by Mark Sircus
May 06, 2019
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Pharmaceutical executives and researchers are not focused on health.
Many years ago I coined
the term pharmaceutical terrorism and I have pointed
my finger as hard as possible on the special case of psychiatric
drugs and how they provoke a madness that makes it possible for
users to go on the rampage.
We hardly ever read after
a mass shooting what drugs were being used by the shooter showing us
there is a conspiracy of silence.
The mass media is in bed with
pharmaceutical companies because of the advertising dollars. The
mass media has no integrity, no shame and represents fiction as
facts across a full spectrum of issues.
Certain groups of corporations, with government support, have
created a toxic hell on our planet. It is a special kind of hell
that gets more toxic each year killing more people as each year
Poison for money
is the name of 'the game.'
We dump up to 400 million tonnes of heavy
metals, toxic sludge and other waste into oceans and rivers each
According to a new
"We are projecting
that between 500,000 and one million species could face oblivion
due to pollution and habitat degradation."
Much of the pollution is
Pharmaceuticals are nasty chemicals. One of the worst offenders is
a new cholesterol-lowering medication that is associated with
25 percent severe adverse effects
yet it is FDA approved.
Pharmaceuticals get into
the brain and gum up the works with dramatic negative affects.
Acetaminophen (Paracetamol), for
example, which is a potent physical painkiller reduces empathy for
other people’s suffering - blunts physical and social pain by
reducing activation in brain areas (i.e.
anterior insula and
anterior cingulate) thought to be
related to emotional awareness and motivation.
Said another way,
acetaminophen impairs
affective processes related to the experience of positive
Acetaminophen reduces
personal pleasure and other-directed empathetic feelings.
"A substantial amount
of research shows that understanding and sharing in other
people’s pleasurable experiences foster psychological health,
interpersonal trust, intimacy, and a pro-social orientation,
both for the source and the recipient of positive empathy.
Acetaminophen is one
of the most popular medicines in the USA (Kaufman et al., 2002)
and easily accessible over the counter.
acetaminophen is a potent analgesic, reducing pain in response
to heat, electric shock, or cold. In addition to these effects
on pain, acetaminophen also reduces psychological reactivity.
Thus, acetaminophen
affects a broad spectrum of psychological processes that are not
limited to the processing of physical pain."
"Because acetaminophen appears to blunt responsiveness for one’s
own pain and for the pain of others in brain areas overlapping
with those involved in positive empathy, researchers have
hypothesize that acetaminophen impairs people’s ability to
experience empathy for others’ positive experiences."
"Positive empathy
provides part of the 'social glue' from which interpersonal
bonds are built and strengthened (Morelli et al., 2015).
As such, taking
pleasure from the good fortune of others fosters interpersonal
connection, trust, and - ultimately - prosocial behavior (Reis
et al., 2010; Morelli et al., 2014; Andreychik and Migliaccio,
2015), thus providing important societal benefits.
These benefits have
to be viewed in the context of the amount of people regularly
consuming acetaminophen.
An estimated quarter
of all US American adults take a drug containing acetaminophen
every week (Kaufman et al., 2002)."
Mass shooters, people who
kill their kids, themselves and politicians, who are suiciding the
entire human race with their insane ideas, all share one thing in
little to no empathy
for others.
George Monbiot,
writing for The Guardian
"The destruction of
the Earth is a crime. It should be prosecuted.
There are no
effective safeguards preventing a few powerful people, companies
or states from wreaking havoc for the sake of profit or power.
Though their actions
may lead to the death of millions, they know they can’t be
touched. Their impunity, as they engage in potential mass
murder, reveals a gaping hole in international law.
Thus crimes against
humanity should not be matters for negotiation but for
Antidepressants have serious and potentially fatal adverse effects,
permanent brain damage
increase the risk
of suicide and violent behavior in both children and adults
increase the
frequency and chronicity of depression
Perhaps the best known
psychological side effect of
SSRIs is "amotivational syndrome",
a condition with symptoms that are clinically similar to those that
develop when the frontal lobes of the brain are damaged.
The syndrome is
characterized by,
...and a personality
change similar to the effects of lobotomy (Marangell et al. 2001,
All psychoactive drugs,
including antidepressants, are known to blunt our emotional
responses to some extent.
Andrea Yates drowned her five children in a bathtub. She was
on two of these SSRI antidepressants, at maximum dose. There had
been an adjustment in the medication two days before this tragedy
Agitation is such a common side effect with SSRIs that the drug
companies have consistently sought to hide it during clinical trials
by prescribing a tranquilizer or sedative along with the
Studies by Eli Lilly
employees found that between 21% and 28% of patients taking
Prozac experienced insomnia, agitation, anxiety, nervousness and
restlessness, with the highest rates among people taking the highest
doses (Beasley et al. 2001).
The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that about
9.5 percent of people 18 and older suffer from a mood disorder. A
2009 study by Columbia University showed that as many as 10 percent
of Americans are taking antidepressants.
We have seen in the news experts saying that psychiatric drugs like,
...are dangerous with
psychiatrists going as far as declaring,
"Clinical evidence
does not justify the use of antidepressants" and "The bottom
line is that we really don’t have any good evidence that these
drugs work."
Donald Shell of
Gillette, WY, shot his wife, daughter, baby granddaughter, and then
himself, after taking only two doses of Paxil. This last summer, a
jury ruled that the Paxil was the cause for this, and awarded his
family $6.4M.
On June 19, 2003, the FDA, following the lead of the British MCA,
ruled that Paxil should not be given to kids 18 or under, because of
the increased risk of suicidal impulses.
With 50,000+ suicides in
America each year, and the growing phenomena of mass murders and
murder/suicide, this is clearly an issue that demands honest
investigation, something that obviously was not done before allowing
pilots to fly while under the influence of these drugs.
In the
Lacuzong case, a man with no
prior history of violence, drowned his two children and then himself
in the same bathtub. The makers of Paxil settled that case.
Health Canada approved a new warning label for Paxil that read, in
"A small number of
patients taking drugs of this type may feel worse instead of
For example, they may
experience unusual feelings of agitation, hostility or anxiety,
or have impulsive or disturbing thoughts, such as thoughts of
self-harm or harm to others."
Research shows long-term exposure
to psychiatric drugs has proven to be far more dangerous than
originally anticipated, and includes the threat of
...and an overall
deterioration in the patient’s clinical condition and quality of
Jon Rappoport
"From this point on,
the rest of the events in Newtown, Connecticut will be brought
to you by Merck, Glaxo, and Pfizer.
It always happens at
these mass murder events. The grief counselors. The social
service workers. The psychologists. They pour in. And they end
up referring people to psychiatrists, who will in turn prescribe
some of the very drugs that trigger murder and suicide.
The drugs that cause
people to kill. The sequence is always the same, because it’s
set up that way.
After the mass
murders and the shock and the horror, the grief industry
arrives, and then come the referrals to psychiatric drug
pushers, along with the memorials and the 'healing'."
The word poison was first recorded in Middle English
in a work composed around the year 1200.
A poison is
any substance that when introduced into or absorbed by a living
organism, destroys life or injures health.
Poison is
defined as any substance capable of producing a morbid, noxious
or deadly effect.
A poison is a
material that inhibits other substances, especially enzymes, and
the vital biochemical processes they are involved in.
Enzymes are crucial
because every chemical change that takes place to repair tissue or
to assimilate food involves the activity of enzymes. Without enzyme
activity there is no biological activity, no life.
Why was poisoning such a
popular way of offing one’s adversaries?
Because the
implementation could be very easy, and the action was often
difficult to detect - a subtly poisoned drink was generally much
harder to trace to its source than a crossbow bolt in the back.
We are very dumb ducks
allowing pharmaceutical companies
to get away with murder and worse.
They are destroying
health more than they are healing anyone. And as they go on year
after year they pollute the environment with more and more
antibiotics and a host of other
Human ugliness has
reached a zenith in modern medicine, which bows before the all
mighty power of the pharmaceutical industry.