by Gary Z McGee
June 26,
Self-InflictedPhilosophy Website
Z McGee, a former Navy Intelligence Specialist turned
philosopher, is the author of 'Birthday Suit of God' and
'The Looking Glass Man'.
works are inspired by the great philosophers of the ages
and his wide-awake view
the modern world. |

is a choice.
Wishes and whims
are not facts,
nor are they
means toward discovering them.
Reason is our
only way to grasp reality.
We are free to
avoid the effort of thinking,
to reject
thinking, to reject reason,
but we are not
free to avoid
the penalty of
the abyss
we refuse to
Terry Goodkind
Everyone talks a big game about being open-minded and
flexible in their thinking.
But when it comes down to
it, how often do we avoid the effort of thinking and simply rely on
our faith to guide us?
Probably more often
than most of us would care to admit.
Reason, thinking, taking things into deep consideration, is a
Unfortunately, most
of us don't choose reason.
Most of us choose
This doesn't only apply
to religion and dogma.
This applies also to
our blind faith in the government, the state, in authority, and
in the police.
It also applies to
everyday living.
Most of us believe
rather than think.
The problem with this is
that it creates a society that ignorantly wants someone else to do
their thinking for them; even if they won't, or can't, admit it to
This inevitably leads to
the abuse of power.
And because power tends
to corrupt, those who we allow to do our thinking for us will
eventually abuse that power.
That is, unless we
are willing to take our power back and do some
thinking of our own.
Faith at the expense of
reason creates a black-hole, an abyss we refuse to see.
Willful ignorance is the
The abyss is all around
It's evident in
government corruption and police brutality.
It's evident in the
religions must go to bludgeon a
thinker into going along with their irrational magical thinking.
A faith that by its very
beliefs rejects reason and embraces the irrational cannot long
endure without intimidation or force.
In religion we see
In the government we
see force.
In the police we see
The abyss we refuse to
see is the corruption caused by this intimidation and
force, which is reinforced by our own willful ignorance and
cognitive dissonance.
The primary war is inside us.
Do we choose to think
or do we choose to believe?
Do we choose reason
or faith?
Do we choose to ask
uncomfortable questions or to accept comfortable answers?
The frontline is
And it is won or lost in
proportion to how we each deal with the clash between reason and
wishful thinking.
Wishes and whims can only muddy our reasoning if we refuse to think
and instead rely upon someone else to do our thinking for us.
Whether that
"someone" is religion, the state, the government, the police, or
some other arbitrary authority...
Reason itself must be the
only sovereign lest we lose touch with reality.
If we allow anything else
to rule over us, we inadvertently create an abyss where meaning
itself goes to die.
And then anyone claiming
authority can, and will, abuse its power by taking advantage of our
willingness to allow that authority to do our thinking for us.
Whether it is a clash between truth and faith or
between justice and power, only the thinking,
rationalizing human individual can figure it out for themselves
using logic and reasoning.
As soon as that
individual gives up thinking for themselves, they unwittingly give
consent to tyranny.
Might does not make
right. It never has. That's a myth.
Might must make
right, or it becomes a tyrant.
But, and here's the
might will never make
right if it is not checked and balanced by rational people who
think for themselves.
When we avoid the effort
of thinking, when we reject reason for faith,
We create an abyss.
We create tyranny.
We create dogmatic
We create brutal
authority figures that inevitably abuse their power at the
expense of others.
We create all of
these monstrosities, and then we refuse to see them for what
they are.
We go blind.
We become a slave to
But there is hope...

We are all willing to be
fierce in some cause.
What makes the cause
honorable or not is its veracity and validity.
Does it follow
Does it follow
Does it follow
If not, then it can
neither be valid nor honorable.
Nietzsche once asked,
"who could overturn
with reason what the mob has once believed without reason?"
The answer must be a
rational individual fierce in some cause.
An individual who dares
to use their own power of reasoning to discover a healthy cause
honorable enough to shine a light into the darkness of the abyss
that everyone refuses to see.
For what the mob has once
believed without reason is the abyss we refuse to see.
how does the
abyss we refuse to see become the abyss we can no longer
It takes everyday
people, individuals, you and me, who refuse to allow anyone else
to do our thinking for us.
It takes regulating
the Powers That Be because it
refuses to regulate itself.
It takes questioning
authority and holding those with the power of judge, jury, and
executioner to a higher standard than those they are judging,
jurying, or executing - a standard so high that they can't
It takes having
Reason itself as our only sovereign.
Blind faith is old hat.
It's outdated and untenable.
Allowing some outside
authority to do our thinking for us is how we got into this mess in
the first place:
a species that has
the audacity to create and perpetuate a profoundly sick society.
A species that won't
even recognize it as a consequence of its own unhealthy actions.
It's high time we
acknowledged it.
Such acknowledgement
begins with reason.
Reason despite blind
faith is the only road to truth.
Reason despite
authority is our only route to justice.
Reason despite wishes
and whims and comfortable pie-in-the-sky platitudes is our only
path to discerning the nature of reality. Indeed.
Reason is our only
salvation if we wish to be free.
The abyss we refuse to
see can only be seen when we choose to take it upon ourselves to
think and use reason despite our beliefs.
Only then can we
begin to dig ourselves out of the abyss.
Only then will the
veil of power fall away to reveal that the wizard was never
anything more than a hack, a fraud, or worse, a tyrant who used
our ignorance for his own gain.
At the end of the day,
the choice is ours...
Continue to allow our
faith in outdated institutions to destroy us, or use reason and
question the veracity and validity of those outdated institutions.
Giving someone else
the power to choose for us will only perpetuate the profound
darkness of the abyss we refuse to see.
There are those who
love liberty, who strive for it, who live it, and who rise above
injustice through freedom and reason.
Then there are those
who are bent on mindless stagnation and submission to a faith
enforced by an arbitrary black-and-white uniformity disguised as
There are those who long to transcend "the way things are"
through their own effort and creativity.
Then there are those
who want others to think for them and are willing to live
half-lived lives as the ultimate price (the abyss).
Choose to be the one who
sees the abyss for what it is - a trap...