by Gary Z McGee
February 26,
Self-InflictedPhilosophy Website
Z McGee,
former Navy Intelligence Specialist turned philosopher,
is the author of Birthday Suit of God and The
Looking Glass Man.
works are inspired by the great philosophers of the ages
and his wide-awake view of the modern world. |

Image source:
Royal by Dorian Legret
"Life is
a matter of oscillation.
Life is
The question is:
how are you
going to interpret that.
Is it tremble,
tremble, tremble;
or is it laugh,
laugh, laugh?"
Alan Watts
Will to Power was
groundbreaking philosophy.
It paved the way for the
future of self-empowerment and higher thinking. It built a bridge
upon which we can at least begin the journey toward the ideal of the
Overman (Ubermensch).
But there's a fly in Nietzsche's ointment. It takes itself too
seriously. It's too rigid and attached to power. It's heavy-handed
and heavy-hearted.
Otherwise, it's
Otherwise, it's perhaps
the most important idea in philosophy.
What if there was a
way to take the fly out of the ointment?
What if there was a
way to take all the glorious empowerment of Nietzsche's will to
power but then leave all the self-serious attachment to power
What if there was a
way to practice self-empowerment with a good sense of humor?
And what if we could
use this heightened sense of humor as a launchpad for even
higher humor, and even greater power?
That's where the
Will to Humor comes in...
Where the will to power is the drive within mankind to perfect and
transcend the self through the possession and exercise of creative
power and to use that power in the world, the will to humor
is the drive to transform power into purpose, purpose into humility,
and humility into humor.
Because a good sense
of humor is the only thing that can get power over power and
prevent it from corrupting...
The will to humor is
absolute detachment in lighthearted laughter. It's only ever serious
about not being serious. Everything is inconsequential.
Everything is an infinite
game, and the one practicing the will to humor is an infinite player
recognizing the truth of the Italian Proverb:
"after the game, the
king and the pawn go into the same box."
The box is a metaphor
for death.
Be you rich or poor,
powerful or powerless, king or pawn; at the end of the day, we all
go into the box...
It doesn't matter what
masks we've worn in our life.
Be it the mask of a
CEO, a Queen, a beggar, or a taxidermist.
Be it the mask of a
liberal, a conservative, or an anarchist.
Be it the mask of a
pragmatist, a stoic, or an existentialist.
The utility of all masks
ends in dust...
As Emil Cioran said,
"'Fate' was only a
mask, as everything is a mask that is not death."
Those practicing the
will to humor laugh at all the masks. Even the mask of the
They laugh at all
pretenses. Most of all, they laugh at the cosmic joke. Not because
they are immune to it but because they realize that they are the
butt end of it. We all are.
They realize that
everything is laughable.
Everything is fleeting.
Nothing is permanent. All things end. We are all of us caught in a
cosmic blender that we know next to nothing about.
Swirling around in our
confusion, we are given a choice:
languish or laugh...
The will to humor gives
us power over power because it is a way to transcend the confusion
of the cosmic blender.
It is a way to detach
ourselves from the cosmic joke. It is a way to rise above our mortal
dread by assimilating it into our mortality. It's a way to go meta
over our self-seriousness.
Most importantly it is a
way to resolve the dilemma of power.
Through the will to humor we discover our inner looking glass, our
primordial mirror, our vital contribution to Cosmos:
The will to humor
engenders presence by prompting us to search for hidden meaning.
Not in a codependent
way, rigid and clinging.
Nor in an independent
way, fierce and searching.
But in a detached
way, open and flowing.
Meaning becomes an
act of lighthearted creation rather than an act of heavyhearted
The will to humor is
radicalized virtue.
It radicalizes courage,
moderation, wisdom, justice, curiosity, and honor. Through
radicalized virtue comes a heightened state of lightheartedness, a
sense of play so powerful it gains power over Power itself.
With this power over power, those practicing the will to humor are
compelled to turn their power outward. First as laughter, second as
expiation, and third as prestige.
This is where the will to humor distinguishes itself from the will
to power.
Where the will to power
consumes itself in individual power, the will to humor subsumes its
independent power and turns it outward into interdependent
empowerment. Individual power is "corrected" - checked and balanced
- by the greater power of humor and humility to prevent the
corruption power.
The first act of outward empowerment is the almighty laugh. Lest we
become corrupt from the power we have attained through our will to
power, we must let it go, we must surrender it, we must get out from
under it.
We do this through humor.
And the most profound act
of humor is laughter...
Laughter is the only
thing in the universe that is both weapon and medicine.
We must laugh and
laugh hard.
We laugh to cut.
But we also laugh to
We laugh to stand our
ground in honor.
But we also laugh to
give ground in humility.
We laugh to be wild
and fierce.
But we also laugh to
The will to power needs to level-up.
It does so by
laughing into the abyss.
If, as Mark Twain
"The human race has
only one effective weapon, and that is laughter",
...then it stands to
reason that we double down on laughter as a weapon and turn it upon
our self-seriousness.
When we are cutting with the kind of laughter that manifests from
the will to humor, we are cutting with the sword of humility.
Our laughter is a razor-sharp frequency cutting through all things.
It's a guillotine
chopping off the head of anything that takes itself too
It slips through the
broken places of the heart and creates lightheartedness.
It reminds us that we
are both worms and gods, tragically mortal and yet comically
It mocks all
self-seriousness and half-measures.
It's a coup stick
that tricks holy shrines into monkeyshines.
It melts gelded
It shatters the
kneecaps of high horses.
It makes the devil
blush and God cry.
It mocks Death
As R.A. Lafferty
"The law of levity is
allowed to supersede the law of gravity."
Nothing is more powerful
than laughter in the face of that which seeks to destroy us.
The will to humor teaches
us how to shine even as our heart is breaking. Our indomitable sense
of humor blazes through the cracks of having fallen apart and come
back together again.
As Rabelais said,
"For all your ills, I
give you laughter."
Where the will to power
ends at being a self-forging independent force of nature, the will
to humor extends this momentum by becoming a self-overcoming
interdependent force of fate.
Where the will to power
is attached to the ideal of self-power, the will to humor is
detached from it and thereby empowers.
Where the will to power
has power through sheer grit, courage, and determination, the will
to humor gets power over power and empowers the world through honor,
humility, and humor.
Where the will to power attempts to control the world in a
self-empowered narcissistic way, the will to humor empowers the
world in a state of humility, respect, and mindful non-attachment.
By doing so it becomes
even more powerful through the higher power of prestige.
The will to humor ushers in a vital soul-centric perspective, as
opposed to the ego-centric perspective of the will to power. It's
accompanied by a sense of childlike lightheartedness and play.
Any philosophy that doesn't honor the inner child is a dead thing.
There's no room for
It's stale, dry, and
weighed down by the heavy rust of power dynamics. Humorless, way
too serious, and lacking in humility, it shrivels up on itself,
desiccated and uncouth.
Honoring the child within
allows for a playful space.
Playfulness is the
acting out of a good sense of humor...
As Khalil Gibran
wisely stated,
"Keep me away from
the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not
laugh, and the greatness which does not bow before children."
Rather than be overly
serious and excessively telic (job-oriented) those practicing
the will to humor are non-serious and atelic
They work hard but
they play harder.
They are playfully
nonchalant rather than aggressive and rigid.
They allow room for
prestige to flourish.
Another powerful function
of the will to humor is to deflate the ego of power by reminding
those in power of their own fallibility, while also reminding those
who are not in power that power has the tendency to corrupt if it's
not checked and balanced by humility and humor.
The will to humor countervails even as it unveils outdated power.
It is needed to trump
the Trumps of the world.
It is needed to toss
a monkey wrench into the war machine and dismantle it.
It is needed to make
people laugh at their own seriousness.
It is needed to break
psychosocial hyper-reality down to its most fundamental points
and then build it back up into the healthy and healing light of
At the end of the day,
the will to power is an amazing pursuit but for the
fly in the ointment:
it takes itself too
We resolve the problem by
going next level with the will to humor.
We open our eyes.
We quit pretending to
be asleep.
We laugh and laugh
We stay there...
As Soren Kierkegaard
"When I opened my
eyes and saw the real world, I began to laugh. And I haven't
stopped since"...