Let's talk
synchronicities, why they happen, and what they mean.
A synchronicity, or 'synch' for short, is a strange coincidence
that you're meant to notice.
Carl Jung
defined them as,
meaningful coincidences, as two or more events
that are physically unrelated yet somehow connected in a spooky
or metaphysical way.
I prefer to think of them in a more general
way as meaningful improbabilities.
So they're not just
random coincidences or products of confirmation bias, but
genuine anomalies in experience that grab your attention.
Now, synchs are really important; they're personal proof that
reality is sometimes malleable, sometime unstable, sometimes
responsive to consciousness. Einstein was right when he said
'reality is illusion,' albeit a persistent one.
Synchs prove that
this world behaves more like a collective dream or
a Matrix
simulation than an independent physical construct.
The idea that physical reality is somehow its own independent
thing is based on outdated 1800s science. For over a century
now, quantum physics has proven that physical events are
ultimately determined by metaphysical factors, meaning reality
is shaped by consciousness.
Synchronicities are
one manifestation of that fact.
So why do synchs happen and what do they mean? That actually
depends on the type of synch. There are different kinds with
different causes.
Let's look at a few....
The first are Precursor Synchs.
These show up a
couple hours or days before a troubling, distressing, or
precarious event in your life, almost like rolling thunder
preceding an impending storm. That's because the upcoming event
is a messy energetic spot on your timeline and your corner of
reality is becoming unstable in advance of it.
Precursor synchs also happen when your future is in flux, like
when you're going back and forth on a major life decision that
greatly affects your future.
When the future is
indeterminate and massively fluctuating like that, it's
unstable, and so the present becomes unstable too by proximity
since time is one big continuum.
Unstable conditions mean that improbabilities happen...
Why? Well, according
quantum physics, what we call normal reality is simply the
most stable, probable, and predictable path that everyone and
everything can take.
So when reality
becomes unstable, that means it becomes less normal meaning more
weird. It becomes less predictable meaning more surprising. And
it becomes less probable meaning more synchronistic.
So to
recap, Precursor Synchs are a side-effect of an upcoming
instability, which tends to be a distressing or precarious
situation where the outcome is in flux.
Then there are Deviation Synchs, which happen when you suddenly
deviate from your most probable course of action.
That means doing
something genuinely improbable, something that in most of your
immediate probable futures you didn't do. For example, it can be
something that goes against the momentum of your programming,
your circumstance, your habits and your feelings at that moment.
All these things are
pushing you towards your most mechanical and probable outcome,
so going against them means defying determinism.
When you do something unlikely for an extended period, you
deviate onto a less probable future, and this produces other
improbabilities which we experience as Deviation Synchs.
So whereas Precursor Synchs come before an unstable area of your
timeline, Deviation Synchs typically come during and after.
Now, one of the keys to understanding synchronicity is that
improbabilities tend to come in clusters. One improbability
begets another. If you do something improbable, chances are that
you'll attract another improbability.
That's because you're
deviating onto an improbable timeline that, due to its
improbability, likely contains other improbable aspects.
Consciousness and Non-determinism
This brings up an important point, which is that something
outside this reality, something beyond linear time, is needed if
events are to deviate from their default outcome.
Without that metaphysical factor, everything would be
mechanically deterministic.
Everything would be mere material
cause and effect, dominoes knocking down dominoes from the
beginning to the end of time, with no surprises or deviations.
For the dominoes to
change direction and touch off a new chain, a hand must reach
down and rotate one so that it falls into a new line.
That's what happens
every time we exercise our freewill.
So consciousness is the non-physical factor that creates
improbabilities. Or, as quantum physics would say, the conscious
observer is what produces non-determinism and piecewise
stochastic behavior.
What this ultimately means is that the more sentient you are,
the more volition or agency you have, the more of an
improbability you represent in this world.
And since
improbabilities beget more improbabilities, the lives of such
walking anomalies are… anomalous.
Outside Time
But in truth it's not just our consciousness that can create
improbabilities and therefore synchronicities.
Anything at all from
outside linear time that tampers with the course of events here
can do that. Examples include
aliens and occult entities who
meddle in our lives. Think about it…
They are outside
linear time, and if what they do affects what you do, then
you're no longer doing the original thing you would have done.
Rather, you are now doing what wasn't originally supposed to
happen, meaning you're going down an improbable pathway, and as
a result you will experience improbabilities like Deviation
So if you're someone who has a high degree of agency and you've
been influenced by entities outside time, you become a real
anomaly in this world and that comes with experiencing more
anomalies in life.
It's worth noting that since otherworldly beings are themselves
anomalous, and like attracts like, a big feedback loop can arise
where the more they affect you the more you attract them.
Now, some beings purposely seek out people who are already
anomalous due to having a greater degree of sentience and
That includes
benevolent aliens and positive spiritual entities, who are
looking to guide and influence those among us who stand out.
it also includes negative aliens and demonic entities looking to
study and suppress those who aren't following the program. These negative forces
also go after people who are of low awareness and are easily
manipulated, to use them as puppets or probes to manipulate the
rest of us.
I mention all this because certain people experience a high
degree of paranormal activity and synchronicity in their lives,
and there are reasons why those two phenomena go hand in hand in
their case.
It might have to do
with the uncommon quality of their consciousness and choices,
and the fact that their lives have been heavily altered by
influences beyond time.
Alright, let's get back to synchronicities and talk about
Expansion Synchs.
These happen when we
go through a significant moment of spiritual growth or
transformation. That includes going through a period of insight
and revelation regarding higher truths about existence or about
The sudden change in your being, your essence, acts like a
bubble suddenly expanding and sending ripples out in all
Not only is that an improbable event where you're
shifting to a new set of futures due to the change in your
personal characteristics, but your being is expanding and
perturbing the very fabric of existence.
These things can
induce Expansion Synchs.
Expansion Synchs tend to be symbolic, linked at the archetypal
level to the nature of the transformation.
So you can use a
dream dictionary to decode them, as the archetypes exist at the
subconscious level which is also where dreams derive their
symbols from.
Related to Expansion Synchs are Message Synchs, which are
symbolic messages sent in the form of a meaningful
Message Synchs are
better known as signs or omens. They're like dream symbols
except they happen while we're awake. It can be a recurring
number you keep seeing, or a certain animal or insect or
anything really that fulfills the function of a sign that
conveys a meaningful message.
Message Synchs can be encouraging in the sense of confirming a
decision you just made, or letting you know that all is good and
that you're going in the right direction.
Or they can be
foreboding in the sense of giving you a heads up that something
bad is about to happen, or that there's a harmful person or
influence in your life, or that you're treading down a dangerous
Now, Message Synchs are intentionally directed at you and they
carry symbolic meanings that can be decoded.
Like with dream
symbols, the meaning may be universal or vary somewhat from
person to person.
The best way to decode recurring Message Synchs is to log when
they happen and the circumstances surrounding them. After
several occurrences, you can connect the dots and guess at a
meaning. Then you can then test your guess the next time the
same Message Synch arises.
Once you decode your
recurring Message Synchs, you can use them as reliable
indicators of what's happening or what's coming up.
Now what about times when you're only getting negative Message
Synchs, bad omens? That means either you're heading in a dark
direction or a darkness is heading towards you.
If you're going in a
dark direction due to unwise choices, check yourself and make
If darkness is going towards you, be vigilant and
take preventative measures to head off whatever is about to
erupt in your life.
The fact that Message Synchs can even happen shows that there's
a strong connection between waking reality and dreams.
connection, of course, is that both are ultimately generated by
consciousness. The difference is that in dreams we are immersed
in an environment generated by our own subconscious, while in
the waking world the environment is generated by a collective or
universal subconscious, one that the ancient Greeks called
If you think of it in terms of video games, dreams are like
playing an offline game on your own PC, while reality is using
that same PC to connect to an online multiplayer environment.
The Demiurge is the
central server that coordinates the various locally run
instances of the game.
So when Einstein said reality is an illusion, albeit a
persistent one, that's saying reality is made of the same stuff
as dreams but functionally it's more persistent due to the
collective subconscious holding it in place.
But since our
personal subconscious is plugged into the collective
subconscious, it can affect its own corner of this collective
dream we call reality.
And so that brings up the next category, which is Manifestation
That's where
something you see or hear is a direct physical manifestation of
a thought or subconscious wish you dwelled upon earlier.
Of course whenever that happens, the question is:
Was the event
going to happen all along and you merely had a psychic moment of
precognition foreshadowing it?
Or, did your thought literally
cause that event to happen through an act of reality creation?
Both are possible and
both do happen, but the latter is what I mean by a Manifestation
Manifestation Synchs happen when you dwell on something in a
certain state of mind, which causes your subconscious to
influence reality and externally manifest a reflection of that
The interesting thing about Manifestation Synchs is that the
physical events needed to make them happen extend into the past,
often prior to the originating thought. It's as if you somehow
influenced the past to shape the present.
Sounds impossible?
Well, as it turns
out, that's completely in line with quantum physics, which has
experimentally proven that a choice made in the present can
reach back in time and influence the past.
It seems the future
isn't the only thing that's open; the past is open too...
Manifestation Synchs
don't violate the laws of physics, rather they are a direct
consequence of quantum principles.

Now let's get into something we all need to watch out for, which
are Artificial Synchs.
They seem like
synchronicities but actually aren't. They're staged for the
purpose of deception to make you think it's a sign from the
universe but really it's a ploy to negatively influence your
beliefs and decisions.
Nonhuman entities like demons and
negative aliens are known for pulling this trick.
To give an example, imagine if an attractive girl or guy comes
up to you on the street and hands you a small book by a certain
guru and tells you it has all the answers you seek.
And later that
afternoon you get an email from an old acquaintance you haven't
heard from in years, mentioning this same book. And later that
evening you find a flower petal on your pillow from the same
type of flower the guru is posing with on the book cover.
What would you make of that?
Many people would be taken in by the magical nature of these
improbabilities and take it as a sign to pursue that path, not
knowing that this guru is actually a psychic vampire who pushes
spiritual disinformation.
And yet, somewhere
within, intuition will be screaming no, but some will ignore
that warning and rationalize it away.
Now, believe it or not, this kind of thing happens more often
than people realize. Dark entities fish for gullible people all
the time by orchestrating and dangling Artificial Synchs like
The thing to remember
is that if both your logic and intuition indicate something
doesn't add up, then don't ignore these. Don't let occult parlor
tricks amaze you into throwing your inner compass and brain out
the window.
Another thing to note is that the negative entities who
orchestrate Artificial Synchs are relatively crude and
ham-fisted in their abilities compared to the abilities of our
own subconscious or Higher Self or higher positive beings on the
level of what we might call angels.
What negative entities do have in their toolbox is varying
degrees of telepathy and basic poltergeist or object
materialization phenomena. These are parlor tricks they use to
deceive those who don't know any better.
For them, telepathy
is the easiest, so most of the time they just manipulate the
thoughts and urges of people who are being mindless.
So we have to be
careful of that possibility and not blindly trust every
Artificial synchs are
bold, direct, literal, manipulative, and they play to our ego
and wishful thinking.
Opportunity Synchs
Lastly, on a brighter note, there are Opportunity Synchs.
They're like
Artificial Synchs except they're arranged by positive beings,
including your own Higher Self, and they're orchestrated with
far greater elegance, finesse, poetry, and competence than what
negative entities can accomplish.
They're the right
opportunity at the right time to help advance your destiny, your
story, whether to get you out of a tough spot or open up a new
pathway in your life.
Opportunity Synchs can be very improbable
but they also seem to fall into place naturally and gracefully.
So they are the
epitome of
Opportunity Synchs are lucky breaks that act as a fun plot
device to advance the story of your life. The signature of an
Opportunity Synch is that it brings you a sense of relief and
gladness when you encounter it, and intuitively you feel
frictionless and even enthusiastic about it.
There's a
concordance, an alignment, from top to bottom.
Contrast this with an
Artificial Synch where even when the ego is rubbing its hands
with glee, deep down you'll feel an emptiness or resistance
that, in less attuned people, is typically shouted down by
wishful thinking and rationalizing self-talk.
Alright, so that covers the major types of synchs you might have:
Don't get hung up on
the terminology. What matters are the concepts, the reality, and
how to apply this knowledge.
When you encounter a synchronicity, ask yourself these
Could it be a
precursor to something coming up soon?
Did I just do
something improbable that may have induced this?
Did I
manifest this by dwelling on it earlier?
Is this a
message, a sign, an omen? If so, what does it mean?
If this is an
intentional message, is it trying to steer me down a
wrong path?
Or is this a
serendipitous opportunity that I feel completely at ease
And what does it mean
when you don't get any synchronicities for a while?
You'll notice that
those are times when you're moving along in a steady,
predictable, and unremarkable way in life. Alternatively, you
could be so in tune with your Higher Self and subconscious that
these parts of you don't need to edit reality to send you a
message since they have a direct connection already.
The surest way to banish synchronicities is to bury yourself in
3D material mundanity and make no waves, just keep your head
down and stick to routine. Which probably describes the majority
of people today.
You might be wondering if there's anything we can do to induce
more synchronicities...
And the answer is
yes, there are a couple
things you can do.
The first
thing is to think about them more often, to embed
them into your worldview as being natural and expected,
and to adopt a child-like attitude of magic and wonder
about reality.
neutralizes the effects of skepticism and mundanity that
might be keeping them away. It also uses the
manifestation principle by attracting whatever you're
resonating with and focusing on.
Once you
start doing this, you can simply let go and let reality
surprise you.
The second
thing you can do is grow and transform yourself
through the power of insight, revelation, and discovery.
To do that,
you have to spend more time being curious,
contemplative, introspective, fascinated, open minded
and eager to learn. That means, read, watch, observe,
write, and contemplate deeply on yourself and the world.
That's the
exact opposite of the glib lifestyle that modern society
tends to encourage, so it'll be difficult for some, but
it'll be worth it for more reasons than just
synchronicity because changes in your inner life always
produce changes in your outer life.
And the
third thing you can do is identify what urges,
impulses, feelings, and thoughts come from your social
and biological programming, and which come from your
inner spiritual core and spiritual intelligence.
The spiritual
core, which is the seat of your sentience and freewill,
is the only thing in you that's not a product of matter,
energy, space and time.
Therefore it's outside linear
time and is capable of defying causality and
The more you
act from your spiritual intelligence and true intuition,
the less probable the path you walk, the more
improbabilities will be found on that path.
What it all boils down to is this.
Millions of
people have had genuine synchronicities and written about
them for centuries. Synchronicities are a personal reminder
that reality is something other than what we're told it is.
As time goes on, more
and more people will begin waking up to that fact.
It's going to take science another 'couple hundred years' to
accept and understand this, but fortunately you can access and
experience that truth right now by paying attention to your