by Dr. Joseph Mercola
August 03,
Mercola Website

Story at a Glance
you eat a lot of processed foods, which contain
processed table salt, your sodium-to-potassium ratio is
likely out of balance.
generally recommended that you consume five times more
potassium than sodium, but most Americans get the
opposite ratio, eating two times more sodium than
Consuming more potassium is just as important for
limiting chronic disease risk factors as limiting
New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) study found those
with the lowest risk for heart problems or death from
any cause were consuming 3 to 6 grams of sodium a day -
far more than U.S. daily recommended limits.
Unprocessed, natural salt, such as sea salt and
Himalayan salt, is higher in potassium than table salt.
Contrary to what
your doctor may
tell you,
low salt intake
is linked to
high blood
pressure, obesity, and diabetes.
And reducing
your salt intake could even
your risk for heart disease and insulin
So rather than
focusing on cutting back on
follow this
three-step strategy...
Salt has long been
vilified as a risk factor for heart, kidney, and other chronic
The medical dogma to
limit salt intake to protect your health runs deep. But it's not
that simple. There are different types of salt - some healthy, some
Your body requires
healthy salt to function properly.
If you get too little, you'll
increase your risk of heart problems, not lower it. 1
The other part of the equation is potassium, a naturally occurring
mineral your body uses as an electrolyte.
It, too, is vital for
optimal health, and studies clearly show that having the correct
balance of potassium to sodium is far more important to health than
lowering salt alone. 2
Why You Should Focus
on Increasing Potassium
It's generally recommended that you consume five times more
potassium than sodium, but most Americans get the opposite ratio,
eating two times more sodium than potassium.
But realistically, it's
best to get a minimum threshold of about 5 grams of potassium from
fresh fruits and vegetables, and then your sodium intake becomes
less of an issue.
While conventional health care practitioners may suggest you remedy
this by limiting salt intake, especially when it comes to lowering
the risk of health conditions like high blood pressure, focusing on
increasing potassium is key.
Research shows an
association between higher potassium intake and lower blood
pressure, regardless of sodium intake. 3
Further, when University of Southern California researchers reviewed
70 studies, they found consuming more potassium is just as important
for limiting chronic disease risk factors as limiting sodium.
Potassium works in your
body to relax artery walls, keep your muscles from cramping, and
lower your blood pressure. 4
"Along with exercise,
consuming a surfeit of dietary K+ [potassium] is a good
strategy, since our physiology evolved and was optimized to deal
with high-K+–low-Na+ [sodium] intake, often referred to as a
Paleolithic diet," the team explained. 5
As for how it works:
"When dietary
potassium intake is elevated, the kidneys - composed of millions
of small tubes working together - shift fluid to the area near
the end of the tubes where potassium secretes into the urine.
This shift reduces
the amount of sodium and water that's reabsorbed into the body.
In this way, high potassium diet signals the body to reduce the
amount of sodium that is retained.
"This circular pattern regulates the levels of both minerals in
the body, which in turn helps lower blood pressure.
Higher intake and
excretion of potassium has also been found to slow the
progression of kidney and heart disease."
Even the American Heart
Association explains,
"Foods with potassium
can help control blood pressure by blunting the effects of
sodium. The more potassium you eat, the more sodium you process
out of the body." 7
I personally get all my
potassium from food and not supplements.
I take in about 5 grams
of potassium daily, primarily from watermelon, boiled red potatoes,
oranges, and orange juice.
My sodium intake is about
the same at 5 grams (half from salt and half from baking soda), so I
am not convinced by the general recommendation to take twice as much
potassium as sodium as long as you are getting about 5 grams of
potassium from your food.
The Type of Salt
When considering what type of salt to eat, remember that it's not
all created equal.
Salt provides two
essential elements:
In the United States,
most of the salt consumed comes from processed foods.
This processed
salt contains 97.5 percent sodium chloride, with about 39 percent
The rest is made of,
chemical additives,
such as moisture absorbents, anti-caking agents, such as sodium
aluminosilicate, and, often, iodine. 8
Unprocessed, natural
salt, such as sea salt and Himalayan salt,
contains about 84
percent sodium chloride 9 with about 37 percent sodium.
The remaining 16
percent comprises trace minerals such as silicon, phosphorus,
and vanadium.
Further, natural salt is
higher in potassium than processed salt.
Compared to iodized
white table salt, which contains 151.68 milligrams per kilogram
(mg/kg) of potassium, pink Himalayan salt contains 2,085.71
mg/kg. 10
Further, as explained in
the book "The Ultimate Age-Defying Plan",
"In particular,
Himalayan salt is much higher in potassium and lower in sodium
compared to other salts.
Himalayan salt
contains 0.28% potassium, compared to 0.16% in Celtic salt and
0.09% in regular table salt." 11
So it's possible to
improve your sodium-to-potassium ratio just by switching the type of
salt you eat - from table salt to natural varieties such as pink
Why Low-Salt
Advice Can Be Harmful
From my recent review of Ray Peat's work, it is clear that low
sodium intake is associated with a decreased breakdown of serotonin,
just like an SSRI drug.
You might be thinking
that was a good thing, but you would be mistaken, as serotonin is
not the "happy hormone" it is promoted to be but a toxic
neurotransmitter when levels reach high concentrations.
Studies suggest excess serotonin, rather than a dopamine deficiency,
is likely a major contributor to Parkinson's. Dopamine is a highly
beneficial neurotransmitter and has an inverse correlation with
So when its levels are
low, it tends to increase serotonin, likely the more significant
contribution to the disease.
James DiNicolantonio, who has a doctorate in pharmacy and is
the author of "The Salt Fix," explains that the rise in high blood
pressure, obesity, and diabetes that began in the early 1900s
parallels a reduction in salt intake. 12
Further, he explains that
your body strives to maintain an optimal sodium level regardless of
Your body uses magnesium and calcium levels to control your sodium
level. As your intake declines, your body begins to pull sodium from
the bone and, at the same time, pulls out magnesium and calcium.
As Mr. DiNicolantonio
explained in Missouri Medicine, low-salt diets are therefore likely
implicated in osteoporosis: 13
"There is a large
fraction of body sodium deposited in the bone, suggesting that
bone might serve as a sodium reservoir which is mobilized during
homeostatic stress.
Salt also has a
crucial role in maintaining positive magnesium and calcium
"If a reduction in serum sodium occurs, the bone may be stripped
of sodium (as well as magnesium and calcium) to maintain normal
serum sodium levels.
Indeed, a low-salt
diet has been shown to lead to negative calcium and magnesium
balance which could result in osteoporosis.
Thus, a low-salt diet
may cause osteoporosis by stripping the bones of sodium,
calcium, and magnesium."
Does a
Low-Salt Diet Worsen Heart Risks?
Meanwhile, according to Mr. DiNicolantonio,
your blood pressure may
indeed go down when you reduce your salt intake.
The problem is that your
total cholesterol to high-density lipoprotein (HDL) ratio, which is
a much better predictor of heart disease than low-density
lipoprotein (LDL), is worsened along with it.
Triglycerides 14 and
insulin are also increased.
So overall, your heart disease risk
increases rather than decreases,
even though your blood pressure readings appear better.
What's worse, salt
deficiency also increases your chances of developing insulin
resistance because one of the ways in which your body preserves salt
is by raising your insulin level.
Higher insulin helps your kidneys retain more salt. Insulin
resistance, in turn, is a hallmark of not only heart disease but
also most chronic diseases.
Mr. DiNicolantonio and
colleagues explained in the American Journal of Medicine:
"There is evidence
that a low-sodium diet may lead to a worse cardiovascular
prognosis in patients with cardiometabolic risk and established
cardiovascular disease.
Low-sodium diets may
adversely affect,
insulin resistance
serum lipids
neurohormonal pathways,
...leading to increases in,
the incidence of
new cardiometabolic disease
the severity of existing cardiometabolic disease
cardiovascular and all-cause mortality
"Although a high sodium intake also may be deleterious, there is
good reason to believe that sodium intake is regulated within
such a tight physiologic range that there is little risk to
leaving sodium intake to inherent biology as opposed to likely
futile attempts at conscious control."
Further, rather than
focusing on reducing salt intake, researchers suggested that using
self-monitoring tools to gauge sodium-to-potassium ratio via urine
is a practical strategy for achieving healthier blood pressure
levels: 16
"Reducing the Na/K
ratio is essential for preventing hypertension and CVDs
[cardiovascular diseases] prior to clinical onset …
"The individual estimate of the 24-h urinary Na/K ratio that can
be obtained by the repeated casual urine Na/K ratio may be
useful in detecting individuals who need an easy dietary
lifestyle modification during the prevention stage.
For the treatment
stage, self-monitoring devices may increase patient awareness of
their dietary level and help to maintain appropriate levels."
How Much Salt
Do You Need?
Mr. DiNicolantonio recommends eating about 3,500 milligrams of
sodium daily, 17 which is far more than the American
Heart Association's recommended maximum limit of 2,300 milligrams a
day and its "ideal limit" of less than 1,500 milligrams a day. 18
It's also revealing that a New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)
study found those with the lowest risk for heart problems or death
from any cause were consuming 3 to 6 grams of sodium a day 19 - far
more than U.S. daily recommended limits.
If you're unsure how much sodium or potassium you're consuming, use
Cronometer.com/Mercola. This nutrient tracker allows you to enter
the foods you eat and calculate the sodium-to-potassium ratio
However, your body also has a built-in "salt thermostat" that
basically tells you how much you need by regulating your craving for
So learn to listen to your body and remember that if you sweat
profusely, either through exercise or sauna use, for example, or
drink caffeinated beverages, you automatically will need more than
Several medical conditions can also increase sodium loss or prevent
your body from absorbing salt well, such as,
So if you have any of
these, you may need a bit more salt in your diet to compensate.
That said, some salt-sensitive subpopulations may need to limit
their salt intake to 2,300 milligrams per day.
This includes those with:
3 Steps to a Better
Sodium-to-Potassium Ratio
Rather than focusing on cutting back on salt, most people are better
served by switching to natural salt and limiting their intake of
processed foods.
In short, to optimize
your sodium-to-potassium ratio for better health, focus on the
following three steps:
1. Eliminate all
processed foods, which are very high in processed salt and
low in potassium and other essential nutrients
2. Eat a diet of whole, unprocessed foods, ideally
organically and locally grown, to ensure optimal nutrient
content. This type of diet will naturally provide much larger
amounts of potassium in relation to sodium.
Examples of
potassium-rich foods include the following: 20
Orange juice
Coconut water
Winter squash
Boiled red
3. When using added salt, use a natural salt such as
Himalayan salt.
Finally, another way to find out if you're eating the right
amount of salt for your body is with a fasting chemistry profile
that shows your serum sodium.
Generally, your ideal
sodium level is 139, with an optimal range of 136 to 142. You
probably need to eat more natural salt if it is much lower.
If it's higher,
you'll likely want to restrict your processed salt intake...
Why a Low-Sodium Diet Might Wreck
Your Health
Interview with Dr. James
1, 2, 19 New
England Journal of Medicine August 14, 2014;
3 American
Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology
and Metabolism April 4, 2017
4 Harvard
Health Publications, January 23, 2017
5 American
Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology
and Metabolism April 4, 2017, Conclusions and
6 Science
Daily February 21, 2017
7 American
Heart Association, A Primer on Potassium
8 Science
Direct, Table Salt, Different salts in snacks
9, 11 The
Ultimate Age-Defying Plan
10 Foods.
2020 Oct; 9(10): 1490., Table 2
12 BitChute,
Mercola October 26, 2021, 00:19
13 Mo
Med. 2018 May-Jun; 115(3): 247–252
14 Curr
Opin Cardiol. 2018 Jul;33(4):377-381. doi:
15 Am
J Med. 2013 Nov;126(11):951-5. doi:
10.1016/j.amjmed.2013.05.020. Epub 2013 Sep 18
16 Nutrients
2017, 9(7), 700; doi: 10.3390/nu9070700
17 Penguin
Random House Canada, Excerpt From "The Salt Fix"
18 American
Heart Association, Why Should I Limit Sodium?
20 Harvard
T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Potassium