by Mark Sircus
December 05,
DrSircus Website

Eons ago the universe was born filling up physical space with
Hydrogen is the most
abundant element in the universe. Hydrogen is found in the sun and
all stars, and the planet Jupiter is composed mostly of hydrogen. On
Earth, hydrogen is found in the greatest quantities as water.
Thus, hydrogen is the
most abundant atom in our bodies.
The first reported use of hydrogen seems to be by Antoine
Lavoisier (1743-1794), who had guinea pigs breathe it.
In 1923, British geneticist J.B.S. Haldane imagined a
network of hydrogen-generating windmills
powering Britain, but nothing came of it...
The first uses of this gas in deep sea diving is attributed to
trials by the Swedish engineer, Arne Zetterström in 1945.
Breathing a mixture of 96% hydrogen and 4% oxygen he was able to
dive deeper than anyone before.
Nothing like breathing
hydrogen when under great stress.
In 1970, South African-born electrochemist John Bockris first
used the term "hydrogen economy" in a speech, and later published a
book (Energy
- The Solar Hydrogen Alternative) describing what a
solar-hydrogen-powered world might
look like. But again, nothing...
In 1975, an impressive study demonstrated that hyperbaric molecular
hydrogen therapy could be a possible treatment for cancer.
In this study, the
researchers showed that exposing mice with skin cancer (tumors) to
2.5 percent oxygen (O2) and 97.5 hydrogen (H2)
for two weeks produced a dramatic and significant regression of the
mice tumors.
Effect of hyperbaric hydrogen on leukemia was reported in 1978.
An anti-inflammatory effect of hyperbaric hydrogen on a mouse model
of schistosomiasis-associated chronic liver inflammation was also
reported in 2001.
In 2002, American economic and social theorist Jeremy Rifkin
argued that hydrogen could take over from oil and that the future of
energy lay in
hydrogen-powered fuel cells.
The story of
Hydrogen Medicine
officially began in 2007
when Ohsawa and colleagues discovered that H2 had
antioxidant properties that protected the brain against I/R injury
and stroke by selectively neutralizing hydroxyl radicals.
Hundreds of studies in the years since have been published showing
hydrogen as a safe and effective medicine for over 150 disease
Today many countries are
getting officially into hydrogen
using it for cars, trains, busses and trucks.
For the future, Japan is planning to use the 2020 Tokyo Olympic
Games to showcase its
vision for a hydrogen society and
has invested US$348 million in establishing hydrogen refueling
stations and other infrastructure.
Hydrogen, as the simplest and smallest element in the known universe
is going to lead to "a brighter, more intellectual, and healthier
way of living," write Xuejun Sun, Shigeo Ohta, and
Atsunori Nakao in their foundational book
Hydrogen, Molecular Biology and Medicine.
They say this because
hydrogen is a medicine, the safest one we have. Aspirin is hundreds
if not thousands of times more toxic than hydrogen.
We can gain hydrogen
by eating salads, fruit, uncooked or slightly cooked vegetables.
We can drink hydrogen
water by adding tablets to it.
For sure we get lots
of necessary hydrogen by drinking enough water, after all water
is two parts hydrogen to one-part oxygen. Dehydration is a
hydrogen deficiency and is very telling on the body.
Acidity is an excess
of H+ ions and a deficiency in oxygen.
Most of the above have to
do with health but when it comes to medicine, we must pump molecular
hydrogen (H2) in as a gas using
hydrogen inhalation therapy, which
can be combined with oxygen inhalation therapy, to help people with
all kinds of diseases.
If one does not have a
disease such therapies become strong protocols for the anti-aging
crowd as well as an important part of sports medicine protocols.
Hydrogen is
perfect for Intensive Care, for
emergency rooms, ambulances, and for sure H2 belongs in
every cancer patient's home.
Every diabetic would
benefit enormously from hydrogen therapy. They would experience much
less neuropathy and amputation would be a thing of the past.
bicarbonate and magnesium and we
have the beginning of a solid protocol for such patients.
When we say that hydrogen is perfect for intensive care, we mean it
is the gas of choice for those approaching deaths door. Oxygen alone
is not enough and can even be dangerous, so intelligent medicine in
the future will always include hydrogen gas mixed with oxygen.
Would be nice if someone told
the FDA and CDC before Flu
season bites the public hard because it would be much more difficult
to die of severe
flu and sepsis if hydrogen was