by Montalk
January 10,
Montalk Website

Video Transcript
(Video at bottom
If you've ever
synchronistically manifested something you wanted in life, you
know that consciousness can influence reality.
Many have tried putting this principle to use by using focused
visualization methods per the
Law of Attraction to try and
manifest their desires.
But that's a rather limited application.
What many don't realize is that our consciousness doesn't shape
reality only during emotionally charged focused visualizations;
it shapes reality constantly according the very quality of our
In fact, you don't even need to do anything specific in terms of
visualization exercises or meditations to influence reality. All
you need to do is be who you are right now, and to varying
degrees, life will reflect the nature of your being.
There's an actual physics behind how this works, which I'll
cover in a future video about imaginary spacetime and the
Feynman Path Integral formulation of quantum mechanics.
But for
now, if you think of time like a river, then not only do we move
forward along that river, we also drift vertically at different
depths between different currents or time streams.
The river of time is actually a bundle of interwoven time
streams, each representing a certain theme of experience.
the top of the river there's light, meaning peace, harmony, and
serendipity. Near the bottom there's darkness, meaning pain,
suffering, and obstacles.
Which time stream you access depends on the
resonance spectrum of your soul, your being, the deeper parts of
your consciousness.
This resonance spectrum determines which
time streams or probable futures you exchange energy with and
thereby attract.
So by changing your being, meaning the qualitative aspect of
your consciousness, you change your stream of experience in
Many Law of Attraction students miss this point. They think it
all depends on what they do during a visualization session, when
in reality what matters most is who they are the rest of the
So it's a good idea to transform your being from a lower state
to a higher state.
But is it enough to just wear a smile all day
and avoid negative thinking?
Not exactly, and the reason is that surface level thoughts and
feelings are not what cause synchronistic attraction. Rather,
what matters is the deeper subconscious foundation from which
they arise.
It's about who you are at the subconscious level that pivots you
between different time streams. It's about what you emotionally
resonate with and are drawn toward.
It's about what you take to
be reality, your root assumptions regarding the way life works,
your unquestioned beliefs, your overall mood and mindset and
outlook on life.
As we all know, different people respond differently to the same
Some get amused, others get angry.
Some react with
understanding, others with blame.
Some rise to the challenge,
others shrivel up.
Like different objects making different sounds when struck in
the same way, how each of us responds and reacts to life is says
something about our personal consciousness resonance spectrum.
And it's precisely
this resonance that determines which probable
futures we energize and attract.
The problem is that for so many, the way they are is all they've
ever known, all they believe there is, and all they secretly
want and subconsciously resonate with.
Like a sound or smell that's always there, it merges into the
background and becomes hard to notice and therefore hard to do
something about.
That's why people tend to stay locked into their time stream and
keep attracting the same experiences, even if on the everyday
conscious level they wish for better.
Because conscious wishing isn't the same as subconscious being.
If you just put on a token smile and half heartedly try to think
happy thoughts, but deep down you're the same as always, life
will remain the same as always.
If you're full of inner turmoil and reactivity and try to
suppress that instead of resolving it at the subconscious level,
all you're doing is putting a lid on a pressure cooker while
staying in the same time stream, and so when life inevitably
throws more of the same at you, you end up exploding.
That's why the priority must be on pivoting yourself at the very
root of your consciousness, the foundation, the axis of your
inner world.
Because it's by turning around your inner world and
changing your very nature, that you turn your life around.
The first step to doing that is recognizing what state you're in
and when it actually changes for real.
Otherwise you can easily fool yourself into thinking you've
changed when you haven't.
Did you really rise to a higher positive state, or are you just
going through the motions?
Have you slipped back into a neutral
state without knowing it?
Or have you fallen into a lower
negative state that needs emergency corrective action?
How would
you know for sure?
Seven Signs
Well, here's how you
can know.
Here are 7 Signs that
your consciousness has actually shifted.
The new state
has normalized
That means you don't have to force it. It
feels like your new center of gravity, your new default mode
of being. It wells up from deep within you and drives your
thoughts and feelings.
You don't even have to try.
It's just
who you are now.
Your previous
state fades out
When you think back on it, it feels
foreign and distant, like you can't really identify with it
anymore, like it's another person.
You can sort of recall
what it was like, but more at arm's length like you're
watching someone else's life.
Your priorities
Many things you were preoccupied with before now
lose their importance, and things you didn't care for before
have taken on new meaning.
Your perceptions
You notice things about people, about your
surroundings, about life that you didn't notice before. And
what you used to notice all the time, you don't really pay
attention to anymore.
People act
differently toward you
The types of people you attract,
the way they look at you, how warm or cold they are toward
you, these all undergo a transformation.
Your emotional
reactions change
Since you view the world through a
different lens, you no longer react the same way to life.
the character of your emotional responses changes. Old
patterns of feelings become harder to access, and new
feelings come more easily.
That's your soul resonance
spectrum changing.
and dreams change
You experience a change in
synchronicity in your life in terms of their types,
meanings, intensity, and how often they occur.
The quality
of your dreams may change too, since dreams are primarily an
expression of the subconscious, and it's the subconscious
that changes here because it's a doorway to the deeper
levels of your being.
Now these seven signs
apply whether you're in a positive, negative, or neutral state
of being.
Let's look at some examples of each.
Positive State
In a positive state,
you experience more positive synchronicities in life.
Life can
become weird but in a good way, reality bending in sometimes
miraculous ways. Your dreams become more meaningful,
enlightening, and enjoyable.
You're naturally buoyant, resilient, and good natured. There's a
sense of ease and assuredness and harmony.
When you're in a higher time stream like this, you attract
positive people, and people in general are friendlier toward
you. Those who may have been antagonistic before suddenly
You may even notice with people you know, that things
are suddenly going better for them in their lives, which brings
up the possibility that when you interact with someone, you're
actually interacting with whatever probable version of them
you've tuned into via your current soul resonance.
You find more meaning in the little things and receive more
insights when pondering the big things in life.
And so you
become more curious, creative, insightful, reflective, and
You become more sensitive to beauty, color, symmetry, meaning,
and oneness in all that you perceive.
Everything feels more
alive, more vibrant.
Music sounds more satisfying.
Instead of reacting blindly to life's learning lessons, you
actively introspect and learn from your experiences.
problems or provocations arise, your natural response is one of
good natured understanding and lucid clarity.
People who are in a lower state but mistakenly believe they're
in a higher state are all fine so long as nothing bad is
happening but the moment they are tested, their true nature
comes out, and that serves as an indicator that they need to
rework their approach.
Alright, so the positive state is one of higher consciousness,
of being more in resonance with your spiritual core essence and
It's about strength, wisdom, awareness, and spiritual
Negative State
That's the opposite
of the positive state, which is mired in reactivity, hostility,
limiting beliefs, illusion, self-destruction, materialism, or
animal instincts.
The lower one goes within the river of time, the more strange
and negative things get. For starters, there's an increase in
accidents, illnesses, and misfortunes.
Dreams tend to become more stressful, disgusting, or demonic.
Synchronicities take a turn for the dark via bad omens, warning
signs, and symbolic catastrophes in life.
One tends to attract people who are either hostile towards you,
or draw out your hostility against them.
Life rarely goes smoothly and it's taken as a given that the
good things in life must be fought for and taken. It's the law
of the jungle.
One sees only what's ugly, bad, threatening, or exploitable in
others and the world. There's a gritty, dark, cold gray feel to
The lower time streams are dominated by those with strong
predator or prey mentalities. Both find themselves there and
feed into each other.
Those on the predator end of the spectrum have a demonic
coldness and the mindset of a destroyer. If you're intuitive or
street smart you can identify such types pretty easily.
Those on the prey end of the spectrum have a deep victim mindset
and persecution complex. They feel like the world is out to get
In the more extreme cases, their lives become waking nightmares
when they're preoccupied 24/7 with threats whether it's gang
stalkers or alien abductors or government agents or whoever the
antagonist happens to be.
Their reality melts down into a
hellish nightmare filled with paranormal threats around every
corner. And it's not all just in their heads, it's real, but
reality changes depending on what time stream you're tuned into.
What they don't realize is that they are actually attracting and
amplifying such nightmarish experiences because they are
subconsciously resonating at a very low frequency that locks
them into those lower time streams.
They are continually
affirming and reinforcing that this nightmare is what reality is
all about. That's their unquestioned root assumption, and so
they stay locked into it.
If they were to snap out of it and shift to a higher state of
consciousness by dropping the fear and victim mentality,
guaranteed 90% of the nightmare would evaporate because they'd
be shifting to a higher time stream beyond the easy reach of the
dark forces that rule the lower levels.
That's why it's so important to recognize when any of this
starts happening so that you can turn things around and get back
on a higher time stream.
Neutral State
Now these two sets of
examples, the positive and negative, serve to illustrate what
happens when your soul resonance is so high or so low that your
reality becomes highly unusual.
The fact is, however, that most people won't experience either
of those extremes because their
resonance spectrum puts them
somewhere in the middle, in the more neutral or mundane time
Ordinary consciousness locks you into an ordinary reality.
you get virtually no
synchronicities, no improbabilities, and
nothing weird or magical happens other than the usual ups and
downs in life, you're in this neutral state of being.
Neutral doesn't necessarily mean you're empty, apathetic, or
emotionless like a robot.
It just means you're living life
within the parameters of what's considered normal.
emotions, normal reactions, normal interests, normal reality.
It's when you shift into an extraordinary state of being that
you shift into an extraordinary reality.
Resonance Baseline
Now, in practice, throughout the months we drift around a
certain baseline in terms of our personal time stream, sometimes
drifting a little higher, sometimes a little lower.
This is due
to many factors including astrology, biorhythms, and what
behavioral patterns you choose to engage in and reinforce.
If you choose to stay above that baseline long enough, that
higher state becomes the new baseline and both your inner nature
and outer life undergo a permanent change.
That's the depth of
change we need to aim for.
So as you can see,
consciousness does influence
reality, but the implication of
that goes way beyond just trying to manifest your desires using
Law of Attraction rituals.
The universe is an expression of a universal field of
consciousness of which our own consciousness is a part. And so
the root of our being is connected to the root of reality.
The inner and outer world are closely linked, and by changing
your very being, you change your very existence.