by Open (Chris Bourne)
August 07,
OpenHandWeb Website
Spanish version

Although the
current Pole Shift on Earth has
been spoken of many times before, I do not believe the full
magnitude of the effects have been truly hoisted on board.
Also how this current
one, combines with abrupt climate change, and Gaia's 5D shift, to
create the 'perfect 3D storm' scenario.
We must understand how it
is increasingly not only affecting the precious biosphere in which
we live, but also the electro magnetic affects on the body-mind, and
how it impacts our psyche.
It is becoming crucial we confront this inconvenient truth...
The Perfect
Storm of 3D Earth Cleansing
In our new documentary PARADIGM SHIFT, we drew attention to the fact
that the current Pole Shift will likely complete within the space of
one human lifetime, as confirmed by Berkley scientists from
It is becoming
increasingly evident the impact this is ALREADY having on the
activation of earthquakes and volcanoes around the world - such as
Kilauea in Hawaii.
As yet, we're only in the
early stages of this, but I can clearly feel it's about to get more
extreme, as the 'hockey stick' effects turn the curve and go
Not only does this activate earthquakes and volcanoes, but begins to
unleash dramatic storms, and most important of all, lowers the
earth's magnetic shield to solar and cosmic radiation.
Combined with abrupt,
irreversible climate change, that's now unfolding across the earth,
let's be clear, we are stepping forwards into a maelstrom of
transformational activity.
"It's clear to me,
whether intentional or not, it's the perfect cleansing
conditions by which Gaia will release the old karmic construct,
which is so plaguing her.
As we said,
"let's not sleep
walk into the future".
We need to grasp the
truth now, so we may equalize and normalize in what's about to
take place."
Here's an understanding
perspective on the
Unwinding of the Karmic Construct.
A concerted
action to Unwind the Intervention

The human body and mind is contained within a biomagnetic energy
field, that is meant to be perfectly aligned with the biomagnetic
energy field of Gaia - we're supposed to walk in harmony.
Except in society we live
in a synthetic reality, that has created energy frequencies that are
almost juxtaposed with Gaia herself.
ET intervention here has initiated
a haze of dissonant vibrations in which the human psyche has been
mercilessly embedded - enslaved.
"As I pointed out
before, in the beginning it's hard to sense and feel these
dissonant ET intervention frequencies because they become
condensed down into your consciousness, as if they are a part of
They condition you to
accepting the 'normality' of
the Matrix and one's position
within it.
It's only when you
challenge the various impulses deeply within, that you start to
witness the two dissonant streams of consciousness - your
authentic soul vibration and the intervention itself."
Fortunately, a concerted
action by the benevolent consciousness aligned around the Earth and
Gaia's Shift into 5D has begun to
unwind the intervention and is helping to resonate soul frequencies
through the field so that more and more people can increasingly feel
who they really are.
This is wonderful, but a
great deal more needs to be done
by awakening people.
It is not wise to wake up
and then rest on ones laurels, because the changes are
accelerating all the time.
The effects of
the Pole Shift on the Human Psyche

Specifically, I witness the Pole Shift beginning to have an impact
on the psyche.
In what way?
We all know that the human body is 70% water. But maybe it's not
always appreciated that this consists of charged particles, that are
effected by electromagnetic currents.
The psyche has been
interrelated with a specific configuration:
as we pointed out,
the key agenda of the ET intervention here has been to create a
synthetic reality, which closely resembles their lost
civilization back in the constellation of Sirius before it
exploded in a White Dwarf Ascension
120 million years ago.
(Here's a viewpoint on
Intervention on Earth Parts 1,2 & 3.)
"Essentially they
needed to change the vibration of the Earth, and that of the
human body, so they might infuse through it and ultimately
incarnate here.
Fortunately, although
highly advanced, that hasn't been fully realized yet.
The 5D Shift and the
unwinding of the karmic construct, which has recently begun, is
designed to thwart that, so as to liberate the authentic
vibrations of the earth and humanity once more."
What we need to realize,
is that the human body-mind has been plugged into a Matrix of
dissonant frequencies, which is now being challenged directly by the
Pole Shift.
The changes in polarity
will begin to literally pull the intervention field apart.
Crucially, if the psyche is still plugged in to the old construct,
it's going to feel increasingly unbalanced and unstable.
Specifically the effects will likely be:
a sense of unease
and discomfort in mind and body
feelings of
dizziness, disconnection and ungroundedness
feelings of
anxiety and apprehension
a sense of
growing insecurity resulting in increased attempts at
manipulation and control
dissonance - an inability to comprehend basic circumstances
psychotic tendencies as people struggle to find inner
tensions, friction, aggression and violence
increased risk of
cancer due to internal misalignment with the energy Shifts
Importantly, all of these
effects can be mediated and mitigated with appropriate internal
Essentially we must help
as many as possible attune to the increasing shifts of energy within
Specifically here's what can be done:
plenty of
meditation, to feel the natural emergence of soul
plant based
conscious diet, with plenty of raw food and juice
letting go of the
dissonant frequencies of the Matrix, through
excitotoxins and
consciousness bodywork, to feel and deeply attune through
the body
plenty of time
connecting with nature
It will help greatly to
get to know the natural Toroidal flow of the surrounding field
and attuning to it within you.
It's basically a natural
feeling of movement and flow, as opposed to being stuck in outdated
behaviourisms and conditioning of the matrix.
Let's be clear, the matrix in its current form will literally pull
apart over time, and it's essential that we attune to
the Shift into the higher
vibrations of the 5D.