by Gregg Prescott
April 21,
In5D Website
Spanish version

Many of us are paying attention to the little things that
occur and seem out of place in our every day lives.
We are being shown that
the concept of 3rd dimensional time/space is
shifting right before our eyes...
A lot of people within this genre have experiences time anomalies
throughout recent years including the feeling of time speeding up or
possibly feeling like time is slowing down.
Some people have reported the feeling of moving in and out of
dimensions while others are seeing background people filling in for
these gaps within
the Matrix.
Recently, in conjunction to all of the above, I've noticed that my
Facebook News Feed has dwindled down to a relatively very few
amount of posts when normally, there were many more.
It made me question what
was going on as Facebook's algorithms are constantly
fluctuating but even so, it's all relevant. If I physically looked
up people and checked their timelines, I would see a plethora of new
posts that weren't being reflected on my News Feed.
I made a post regarding
this and not to my surprise, MANY other people were seeing the
same thing:

On a higher level, what we are witnessing is a bifurcation
(a division into two branches) of people...
In order to keep in
alignment with those who are spiritually aligned to us, we need to
physically make the effort to stay in contact with them or
otherwise, they will continue to fade away from our 3rd
dimensional lives.
Just about all of us have experienced this already with friends and
family. Now, it's playing out in real time. In essence, we are
creating our own reality while picking and choosing who we want
this reality.
Through the choices of
others, we end up co-creating the reality in which we choose to
be in, which is why we need to physically visit the social media
pages of the ones we resonate the most with in order to keep them
within our co-created reality.
This is the physical
bifurcation playing out right before our eyes.
Bifurcation -
What can I do right now?
Be sure to physically visit and stay in touch with those who you
want to remain within your 3rd dimensional reality as
they will be the ones who are energetically matched for your 5th
dimensional reality (and beyond)...
On social media, make the
effort to visit the pages of loved ones who are not living nearby.
Maintain those connections.
When 'The
Shift' happens, we may not have our 3rd
dimensional bodies and will recognize one another by our energy
vibrations. Everyone has a unique and specific energy vibration
that was determined the millisecond you incarnated onto this planet.
Even if someone was born
at the same exact time as another person, their geographic location
at the time of incarnation would change their energy signature.
Similarly, even twins
have different energy vibrations as one is born before the other,
creating a unique energy vibration.
It is your unique energy vibration that will be
recognized by your "tribe".
Time looping
I've received reports of people experiencing time loops, which is
basically similar to
déjà vu.
What seems to be
happening are glitches in the matrix, which are sometimes
referred to as "Time Loops". This usually happens in ways that are
unnoticeable because time loops generally reset time and memories.
Sometimes, we catch and
remember these moments!
For example,
let's imagine that
you always place your keys in a specific spot when you walk into
the house. You're positive that the keys were where you placed
them, yet they show up somewhere else.
No, you were not drunk
the night before! As it turned out, the keys were in a spot so
bizarre that there's no way possible you could have placed them
Another common time loop
happens with literal time.
For example, you look
at your cell phone and it's 12:00 noon. A few minutes later,
it's still 12:00.
Many of these time
loops are so small and incremental that nothing is noticed, yet
each one could possibly represent a paradox in time.
Time Looping - What
can I do right now?
Keep a journal and record every time anomaly you're
Perception of time
is off
This is happening more and more to many people.
Have you found
yourself doing something for what seems like hours and its
only been minutes?
Perhaps it's the
other way around?
You might be doing
something for minutes and it seems like hours... Either
way, you're experiencing drastic time differentials.
Theory of Relativity showed us
that time was only relative to the observer but what
we've learned since then is that time is created BY
the observer.
On the other side
of the veil, time doe not exist. Even if you lived on a
different planet, time would be completely different.
For example,
on Mars, a day is
about 28 hours long, so if you are 30 years old on Earth,
you might be somewhere around 26-27 years old on Mars.
Even when we dream,
we never know "time" as we do when we are awake. I've never seen
a clock or a watch in my dreams as time is non-existent in the
dream state.
This is closer to our
actual spiritual reality than during our waking "time".
perception - What can I do right now?
Try to live without "time" as much as possible.
You've heard of
"living in the NOW". This is what it means...
EVERYTHING in our lives seems to trap us within Saturn's
(Chronos'/Father Time's) control of time, such as work weeks, TV
schedules, and even days and months that are not based on a 13
moon harmonic schedule.
The Mayan
Tun calendar is based on a 360
day cycle.
The last 5 days are
considered by the Maya as the days of "no time".
When the late
Jose Arguelles visited the
tomb of Mayan
Lord Pacal, the most important
lesson learned by Arguelles through Lord Pacal is that we need
to live without time as much as possible.
Resonance blackout

On the 17th day of February, March and April of 2019,
we have seen a
Schumann Resonance (SR)
Interestingly, we have also seen a SR blackout for nearly 3
hours, which is highly unusual. In the past, we have seen SR
blackouts for a brief period of time but never for this long.
Many people believe
that the SR blackout represent a reset or perhaps a
looping of time.

extraordinary times!
These are unprecedented and extraordinary days that we're living in.
We are the historians for
future 3rd dimensional planets who will be going through
similar assimilations. In the meanwhile, we are all trying to put
the pieces of the puzzle together.
The best advice I would
give anyone is to live in the NOW, because that's all
there is. You can also envision the future for co-creational
purposes as well.
Also, try to live
without time as much as possible.
It's difficult to do when
you have a "work schedule" but on your days off, don't wear a watch
or even think about time...