by Dr. Joseph Mercola
16, 2023
Mercola Website

Story at-a-glance
in the wellness industry will tell you to drink lots of
water and limit your salt intake, but that is the
opposite of what you want to do
only do these strategies not improve your hydration, but
they may also cause many of the issues they're intended
to prevent, including headaches, skin problems, detox
problems, decreased immune function and lower metabolism
limiting salt, you may initially lower your blood
pressure, but it comes at a cost. In the long run, it
worsens dehydration and ultimately results in higher
blood pressure
Drinking excess water can mimic having insufficient
sodium, ultimately aggravating dehydration and high
blood pressure
On a
cellular level, hydration allows the cells to maintain
their proper structure. But water is not the only factor
in hydration. The ratios of electrolytes inside and
outside the cell also play a role, as does the protein
structure of the cell, and the amount of energy the cell
has available
same strategies that optimize your metabolism and
cellular energy production will also ameliorate high
blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels and calming the
stress response
In the Energy Balance podcast
far below, health coach and independent
health researcher Jay Feldman and Mike Fave, a
registered nurse and independent researcher, discuss how your water
and salt intake affect the energy production in your body, and your
blood pressure.
Feldman and Fave both
specialize in
bioenergetic medicine, pioneered by the late
Ray Peat,
a biologist and physiologist who was one of the founders of the
pro-metabolic diet based on the bioenergetic theory of health.
I have only recently been diving into their YouTube channel and am
very impressed with their ability to share accurate information
about health and bioenergetic medicine.
After going through 35
podcasts, I have not heard them make any inaccurate statements.
If you are interested in learning more about optimizing
mitochondrial energy production and bioenergetic medicine, I would
strongly recommend going to their YouTube channel and start
listening to their podcasts - but start from episode 1, which is
only about 4 years old as I believe this is the best YouTube channel
to learn BioEnergetic medicine that can change your life and the
information is free.
Hard to get much better
than that.
This podcast dispels the myth of drinking eight glasses of water per
day. Most in the wellness industry will tell you to drink lots of
water and limit your salt intake, but that is the opposite of what
you want to do.
Not only do these strategies not improve your hydration, but they
may also cause many of the issues they're supposed to prevent,
including headaches, skin problems, detox problems, decreased immune
function and lower metabolism.
"We might actually
want to be drinking less water and eating more salt," Feldman
"We'll also talk
about how we can address high blood pressure, and why the
general recommendations to drink more water and eat less salt
might not be a good idea for high blood pressure."
Surprising as it may seem, the recommendation to drink eight glasses
of water (or more) each day,
"is in many ways a
baseless recommendation that isn't supported by research,"
Feldman says.
Even more surprising,
perhaps, is that drinking water is not by itself a strategy that
will guarantee hydration.
Many different factors can affect your cells' capacity to use the
water available to them, including the mineral balance in your body
and your blood volume.
Drinking excessive
amounts of water, to the point that your urine is clear, also comes
at a cost.
The same, but in reverse, can be said for salt. Very low salt
intake, which is recommended for cardiac patients and those with
high blood pressure in particular, likely does more harm than good.
High salt intake is also
wrongly accused of causing dehydration.
There's More
to Hydration Than Water
On a cellular level, hydration allows the cells to maintain their
proper structure.
But water is not the only
factor in hydration. The ratios of electrolytes inside and outside
the cell also play a role, as does the protein structure of the
cell, and the amount of energy the cell has available. All these
factors interact to maintain hydration of the cell.
Electrolytes are positive or negative ions of specific minerals. The
primary intracellular electrolyte is potassium, and the main
extracellular electrolyte is sodium.
Other important electrolytes include magnesium and calcium. These
four interact with each other in various ways.
Calcium and magnesium,
for example, are antagonistic toward each other, as are sodium and
potassium, so they need to be properly balanced.
"The interaction of
water with the electrolytes and proteins [in the cell membrane]
gives the water structure, [it] creates a gel state [editors
note: structured water or EZ water, which stores energy and
strengthen mitochondria]," 2 Fave explains.
"So... you need not only water, you need electrolytes and
proteins as well. And then... you need energy to maintain the
proper concentration gradients or maintain the proper ratios of
electrolytes inside and outside the cell.
In the plasma membrane theory, you need a proper amount of ATP,
which is produced by oxidative phosphorylation, mostly, in order
to run the membrane-based pumps that control the gradients
inside and outside the cell.
In the gel state theory, or the gel water theory, you need
proper energy production of the cell to maintain a specific
charge of the protein structure and the water in general, so
that they interact appropriately and maintain the proper shape.
In both theories, when you have a breakdown of energy
production, you get swelling of the cell, and that's because the
cell has been unable to maintain the proper gradients between
electrolytes from the inside to the outside, or in the gel state
theory, just the proper electrolyte interaction with the water
and structure.
So now we have a much bigger picture, where to maintain proper
tissue and cellular hydration you need electrolytes.
You need your water
first of all but you also need electrolytes, and you need the
proper proteins and amino acids, and the proper cellular energy
Just dumping water
into the system doesn't solve the problem if you have
You have a whole bunch of other requirements, and when you start
taking in an excess amount of water relative to what your body
actually needs, the process of eliminating that water is a bit
wasteful to some of those other requirements."
Structured Water Is
Not Plain Water
EZ water or
structured water is a gel-like type of negatively
charged water that forms inside your cells.
It's not the same as
the water you drink.
EZ water acts like a charged battery in
that it both stores and delivers energy.
But for EZ water to form,
energy is also required.
So, you may have enough
water in the cell, but if there's not enough energy, it won't be
structured properly and will cause the cell to swell.
Basically, the severe swelling (edema) you sometimes see in cardiac
patients or patients receiving intravenous fluids for an infection
is likely due to a severe energy deficit, an electrolyte deficit, or
Other contributors to
edema and dehydration include eating high amounts of polyunsaturated
fats (PUFAs) and having a high endotoxin load in your gut.
An important point that Feldman and Fave do not discuss is that EZ
water also forms when you expose water to infrared light, so an easy
way to encourage the formation of EZ water in your body is to get
regular sun exposure.
Salt Deficit
Promotes Dehydration and High Blood Pressure
Water and salt go together.
Salt will attract
water, so having an appropriate amount of salt in your blood
allows you to maintain an appropriate blood volume, which in
turn allows for proper circulation.
When you don't have
enough salt (sodium) in your blood, your blood volume is
reduced, which impedes your ability to transport waste.
As explained in the
podcast, the idea behind low-sodium recommendations is that if you
take in more salt, the sodium level in your blood will go up, which
will increase your blood volume, thereby causing your blood pressure
to rise.
However, this isn't how
things work, because your body has an adaptation system.
"By limiting salt,
you may initially
lower your blood pressure,
it comes at a cost.
In the long run,
it worsens dehydration
ultimately results
in higher blood pressure."
So, when your salt intake is very low, your body responds to the
decrease in blood volume by preventing your kidneys from excreting
By retaining sodium, it helps increase your blood volume.
It also increases
vasoconstriction (narrowing of the blood vessels) to bring the blood
pressure back up.
In short,
by limiting salt, you
may initially lower your blood pressure, but it comes at a cost.
In the long run, it worsens dehydration and ultimately results
in higher blood pressure, which is what you were trying to
address in the first place.
And, by forcing your kidneys to retain sodium, they will excrete
potassium and magnesium instead.
Again, these are the
primary intracellular electrolytes and are required for hydration.
They're also important for relaxation.
Low magnesium and potassium also leads to further vasoconstriction
and increased sympathetic nervous system activity. Your sympathetic
nervous system is the gas pedal that speeds up the systems involved
in the fight or flight response, so it causes stress.
Norepinephrine is also released when sodium levels are low, which
also fuels the stress response. The stress response, in turn,
ratchets up blood pressure.
So, in the long run, too
little salt promotes both dehydration and high blood pressure.
The Importance
of Proper Sodium-to-Potassium Ratio
If you notice that your blood pressure rises when you add more salt,
try increasing your salt intake more slowly.
Typically, the rise in
blood pressure is a temporary artifact and will decrease once your
body adapts. If it doesn't, it could be that you don't have enough
of the other electrolytes (calcium, potassium and magnesium).
Your sodium-to-potassium
ratio is particularly important.
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
(formerly Institute of Medicine) recommends 4,700 mg per day for
people over the age of 14, 3 and it's generally
recommended that you eat five times more potassium than sodium.
If you're unsure of your sodium and potassium intake, use
chronometer.com/mercola. This nutrient tracker allows you to enter
foods and then calculates the ratios automatically.
Potassium helps lower your blood pressure by relaxing the walls of
your arteries, and according to Harvard Health, 4 many
people with high systolic blood pressure can successfully lower it
simply by increasing their potassium intake.
In my view the best way to increase your potassium is by eating ripe
fruit. I typically get around 3,000 mg from watermelon, orange juice
and tangerines, and another 2,000 mg from other sources.
For a more complete list of potassium-rich foods, see
DietaryGuidelines.gov's "Food Sources of Potassium" page. 5
Taking potassium
supplements is not a good strategy and simply will not provide you
with the benefits you seek.
Too Much Water
Mimics Salt Deficiency
As explained in the podcast, since water dilutes salt, drinking too
much water can mimic having insufficient sodium.
It causes the same stress
response that results in the loss of potassium and magnesium, the
same cellular swelling, inhibition of cellular energy production
and, ultimately, dehydration!
On top of that, while the conventional claim is that water increases
metabolism, research has shown that the energy expenditure is caused
by activating your stress systems, including your sympathetic
nervous system.
So the increase in energy expenditure comes at a
severe cost.
It just increases
Research has also shown
that when you drink water that has the same concentration of salt as
your blood (normal saline), you do not activate the stress response.
This suggests the
increase in energy expenditure from drinking plain water is due to
the dilution of sodium, Feldman notes.
Key Take-Away
The take-away from all this is that it's important to get enough
salt in your diet, and much better to drink water that contains
electrolytes than plain water.
How can you make sure
you're getting enough salt and water without going overboard in
either direction?
One of the simplest and best ways to do that is to listen to your
thirst and salt cravings.
Drink when you're thirsty and salt your
food to taste.
Don't force yourself to
drink a predetermined amount of water "just because."
"There's a
misconception that by the time you're thirsty, you're already
too dehydrated," Feldman says, "and that's not the case.
The research has
shown that that our sensitivity to thirst and hydration is
actually pretty spot-on, it's pretty sensitive.
So, we know that... we get thirsty ahead of time.
We're able to tell
within a pretty small range... if we're getting slightly
dehydrated or if we need more liquid, which of course makes
That's the whole point of thirst - to tell us that we need more
liquid. It wouldn't make sense if that happens too late... This
is shown in animals as well, that they have very sensitive
thirst signals that allows them to stay adequately hydrated.
The same is true for salt.
Our signals that tell
us how much salt we need are pretty sensitive... so if you're
craving salt... that might mean that you need more salt."
Recommendations to Optimize Hydration and Salt Intake
Feldman points out that while conventional recommendations say to
limit salt intake to 1,500 or 2,000 milligrams or less, research has
shown that,
this range is associated with an increased risk of
cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality compared to higher
ranges of 4,000 to 6,000 mg.
"The the point being
that if we were to eat a lot more salt than we're told to eat,
we'd actually be much better off," Feldman says.
"And as far as thirst goes, this brings us to the best food and
drink options for hydration.
We don't want to just
drink plain water. A lot of the other places that we could get
liquid from have a lot more of the things that we would need to
actually stay hydrated."
Examples offered by Fave
mineral water, tea with honey, fruit juice, coconut water,
milk, fruit and vegetable smoothies, cooked vegetables and ripe
These contain minerals,
vitamins and sugars that aid hydration better than plain water.
When you do drink plain
water, make sure it's well-filtered to avoid water contaminants like
fluoride, chlorine and disinfection byproducts (DBPs).
Also, in cases where you need to consume large amounts of water
because you're sweating profusely, consider adding electrolytes to
A super-simple and
extremely cost-effective way to do that is to dissolve a small
pinch of Himalayan salt into your water.
A small amount of
lemon or lime juice will improve the taste.
When it comes to salt,
steer clear of iodized highly processed table salt, as it contains anticaking agents and can contain undesirable contaminants,
including plastic, as well.
Instead, make sure you're
using a natural unprocessed salt.
Mediterranean sea salt, Celtic sea
salt and Himalayan pink salt are good options.
Then, listen to your
cravings and salt your food to taste.
Metabolism Is Important if You Have Hypertension
Other factors that affect hydration and blood pressure, aside from
water and salt intake, include,
making sure you're getting enough of
the other three electrolytes (potassium, calcium and magnesium) and
optimizing your cellular energy production.
"For people who are
concerned about their blood pressure, these are definitely
important things to consider," Feldman says.
"Factors that affect energy production play a pretty major role
in blood pressure, so that means making sure you're getting the
right types of fats - avoiding PUFAs and favoring the more
saturated ones - getting enough protein, getting enough carbs,
making sure you're digesting your food well and don't have a lot
of endotoxin production ...
If you're having hypertensive issues, in general I would say
there's a lot more going on than you're just eating too much
I would say you
either have an endotoxin issue, some vascular damage from
oxidized polyunsaturated fats, maybe some type of latent
infection, maybe you have an overactive adrenergic system...
from some sort of electrolyte imbalance or some type of chronic
stressful situation, or a lack of nutrients ...
Another point to consider... Hypertension is... an excessive
amount of tension... The blood vessels are being contracted to
an excessive amount and that's what leads to the high blood
Well, all of the
things that support energy production work to to release that
Sources and