meant to.
Once we shed all our personal fears and insecurities, once we know
that our own individual existence is just one temporary
manifestation of the Whole, once we realize that the Whole can only
act in the physical realm through its parts, then we begin to
understand who we really are.
Our being is part of
a process.
We are the means
through which the universe forms and shapes itself.
Our subjective
consciousness is the form the Whole has to take in order to
descend into the world, to be present and active within it.
We can have no fear
of death, because we are the Whole and the Whole never
Our individual life is
simply an action of the Whole and our duty, in this life-role, is to
accomplish that action to the best of our ability and with head held
Millions upon millions of people will always have the potential to
the few thousands who channel the poisonous
energy of the negative "something".
Millions upon
millions of us who have broken free from the maze of political
deception to demand the return of our stolen land and our stolen
freedom would be a mighty force indeed.
And millions upon millions of us, inspired and guided in that
fight by the light of truth and unencumbered by the fear of
death, would be simply unstoppable...