by Renee Rose
August 13,
Medium Website
recovered through
WayBackmacine Website

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Where Do
UFOs and Aliens
Really Come
For as long as we have reported sightings of
UFOs and
cryptids, we have simultaneously
been formulating theories as to where they come from.
While there are more
theories out there that seek to explain where these beings come from
than I could possibly cover in one post,
I've decided to spend a
little time discussing one of the most popular:
interdimensional hypothesis...
What is the
Interdimensional Hypothesis?
The interdimensional hypothesis is an idea advanced by ufologists
such as
Jacques Vallée that states
UFOs and related
events of a paranormal nature involve visitations from other
"realities" or "dimensions".
The idea proposes that
these alternate realities exist separately yet parallel to our own.
To many, the interdimensional hypothesis is viewed as an
alternative to the popular
extraterrestrial 'hypothesis'...
It should be noted,
however, that it isn't necessarily an alternative to the
extraterrestrial hypothesis as the two hypotheses are not mutually
exclusive and both could be true simultaneously.
According to Wikipedia,
the interdimensional hypothesis,
"also holds that UFOs
are a modern manifestation of a phenomenon that has occurred
throughout recorded human history, which in prior ages were
ascribed to mythological or supernatural creatures".
Although the
extraterrestrial hypothesis has remained the most primary
explanation for UFOs by ufologists, there have been many ufologists
that have abandoned it in favor of the interdimensional hypothesis.
Paranormal researcher
Brad Steiger wrote, for example, that:
"We are dealing with
a multidimensional paraphysical phenomenon that is largely
indigenous to planet Earth".
An additional reason that
so many ufologists have adopted the interdimensional hypothesis has
been due to the fact that,
the distance between
stars makes interstellar travel impractical using conventional
means and nobody had demonstrated an antigravity or
faster-than-light travel hypothesis that could explain
extraterrestrial machines.
With the
interdimensional hypothesis, it is unnecessary to explain any
propulsion method because this particular hypothesis holds that
UFOs are not spacecraft, but rather devices that travel between
different realities.
Another advantage of the interdimensional hypothesis offered
by Hilary Evans is its ability to explain a UFO's ability to
appear and disappear from sight and radar in an instant.
This is explained by the
interdimensional hypothesis as the UFO entering and then exiting our
dimension or, rather, materializing and then dematerializing.
Evans also argues that if
the other dimension is slightly more advanced than our own, or is
perhaps our own future, this would explain why UFOs' tendency to
represent near-future technologies such as airships in the 1890s or
rockets in the 1940s.
Are The Aliens
In discussing the interdimensional hypothesis, we must also discuss
the fact that, according to the theory, the UFOs that we see in the
sky all over the world may in fact be 'us'...
That is to say,
a future version of
us who has mastered the landscape of time and space, able to
bend them to their will.
If this theory were true,
then the stories of people coming into contact with strange beings
represent our distant human descendants, returning from their own
time to study us as a part of their evolutionary past.
This idea has been advanced before, however, a more recent book
Identified Flying Objects - A
Multidisciplinary Scientific Approach to the UFO Phenomenon
takes a fresher look at this idea and offers some thought-provoking
This book, written by
Michael Masters, a professor of biological anthropology at
Montana Technological University in Butte, presents Masters' idea
that - given the accelerating pace of change in fields such as
engineering, science, and technology - it is very likely that humans
from the distant future could develop both the machinery and
knowledge necessary in order to go back in time.
Masters says that the objective of his book is to inspire a new and
more informed discussion about the interdimensional hypothesis
amongst believers and skeptics alike.
"I took a
multidisciplinary approach in order to try and understand the
oddities of this phenomenon.
Our job as scientists
is to be asking big questions and try to find answers to unknown
questions. There's something going on here, and we should be
having a conversation about this.
We should be at the
forefront of trying to find out what it is."
Michael Masters
In the book, Masters dubs
these visitors from the distant future as "extra-tempestrials"
noting that close-encounter reports typically describe these
interdimensional beings as
hairless, bipedal, human-esque beings with large eyes, large brains,
small noses, and small mouths.
Masters states that these
creatures are also often said to have the ability to communicate
with us in our own languages and technologies that, while far
advanced, seem to be built upon the technological prowess of today's
But why not argue that aliens are actually a traveler from across
the vastness of space, from a distant planet?
To this Masters says,
"I would argue it's
the opposite.
We know we're here.
We know humans exist. We know that we've had a long evolutionary
history on this planet. And we know our technology is going to
be more advanced in the future.
I think the simplest
explanation, innately, is that it is us.
I'm just trying to
offer what is likely the most parsimonious explanation."
Solving the
Mystery of the Interdimensional Hypothesis
"Masters postulates
that using a multidisciplinary scientific approach to the UFO
phenomenon will be what it takes to solve this mystery once and
for all, and I couldn't agree more.
The premise that UFOs
are us from the future is one of many possibilities that MUFON
is exploring to explain the UFO phenomenon.
All we know for sure
is that we are not alone. Now the question becomes, 'Who are
they?' And Masters makes a great case for the time-traveler
executive director of the nonprofit Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).
While there are many that
find something interesting to be said about the interdimensional
theory and the claims of Michael Masters, there seem to be just as
many that find his claims dubious at best.
One such skeptic is Robert Sheaffer, a noted UFO skeptic.
"There is nothing in
this book to take seriously, as it depends on the belief
that 'time
travel' is not only possible, but real," said Robert
Further, Sheaffer
believes that Masters' explanation for interdimensional beings
that are a version of us from the distant future is a huge claim
to make saying,
"So, according to
Masters, you just spin something fast enough and it will begin
to warp space, and even send stuff backwards in time. This is a
highly dubious claim."
What do you think
about the interdimensional hypothesis?
Is it possible that
UFOs and (a kind of) aliens are in fact just a version of
us from the future?
Is it possible that
they are our descendants coming back to visit us and that their
journey to our world is motivated by a sort of archeological
tourism in which they hope to learn more about their
evolutionary roots?
Or, as Robert Sheaffer believes, do you think this theory to
have little evidence behind it?
Is it nothing more
than frivolous claims based on the wild imaginings
of ufologists?