by Nicole Apelian, Ph.D
January 20, 2022
from MedicinalSeedKit Website

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The Most Important Thing

that's probably Missing from your Backyard...



The 10 Medicinal Plants You'll Have in Your Backyard

1 - Chicory – The Painkilling Plant You Should Grow in Your Backyard

This is the wild plant that Native Americans used to look for more than any other.


They'd harvest and use chicory to make a natural painkilling extract for a wide range of physical discomforts, especially stiff and achy joints.


And so can you!





The root is rich in chicoric acid (CA), a plant compound with potent anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties but no risk of addiction.


If our pharmacies ever run dry, having even a small patch of chicory growing in your own backyard will provide relief.

2 - Yarrow – The Backyard Wound Healer

You always want to have a quick and reliable way to stop a wound from bleeding and help prevent infection. Yarrow does both, and it really saved my knuckle.


On day 42 of Alone, I accidentally cut my hand while gutting a fish.


The wound was very deep and most likely would have gotten infected since I had no antibiotics with me.



Luckily, I found some yarrow and wrapped it around the wound.


The bleeding stopped in minutes, and my wound healed so well that now there's barely a scar left. Since then, I always carry a pouch of dried yarrow with me, just in case.


A yarrow tincture, when applied to your skin, acts as a natural and effective way to repel mosquitos and other insects.

3 - California Poppy – Better Than Sleeping Pills

California poppy helps support a restorative, deep sleep like we enjoyed as children, when falling and staying asleep for at least eight hours each night were both effortless.


Why risk the addiction of prescription sleeping pills when you can make your own Sleep Tea from this plant?



I usually drink it before bed and then doze off soon after, while I'm reading or watching TV.


You could not wake me up easily; my kids have tried a few times. Now, if your bout of insomnia is of the more serious nature or you're suffering from PTSD, just turn California poppy into a more concentrated sleep tincture.


That should do it.

4 - Marshmallow – The Most Powerful Plant for a Healthy Digestive System

When most people hear marshmallow, they tend to picture the white fluffy treat commonly roasted over a campfire.


Traditionally these were made from the root of the marshmallow plant, a powerful medicinal herb that you'll want to grow yourself at home.


Its leaves and root are antibacterial, and most importantly, they contain a sap-like substance called mucilage.



As the marshmallow mucilage goes down through your digestive tract, it will coat your stomach, intestines, and colon with an additional protective layer, soothing inflammation it finds along the way.


That's why this tea also helps people with stomach ulcers and digestive disorders, such as heartburn, indigestion, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, or Chron's disease.

5 - Chamomile – The Natural Antibiotic

My grandmother used to grow chamomile in her garden.


She would pick the flowers in early autumn, dry them on old newspapers, and store them in mason jars. She saw this plant as a real "heal-all."

If I'd get pinkeye, she'd put a warm compress dipped in chamomile tea over my irritated eyes.


If my stomach hurt, she'd make me drink the tea, and I'd soon start to feel better.



It's very soothing, and it helps relax your digestive muscles.


You can also use this plant to make your own chamomile oil, which is still probably one of the best natural skin remedies out there.


Researchers believe that's because chamomile oil can penetrate even the deep layers of your skin, where true healing takes place.

6 - Evening Primrose – A Natural Remedy for Skin and Nerves

This plant is called evening primrose because its flowers open at sunset.


Each bloom lasts for only one night. Our forefathers would use it to make a poultice for bruises, wounds, and skin eruptions. Turns out they were right.


This plant contains two substances our skin needs but cannot produce on its own (gamma-linolenic acid and linolenic acid).



They're also very important for the membranes of nerve cells, and that's probably why more and more people with unresolved nerve pain are turning to this plant.


Evening primrose can also help to balance out hormone levels.


If you ever feel like you're constantly fatigued, you gain weight inexplicably, or you're simply unable to tolerate hot or cold temperatures like you used to, then you might be dealing with a hormonal imbalance.

7 - Lavender – The Perennial Anti-Inflammatory Herb

You're probably familiar with how this aromatic plant can keep moths from dining on your winter wardrobe.

But if you use it medicinally, it can offer so much more!

A recent double-blind study concluded that lavender oil cuts down anxiety to the same extent as taking a 0.5 mg daily dose of Lorazepam, a popular anxiety drug.



A lavender tincture used alongside a regular antidepressant can help you recover from mild to moderate depression a lot faster and lower the chance for a relapse.


And if you just rub a few drops of lavender oil on your scalp every day, it will improve blood flow, strengthen hair follicles, and even help with lost hair.


That and the divine scent it has is why I like to mix it with my shampoo.

8 - Echinacea – The Most Powerful Immunity Plant You Should Grow

When it comes to our health, the immune system is king.


A strong one might save you even if you're very sick and have no medicines available. A weak immune system might not, even if you have all the best medicines and doctors by your side.


There's no better plant for taking care of your immune system than echinacea.



But don't make the mistake of thinking that supplements bought at the health store can even compare with the natural medicines you can make from organic plants you grow yourself.


That's true for all plants but especially for echinacea, which has fallen prey to its own popularity. It is one of the most counterfeited natural supplements out there.


So why risk a bad batch that will do little more than a placebo?


Better to grow your own patch.

9 - Calendula – The Herb You Need to Keep Close During Dark Times

Before I ever came across calendula in my natural practice, I had heard about it from my grandfather.


He was always working around the house, tinkering on his projects, and one day he accidentally cut his leg to the bone. Stubborn as he was, he refused to go see a doctor.


He tied it with a thick cloth and just poured my grandmother's calendula extract on it each time he would dress the wound.


Believe it or not, it healed in weeks!



I later found out about other uses for this powerful backyard helper.


I make a calendula salve to speed up healing and minimize scarring for wounds, scrapes, cuts, sores, burns, and scalds and to deal with all manner of rashes or insect bites.


As a tea, calendula does something really unique and important.


It moves lymphatic fluid and cleanses your lymphatic system from the mucky remnants of old infections and the metabolic waste we all accumulate over time.


This is absolutely vital for continued good health and something no modern drug does, to the best of my knowledge.

10 - Feverfew – Nature's Aspirin for Fevers and Migraines

With feverfew in your backyard, you'll always have a way to deal with a cold, lower a fever, or fight off migraines.


This plant is a powerful anti-inflammatory, and people have used it to deal with inflamed and painful joints. Parthenolide seems to be the plant compound responsible for its medicinal power.


The highest concentration of parthenolide is found in the flower heads and leaves, so the easiest way to use this plant is to chew them raw so they release the parthenolide flowing inside.



But it is not the most effective.

In the brochure, I'll show you exactly how to make the Anti-Migraine Tincture from your backyard feverfew. A few drops in your coffee or tea should be enough for some headaches as well.


You'll also see how an extract from feverfew flowers can prove a potent pain reliever for articular and neuropathic pain.

What You'll Find in Your Medicinal Garden Kit




Inside your Medicinal Garden Kit, you'll find 10 smaller packages with each type of seed. 4,818 high-quality, NON-GMO seeds packaged in US.

Even if you've never planted anything before, you'll have no trouble growing these 10 plants.

You will find details on how to plant, grow, and harvest each one in the free 'Herbal Medicinal Guide: From Seeds to Remedies' that you'll receive with your Medicinal Garden Kit.

You cannot find these 10 seeds in one package anywhere else. Before I made it, I had been looking for something like this for a long, long time.

And I would have been willing to pay A LOT for it. Just think about how much money you spend at the pharmacy.


The average American spends $1742 each year. I think your new backyard pharmacy will save you at least a few hundreds of that. That's what I call a good investment.

BUT, that doesn't even matter, because you are investing in something much more important:

your health...!

If you want to treat yourself naturally, than this is the medicinal garden you want to have in your backyard.

Don't take your health for granted like I did.


Do not wait for it to deteriorate, to do something about it.


One day it might be too late.

Planting a medicinal herb garden will bring new and exciting aspects to your green world and many benefits. But even so, if you don't want to plant them now, for any reason, you can keep the seeds for when you feel the time is right.

I know a few people who grabbed three Medicinal Garden Kits each, just to store them in case of a crisis that affects our medical system and the pharmaceutical chains.


These Medicinal Garden Kits are perfect for people who want to be more self-reliant and for those who are preparing for the worst of times.



Medicinal Garden Kit

With your Medicinal Garden Kit, you'll always have one reliable, safe, and completely free natural alternative within easy reach.


All 10 of these healing plants are good companions for vegetables and fruit trees, but you can also plant them in the front yard if you wish.


Most of the medicinal herbs found in the kit are perennials that die in the winter and re-emerge in the spring or self-seeding annuals that become well established after the first year.

So your medicinal garden will keep coming back year after year, without having to replant it. With the kit you are purchasing a lifelong backyard pharmacy.

To purchase go HERE...