by Gary 'Z' McGee
December 02,
Self-InflictedPhilosophy Website
'Z' McGee,
a former Navy Intelligence Specialist turned
philosopher, is the author of 'Birthday Suit of God'
'The Looking
Glass Man'.
His works are inspired by the great philosophers of the
ages and his wide-awake view of the modern world. |

Graham Yarrington
"We are
bleeding at the roots,
because we are
cut off
from the earth
and sun and stars,
and love is a
grinning mockery,
because, poor
we plucked it
from its stem
on the tree of
Life and expected it
to keep on
in our civilized
vase on the table"
D.H. Lawrence
The earth is a part of us.
It's not a commodity that
belongs to us, it's a sacred community to which we belong.
Unfortunately, modern
culture has become an abstraction of an abstraction that distracts
us from union with the natural world. We've become twice removed
from the sacred community to the extent that we don't even know that
we don't know there's a serious problem.
We're overly domesticated, overly governed, and overly lawyered.
Our hearts have become machines, there's no feeling, no hunger, no
soul. There's only prescribed conditioning, unhealthy excess, and
mealymouthed one-upmanship.
Culture has become a
And there's only one solution to tyranny:
fierce freedom,
unapologetic freedom, no-holds barred freedom.
The kind of freedom that
upsets the settled, reconditions the conditioned, and upends all
outdated apple carts. A freedom so ferocious that
the Powers That Be piss in their
privileged pantaloons.
When culture itself is the tyrant, heroism becomes an act of
reconditioning cultural conditioning. The hero's journey must become
a quest to seek union with cosmos, to reunite Nature and the human
soul, and to reawaken the God within.
The hero must face the
dragon of cultural conditioning with the courage to recondition it.
Here are three ways to get started on this most vital path:
stop bleeding at
the roots
disconnected from
the source
start reclaiming
our place as a healthy species in the interconnected
1.) Seek
solitude and meditation
"Too much
security becomes boredom,
and boredom
leads to a decline in vitality.
Man has
surrounded himself by walls
and has built
his narrow 'human world'
as a center of
but the security
has begun to stifle him."
Colin Wilson
Freedom is not a given.
It must be earned.
It must be
cultivated, practiced, and acted upon daily.
The moment freedom is
taken for granted is the moment it is lost.
In the crashing plane of an unfree world, a free human is someone
who puts the oxygen mask on themselves first in order to be there
for those who are incapable, or too ignorant, to become free.
The oxygen mask is meditation and solitude.
The source is Nature,
away from the things of man. The oxygen is sacred alignment with
cosmos and the interconnectedness of all things.
We must learn how to
turn away from the grind before it grinds us into a pulp. We
must learn to overcome the default setting.
We should seek solitude and meditation in the wild.
We should bask in
otherworldliness, wear eccentric masks, wield centering energy,
connect the finite with the infinite, discover the difference
between healthy and unhealthy, and then return and share our
magic elixir with the "tribe."
As Rumi said,
"There is a voice
that doesn't use words. Listen..."
The most powerful way to
hear the "voice that doesn't use words" is through solitude
and meditation.
Beyond the banshee scream
of culture, where No-mind is free to remind you that you are a force
of nature first and a human being second.
Solitude is powerful because it separates us from the rat race and
reveals interconnected beauty.
We go from being a
rat in a cage to a creature enthralled by its connection with
We go from being a
millstone in a daily grind to being a whetstone we can sharpen
ourselves against.
We go from being a
cog in the clockwork to an alarm clock that awakens us to higher
In solitude, we can no
longer pretend that we are asleep.
In meditation, we can no
longer pretend that everything isn't connected to everything else.
Most members of the herd never taste solitude. They get caught up in
the rat race, trapped in their cultural conditioning, stuck in
religious indoctrination, imprisoned in political brainwashing. They
lose sight of the underlying essence. They sacrifice their wildness
for mildness.
And when their life
requires a little bite, they discover that they have no teeth.
Solitude rewilds the domesticated animal and teaches it how to
regrow its teeth.
In conservation biology
the term "rewilding" is,
the rehabilitation
process of captive animals...
In the case of preventing
ourselves from bleeding at the roots, the captive animal happens to
be human.
Solitude and meditation is a way to plant ourselves in Infinity.
2.) Transform
triviality into vitality
reveals to us
that our lives
have been
one long
based on
Colin Wilson
Shed outdated skin.
Cut the dead weight. Burn
off the dross. Get ahead of the curve. Life is too short to waste
precious energy on outdated concepts or living in regret. The past
is the past. Forgive yourself and forgive your ancestors for their
ignorance. It's okay to move on.
As Joseph Campbell
"We must be willing
to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life
that is waiting for us.
The old skin has to
be shed before the new one can come. If we fix on the old, we
get stuck. When we hang onto any form, we are in danger of
Hell is life drying
Don't allow your life to
dry up. Don't allow your trivial ego and base pride to soak up all
your vitality.
You are the tip of the
spear of human evolution. What came before you may have made you,
but it doesn't own you. It's your responsibility alone to break
It is the trivial that has plucked you from the source. The trivial
is anything that prevents you from connecting with everything else.
It's anything that distracts you from the soul. It's anything that
prevents you from becoming one with all things.
The best way to transform triviality into vitality is through
healthy nonattachment.
Healthy nonattachment is a way to transcend egocentric codependence
through soulcentric interdependence. It teaches you how not to take
yourself or your ideas too seriously. You see how everything is
transitory. All things are fleeting.
The be-all-end-all is
always beginning and always ending. The wisdom of nonattachment is
the ability to remain connected to everything else with neither
pride nor ego messing up the works.
It takes courage to choose a flexible disposition over a rigid
expectation. It takes courage to choose humility over pride. It
takes courage to choose uncomfortable nonattachment over comfortable
Learn from your
mistakes and the mistakes of others, lick your wounds, quiet
your ego, and transform triviality into vitality.
Stand on the
shoulders of giants in order to see further and farther than
they ever could.
Capitalize on the
ignorance of our species' past.
Rise up as a
shining example of how to be a healthy human being despite an
unhealthy world.
3.) Make a
virtue of your peculiarities
a point,
around the age
of twenty,
when you have to
whether to be
like everybody else
the rest of your
or to make a
of your
Ursula K. Le
The keyword here is virtue.
Preventing our roots from
bleeding out hinges on eight core virtues:
courage, curiosity,
temperance, humility, liberty, honor, wisdom, and humor.
These virtues are vital
rungs on the ladder toward achieving wholeness in character and
fulfilling our life's purpose.
They lead to moral
virtue, which is best encapsulated by the concept of arete.
And arete cultivated over a lifetime can lead to
human flourishing...
Courage frees character,
curiosity grows character, temperance balances character, humility
grounds character, liberty stabilizes character, honor unifies
character, wisdom guides character, and humor overcomes character.
This kind of character creates an antifragile spirit despite an
otherwise fragile culture.
With a character such
as this, we can stand tall, strong, sincere, and fierce.
We become a force of
nature to be reckoned with. A dynamo amidst dominoes. A lion
amongst men.
With the sharpness of our mettle, we're able to cut through all
golden calves, superficial hierarchies, and delusions of
The only sin is
unfulfilled potential.
It is the darkest place
we can sink. It's the only thing worthy of fear. The only true
failure is to abdicate the responsibility of fulfilling our
So, we abdicate to no
No authority.
No state.
No God.
Not even Death...!
As Oscar Wilde
truly said,
"Disobedience was
man's original virtue."
Instead, we go all-in on
our peculiarities.
We double down on our
We individuate our
True value is emboldened
Everything else is
Everything else is
pretend forgiveness.
Everything else is a
false virtue.
Everything else is
faux medicine.
Emboldened uniqueness is
our potential.
It's our deepest
longing to create and express our own values. This uniqueness is
our life's purpose, our soul signature.
True power comes from
emboldening what makes us different.
We should assert this
uniqueness, even if that offends some people along the way.
Sometimes what makes us different may not be agreeable to others.
Oh well...
As long as we are being
authentic, as long as we are being genuine, sincere, and real, we
should let our freak flag fly, let our Shadow shine, let our art
have some shock value.
Party-poopers be
Should our medicines clash, so be it. We can learn from the
collision. We can glean greater medicine compounded from the
confrontation. Iron sharpens iron. Diamond sharpens diamond.
As Epictetus said,
"Don't explain your
philosophy. Embody it...!"