The lion's share of propaganda goes not toward convincing us to accept new agendas of the powerful, but toward keeping us entranced in the status quo dream world which enables the powerful to have power in the first place.
Toward normalizing status
quo systems and training us to shape ourselves to fit into them like
neat little cogs in a well-oiled machine.
The giant corporations
who indoctrinate us with their advertisements, their Hollywood
movies and shows, their apps, their websites and their news media
are all naturally incentivized to point us further and further into
delusion by the fact that they benefit from the status quo systems
which have elevated them to wealth.
And it always aligns perfectly with the interests of the rich and powerful...
They invent the test of our adequacy, and they invent the system by which we are graded on that test.
These artificial constructs take up such vast portions of our personal psychology that people will live their entire lives completely enslaved to them, making them their entire focus.
This enslavement is so pervasive that people will often even take their own lives based on what those made-up constructs tell them about who they are and what they're worth.
A dream world, made entirely of narrative, constructed by the powerful for the benefit of the powerful.
Things as intimate as the
thoughts in our heads and the movement of our interest and attention
are controlled and dominated with iron-fisted force, all for the
benefit of some stupid made-up games about imaginary money and
fictional authority.
Too preoccupied with the
illusion to look up and notice the thunderous majesty of life as it
really is, and usually too confused to truly perceive it even on
those rare occasions when we snap out of the trance for a moment to
make an effort.
The real world is as different from the status quo narrative about the world as it is from any other work of fiction.
And the good news is that just as your false view of yourself and your world shaped your human expression in the service of the powerful, the rolling back of that mind fog shapes your human expression into something else entirely.
And that's what humanity looks like on the other side of this awkward transition phase that our species is going through at this adolescent point in its development.