by Gary 'Z' McGee
March 02, 2024
Self-InflictedPhilosophy Website
'Z' McGee,
a former Navy Intelligence Specialist turned
philosopher, is the author of 'Birthday Suit of God'
'The Looking
Glass Man'.
His works are inspired by the great philosophers of the
ages and his wide-awake view of the modern world. |

by Julian Majin
"Until they become conscious,
they will never rebel;
and until after
they have rebelled,
cannot become conscious."
George Orwell
We would all like to become,
more aware, more perceptive, more
Nobody wants to feel like they are behind the curve. Or
that life is passing them by with a "whoosh."
But, alas, we are faced with a perception paradox, an awareness
enigma, a consciousness conundrum:
We cannot become conscious if we
don't rebel, and we cannot rebel until we've become conscious.
Why is this?
Mostly because we are creatures of comfort. But also
because we are social creatures kept inline by outflanking cultural
We suffer from what Nietzsche called, "the herd
We tend to be more like lemmings than rebels; more like
sheep than lions.
But there are ways to stay ahead of the curve.
There are ways to
keep our rebel flag flying even while our lemming instincts keep us
in line.
There are ways to be lionhearted despite our sheepishness.
We focus on the process rather than the outcome.
We finetune the
journey being the thing.
As James Clear said,
"We don't rise to the level of our goals; we
fall to the level of our systems."
In the spirit of becoming more conscious, here are four ways
(systems) to trick yourself into rebelling so that you may become
more aware.
1.) Don't believe in anything,
think through everything
"The majority of men...
are not
capable of thinking,
but only
of believing, and...
are not
accessible to reason,
but only
to authority."
Arthur Schopenhauer
The bridge from Man to Overman is too narrow for narrowmindedness.
Don't be narrow-minded.
Strive for the peak despite the trenches.
Climb toward the summit despite the abyss.
Think forward despite
your backward beliefs.
All too often belief is a hook that the fish mouth of your brain
cannot help but take the bait.
Hook, line, and sinker, and suddenly
you are caught.
You're trapped.
You're stuck.
You're confined to a
particular way of thinking, disregarding Aristotle's wise words:
"Entertain a thought without excepting
Instead, you except it.
You flounder on the line.
You forsake the
Truth Quest for the so-called "truth."
You fail before the bridge
toward the Overman even has the chance to appear before you.
Here's the thing:
the universe shrinks or expands in proportion to
your awareness.
Zoom in or zoom out.
When you expand your scope, you
not only gain more material to work with but more life to live in.
Zoom in and recognize the infinite masks of yourself.
Zoom out and
recognize the infinite delusions you are caught up in.
Move up and down the "chain of command" of yourself, but then break
Drop thought bombs into the fortified ramparts of yourself.
Plant minefields in your mind field. This is the beauty of thought:
it usurps all thrones of belief.
it is thought and not
belief that shines the light toward faith.
As Ram Dass said,
"Faith is not belief.
Faith is what is left when your beliefs have
all been blown to hell."
2.) Don't settle on answers, ask
unsettling questions
is not his possession of knowledge,
irrefutable truth,
that makes
the man of science,
but his
persistent and recklessly
quest for truth."
Karl Popper
Question your maps and models of the universe, both inner and outer,
and continually test them against the raw input of reality.
When you settle on a map or a model, you inadvertently reject the
raw input of reality.
Don't settle, unsettle.
Don't close down, open
Don't resign, align.
The universe is too massive to be passive;
it changes too much to remain the same.
Align or be left behind.
it guide you into uncertainty lest certainty keep you forever in
your own way.
The best way to get out of your own way is to upset your settled
As Ralph Waldo Emerson said,
"People wish to be settled; but only as far
as they are unsettled is there any hope for them."
The only "hope" is found in the unsettled state.
A state of
openness, suppleness, and teachability.
A state of transformation.
The cocoon is the perfect symbol of an unsettled state.
caterpillar can never become a butterfly without it.
Similarly, the
human can never become an Overman without the cocoon of the
unsettled state.
Create an unsettled state, a sacred space for continual rebirth. A
philosopher's fire, where not only moths but gods are cooked. A
space where the Phoenix of your imagination can rebirth itself,
again and again.
Unsettle your settled mind.
Ask forbidden questions.
Test the
Put God's feet to the fire.
Humble yourself.
Destroy your
illusions and murder your delusions
Count coup on outdatedness.
Reorder ancient order.
Transform boundaries into horizons.
If, as F. Paul Pacult said,
"Life is at its best when it is shaken
and stirred" then it stands to reason that life is at its worst when
it is rigid and settled.
Don't be rigid and settled.
3.) Don't be certain, be curious
"Poetry is what happens
nothing else can."
Beliefs and answers are hangups.
They are always false gods.
opposite of belief is not disbelief.
Likewise, the opposite of an
answer is not a question.
The opposite of both is curiosity.
Use curiosity like a hammer.
Pound the nail of thought through the
flimsy cardboard of certainty.
Nothing is ever foolproof.
falls on a spectrum of absurdity.
Your curiosity acts like a scale
of justice.
It weighs imagination against thought, and belief
against faith.
It is the crucible of all conundrums.
And it is the
most powerful tool you will ever wield.
It's the only tool shared by
all the common Jungian archetypes.
Certainty is like standing water.
It becomes murky, poisonous, and
undrinkable if not treated.
And it can only be treated (cleared,
cleaned, refreshed) through curiosity and persistent inquiry.
Certainty creates mealymouthed conmen, snake oil salesmen, and
charlatans who have settled on "answers" and "truths" and who have
inadvertently created stagnation, rotten fruit, and flies in the
Curiosity reveals the rottenness behind the stink. It
unveils the bullshit artist behind the curtain. It uncovers the
multilayered anti-reason of wishful thinking.
Rather than placate your death anxiety with false salve, you should
take responsibility for it. You should stare into the face of death
and smile. You should stand toe-to-toe with misery and force it to
reveal its deep mystery.
Rather than bend the knee to the
hand-me-down reasoning of fallible and imperfect men just as afraid
if their mortality as you are, you should transform that suffering
into vitality and strength. Into primal hunger. Into curiosity and
This is the power of curiosity.
It is transcendent.
It is a vehicle
of nonattachment.
It is a bird's-eye-view in a world of blind men.
It launches you past cultural conditioning, indoctrination, and
It keeps you ahead of the curve by helping you realize
that everything is on the curve.
No exceptions.
Nothing is set.
Nothing is figured out.
It's all procrastinating truth, a delicious
hang fire.
Because life is never complete.
You must learn; unlearn; relearn.
Rinse and repeat.
Never settle.
Life is only ever a process.
journey is always the thing, whether you like it or not.
Cultivate the
"skyhook" of curiosity lest the "anchor" of certainty
hold you down.
Sell your certainty and buy curiosity.
It will always
be worth it.
4.) Don't be comfortable, be
"You are free,
and that
is why you are lost."
Franz Kafka
We all talk a big game about stretching our comfort zone.
But the
irony is that most of us never get around to actually doing it.
Instead, we remain huddled in the corner of our comfort zone sucking
our thumbs.
We placate ourselves.
We mollycoddle each other.
sabotage our curious imaginations with nefarious beliefs.
We guard
against death anxiety at the expense of existential freedom.
we're so busy giving each other religious reach-arounds that we
can't even see how much more amazing the real
thing - spirituality - really is (see
Spirituality vs. Religiosity - The
War Between Curiosity and Certainty).
If, as Thucydides said,
"The secret to happiness is freedom. And the
secret to freedom is courage",
...then the secret to courage is
And the secret to curiosity is the suspension of belief.
Suspend belief.
Engage curiosity.
Ignite courage.
And the freedom
found in stretching your comfort zone will not elude you.
It's all yours for the taking.
But you must get past your comfort.
You must wrestle the demons disguised as angels known as
Security, and Comfort.
They are the threshold guardians of your
comfort zone.
And the only thing that defeats them is heroism.
own inner hero to be exact.
Therefore, it's time for a Hero's Journey.
A great escape!
imperfect self-overcoming.
A leap of courage out of belief and into
It's time to come alive.
It's time to take responsibility for
being the only extension of the universe that knows you as "me."
It's time to stop pretending you're not God and finally connect
everything with everything else. Escape your narrowing comfort zone
and go on a harrowing adventure.
As the great Anais Nin said,
"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to
one's courage."