by Leah Burrows
October 04,
NewsHarvard Website
solutions to a non-extent problem of global warming
are causing more environmental damage than
previously thought.
From moving
parts that break to damaging land use, wind farms
cause as many problems as they solve.
In addition,
they are not economic without government subsidies
to keep them alive.
Wind farms will
environmental impact
than previously
This research
was funded by the
Fund for
Innovative Climate and Energy
Research (FICER).
The down side
to wind power
When it comes to energy production, there's no such thing as a free
lunch, unfortunately.
As the world begins its large-scale transition toward low-carbon
energy sources, it is vital that the pros and cons of each type are
well understood and the environmental impacts of renewable energy,
small as they may be in comparison to coal and gas, are considered.
In two papers ('Observation-based
Solar and Wind Power Capacity Factors and Power Densities'
and 'Climatic
Impacts of Wind Power') - published today in the journals
Research Letters and Joule - Harvard University researchers find
that the transition to wind or solar power in the U.S. would require
five to 20 times more land than previously thought, and, if such
large-scale wind farms were built, would warm average surface
temperatures over the continental U.S. by 0.24 degrees Celsius.
"Wind beats coal by
any environmental measure, but that doesn't mean that its
impacts are negligible," said David Keith, the Gordon McKay
Professor of Applied Physics at the Harvard John A. Paulson
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) and senior
author of the papers.
"We must quickly
transition away from fossil fuels to stop carbon emissions. In
doing so, we must make choices between various low-carbon
technologies, all of which have some social and environmental
David Keith is
also professor of public policy at the Harvard Kennedy School.
One of the first steps to understanding the environmental impact of
renewable technologies is to understand how much land would be
required to meet future U.S. energy demands.
Even starting with
today's energy demands, the land area and associated power densities
required have long been debated by energy experts.
In previous research, Keith and co-authors modeled the generating
capacity of large-scale wind farms and concluded that real-world
wind power generation had been overestimated because they neglected
to accurately account for the interactions between turbines and the
direct climate impacts
of wind power
are instant,
while the
benefits of
emissions accumulate slowly."
In 2013 research, Keith described how each wind turbine creates a
"wind shadow" behind it where air has been slowed down by the
turbine's blades.
Today's commercial-scale
wind farms carefully space turbines to reduce the impact of these
wind shadows, but given the expectation that wind farms will
continue to expand as demand for wind-derived electricity increases,
interactions and associated climatic impacts cannot be avoided.
What was missing from this previous research, however, were
observations to support the modeling. Then, a few months ago,
the U.S. Geological Survey released the locations of 57,636 wind
turbines around the U.S.

Windmill Field
outside Palm Springs - California
Using this data set, in combination with
several other U.S. government databases, Keith and postdoctoral
fellow Lee Miller were able to quantify the power density of
411 wind farms and 1,150 solar photovoltaic plants operating in the
U.S. during 2016.
"For wind, we found
that the average power density - meaning the rate of energy
generation divided by the encompassing area of the wind plant -
was up to 100 times lower than estimates by some leading energy
experts," said Miller, who is the first author of both papers.
"Most of these
estimates failed to consider the turbine-atmosphere interaction.
For an isolated wind
turbine, interactions are not important at all, but once the
wind farms are more than five to 10 kilometers deep, these
interactions have a major impact on the power density."
The observation-based
wind power densities are also much lower than important estimates
from the U.S. Department of Energy and the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
For solar energy, the average power density (measured in watts per
meter squared) is 10 times higher than wind power, but also much
lower than estimates by leading energy experts.
This research suggests that not only will wind farms require more
land to hit the proposed renewable energy targets but also, at such
a large scale, would become an active player in the climate system.
The next question, as explored in the journal Joule, was how such
large-scale wind farms would impact the climate system.
"If your
perspective is the next 10 years,
wind power
actually has - in some respects -
more climate
impact than coal or gas.
If your
perspective is the next thousand years,
then wind power
has enormously
less climatic
impact than coal or gas."
To estimate the impacts of wind power, Keith and Miller established
a baseline for the 2012‒2014 U.S. climate using a standard
weather-forecasting model.
Then, they covered
one-third of the continental U.S. with enough wind turbines to meet
present-day U.S. electricity demand.
The researchers found
this scenario would warm the surface temperature of the continental
U.S. by 0.24 degrees Celsius, with the largest changes occurring at
night when surface temperatures increased by up to 1.5 degrees.
This warming is the
result of wind turbines actively mixing the atmosphere near the
ground and aloft while simultaneously extracting from the
atmosphere's motion.
This research supports more than 10 other studies that observed
warming near operational U.S. wind farms. Miller and Keith compared
their simulations to satellite-based observational studies in North
Texas and found roughly consistent temperature increases.
Miller and Keith are quick to point out the unlikeliness of the U.S.
generating as much wind power as they simulate in their scenario,
but localized warming occurs in even smaller projections.
The follow-on question is
then to understand when the growing benefits of reducing emissions
are roughly equal to the near-instantaneous impacts of wind power.
The Harvard researchers found that the warming effect of wind
turbines in the continental U.S. was actually larger than the effect
of reduced emissions for the first century of its operation.
This is because the
warming effect is predominantly local to the wind farm, while
greenhouse gas concentrations must be reduced globally before the
benefits are realized.
Miller and Keith repeated the calculation for solar power and found
that its climate impacts were about 10 times smaller than wind's.
"The direct climate
impacts of wind power are instant, while the benefits of reduced
emissions accumulate slowly," said Keith.
"If your perspective
is the next 10 years, wind power actually has - in some respects
- more climate impact than coal or gas. If your perspective is
the next thousand years, then wind power has enormously less
climatic impact than coal or gas.
"The work should not be seen as a fundamental critique of wind
power," he said.
"Some of wind's
climate impacts will be beneficial - several global studies show
that wind power cools polar regions. Rather, the work should be
seen as a first step in getting more serious about assessing
these impacts for all renewables.
Our hope is that our
study, combined with the recent direct observations, marks a
turning point where wind power's climatic impacts begin to
receive serious consideration in strategic decisions about
decarbonizing the energy system."