by John Black
December 14,

The Oppenheimer-Einstein report
claims that alien UFOs on our planet
is a fact known to the military.
Source: ktsdesign / Adobe Stock
unidentified flying object, or UFO,
in its most general definition, is any apparent anomaly in the sky
that is not identifiable as a known object or phenomenon.
Although its definition
encompasses any unexplained aerial phenomena, in popular culture the
term has generally become synonymous with an
extraterrestrial spacecraft.

UFO imagery
a prehistoric cave painting.
UFO Sightings
Throughout History
UFO sightings have been reported throughout recorded history and in
various parts of the world, raising questions about life on other
planets and whether extraterrestrials have visited Earth.
They have become a major
subject of interest, and the inspiration behind numerous films and
books. However, sadly they are also the focus of intense ridicule.
For decades there has been a move, deliberate or not, to diminish
the importance of UFOs and create a public belief that UFOs are part
of some form of elaborate hoax.
Nevertheless, unexplained
aerial observations of UFOs have been reported throughout history,
from prehistoric times up until the present day.
Some ancient depictions of flying objects in the sky were
undoubtedly astronomical in nature, most probably comets, bright
meteors and planets that can be seen with the naked eye, or
atmospheric optical phenomena such as lenticular clouds.
An example is Halley's
Comet, which was recorded first by Chinese astronomers in 240 BC and
possibly as early as 467 BC.
Such sightings throughout
history often were treated as supernatural portents, angels, or
other religious omens.
However, we cannot just assume that what our ancient ancestors saw
and recorded on cave walls or in ancient texts were astronomical or
environmental phenomena. Like today’s sightings, there appears to be
a small percentage of sightings that are simply inexplicable.
Many of the records
existing from our ancient past certainly arouse curiosity, such as
the prehistoric cave painting above.
The cave painting bears a striking similarity to
images painted hundreds of years later
in the 16th century Summer’s Triumph Tapestry. UFO
imagery on this tapestry also ties in closely with modern-day UFO
There are also the
Aboriginal cave paintings of the Wandjina
sky beings, which appear to represent alien visitors.

Aboriginal Wandjina rock art
on the
Barnett River, Mount Elizabeth Station.
Churchard / CC BY 2.0)
Mythology of
Sky Gods as Early UFO Sightings
Proponents of the
ancient astronaut perspective point
to numerous myths and legends telling of so-called "sky gods"
descending from the heavens, while historic texts dating back 4,000
years appear to describe flying spaceships.
In the Vedic literature
of India, such as the Rig Veda, the Mahabharata, and the Ramayana,
there are many descriptions of flying machines called
Vimanas which were used in
warfare in ancient times.
The Vimanas were said to
be able to fly in the earth's atmosphere as well as into outer
space, distant planets and be submerged underwater.
In the
pyramids of Egypt, archaeologists
have found hieroglyphs that resemble the UFOs that are described in
sightings up to the present day.
Centuries later, we have
pre-Columbian Quimbaya gold artifacts
found in Central America, which appear to be perfect models of
flying crafts. Later, in the medieval period, there was an abundance
of art produced which appear to depict UFOs in the sky.
As debunkers correctly point out, none of these ancient depictions
alone can be taken as conclusive evidence of the existence of
extraterrestrial life.
But they do, at the very
least, raise the possibility that extraterrestrials have indeed
visited Earth, and that just as people today regularly report
sightings of unidentified objects in the sky, so to might our
ancient ancestors have encountered objects that they could neither
identify nor explain.

Detail of a 14th century painting
The Crucifixion,
above the altar at the
Decani Monastery in Kosovo.
appears to depict a man in some kind
craft looking back over his shoulder.
UFO Scholarly
Debate, Investigation and the Oppenheimer-Einstein Report
Considering the above, it therefore seems sensible that UFOs should
be the subject of scholarly debate and scientific investigation.
Instead, what we see
today is an internet full of fake images, hoax videos, sensational
Hollywood movies and misinformation that makes it virtually
impossible for a legitimate researcher to separate fact from the
very large haystack of fiction.
It also appears that our governments are not exactly forthcoming
when it comes to offering information about their own research on
the matter.
We only need to look at
the CIA announcement in August 2013 that
Area 51 does exist, despite decades
of denying its existence while brandishing anyone who dared to
suggest it as a mere conspiracy theorist.
Fortunately, there do
exist some scientifically-driven organizations, such as SETI
and MUFON (Mutual UFO Network), which take an objective
approach to the study of UFOs.

Albert Einstein and Robert Oppenheimer in 1947.
Vaughan / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
This brings us to an unclassified top secret document written by
Robert Oppenheimer, an American theoretical physicist, and
Albert Einstein, a German theoretical physicist.
Together they wrote a
joint report entitled "Relationships
with Inhabitants of Celestrial Bodies".
The six-page document
is the first archival evidence to use the phrase
"Extraterrestrial Biological Entities" or EBEs.
Dated June 1947, the
Oppenheimer-Einstein report states that the presence of
unidentified spacecraft is accepted as de facto by the military.
The Oppenheimer-Einstein
report deals with issues related to UFOs and extraterrestrials:
extra-terrestrials may come from, what the law say about it,
what we should do in the event of colonization and/or
integration of peoples, and why they are here.
The document suggests
that in the event that EBE's desire to settle here on earth there
will be,
"profound change in
traditional concepts" of law and the possible need for a new
"Law Among Planetary Peoples."

Section of the 1947
Oppenheimer and Einstein report.
The Importance
of the Oppenheimer-Einstein Report for UFO Scholarship
This document is important for two reasons.
The first reason
is that it addresses the possibility of life on other planets in
a very logical and coherent way, before exploring what such a
realization would mean.
It also raises
questions about,
why, if respected
scientists such as Oppenheimer and Einstein are able to
approach the subject in an academic way, are we unable to
engage in such sensible discussion today?
The analysis
presented by Oppenheimer and Einstein indicates that
"disclosure" of extraterrestrial existence could cause
irreversible damage to society.
This raises the
possibility that our governments today may already know of
extraterrestrial existence but have considered the same issues
raised by Oppenheimer and Einstein and ruled against public
If humanity were told that that intelligent extraterrestrial
beings not only exist but have been visiting our planets for
thousands of years, what would happen.
Could it be that
confronted with such evidence would cause social upheaval in
the domains of religion, society, law, and finance?
If not addressed
properly, could this cause chaos on planet Earth?
There are many
questions that still need answers.
The document suggests
that EBEs could be more intelligent and technologically advanced
than us, and asks,
Why, if this were
the case, they come to Earth in the first place?
Would it be to
conquer and inhabit Earth, to peacefully cooperate with
humans, or to study us in the same way that we study any new
species that we encounter?
The document
considers, if their civilization is more advanced than ours,
how could a co-occupation of Earth be feasible?

Portion of the
Oppenheimer and Einstein report,
in 1947.
Can Humanity
Handle Access to Advanced Extraterrestrial Technology?
Imagine the situation in which advanced technology is given to our
civilization - powerful defense systems, unlimited energy, cloaking
devices, space travel to other solar systems, instant transportation
devices, and so on.
Now considering the
current state of our civilization and the people that govern it,
what would such a release of technology mean?
One word: Chaos...
The second reason
reason that the Oppenheimer-Einstein report is important is
because it addresses the presence of alien UFOs on our planet as
a fact known to the military.
It goes on to relate
this knowledge to our invention of nuclear bombs - the single
weapon that could eliminate life on Earth for many thousands of
It is not hard to understand that if UFOs are kept hidden from
the public, it is for multiple reasons, which are logically
addressed in this document.
It is for these
reasons, that we may never see a disclosure of extraterrestrial
existence in our lifetime.
In the meantime, it seems
that the most sensible approach is to keep an open mind.
It is usually the case
that a debate rages between two opposite extremes.
One side wants to
believe wholeheartedly that the cave art and mythological
accounts are all descriptions of alien encounters and UFO
Meanwhile, the
other side is so prepared to disbelieve that anything exists
beyond the scope of their reason that they will ignore even
the most blatant rendition.
If scientists can
overcome the ridicule and disparaging remarks that come with
exploring the subject matter, perhaps one day we will find
irrefutable evidence that
UFOs and
extraterrestrials do exist.