In the year of 1581 through the
extraordinary efforts of Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelly,
the secrets that were lost with the patriarch of the Bible
known as Enoch were returned to those who thirst for the
knowledge of Light. Dee kept close records of their
intensive work. Although some of Dee’s work has been
lost, much of it is to be found in Sloane Documents 3188,
3189, 3191, 3677, and 3679. These documents are to be found at
the British Museum in London.
One of the most important breakthroughs in the rediscovery of
these lost secrets was an entirely new language. This language
contained its own grammar and syntax. It is an Angelic
language often referred to as "Enochian."
Dee and Kelly used great care and effort when
receiving the lost knowledge of Enoch. The dictating
Angel was the Great Angel Ave. Many hours were
spent bringing forth the information by Dee and Kelly.
Often times sessions would last 8 to 10 hours a day. Some of the
material was actually dictated backwards by the Angel so as not
to invoke dangerous forces of power.
The beginnings of Enochian Magic were coming into place,
but the information was just information. It was not a system of
any usable value. Thus, for the most part, it remained dormant,
undefined and unusable. Then, over 200 years later, this body of
raw knowledge that Dee & Kelly painstakingly
uncovered was given form and life by the genius of S.L.
MacGregor Mathers. Under the tutelage of Mathers, the
Second (Inner) Order of the Golden Dawn began working the
most powerful system of magic the world has or may ever see.
Years later in Chicago, a disgruntled Paul Foster Case
(after being expelled from the order by Moina Mathers)
,would lead a quiet crusade to convince fellow students that
Enochian Magic was "volatile and dangerous." Case would even
go so far as to have it sliced and diced out of all Inner
Order Teachings of a group he founded called the "Builders
of the Adytum." Others would follow in Case’s
footsteps, claiming Enochian was too dangerous.
Without entering into the debate on the "dangers" of
Enochian Magic, when used with caution and in accordance
with Second Order Teachings, it is not only safe, it is
utterly effective in the physical world, and illuminating in the
area of Spiritual development!
Dee and Kelly were the pioneers who blazed the
trail. Along the trail of forgotten and lost knowledge were the
Four Watchtowers of the Universe. These Watchtower
Tablets were adapted by Mathers to represent the
Four Elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth.
There is a definite hierarchy to each of these tablets. The
hierarchy in its highest form is not to be found on the Tablets,
but comes from the study of the Qabalah. It is the
Divine Name of the Element in Hebrew that first must be
intoned and invoked. The reason is that the Hebrew represents
the Celestial influence and governance and the Enochian
hierarchy represents the Assiac or material
In each tablet there are three Secret Holy Names of God
which are extracted from the horizontal cross bar of the central
cross of each Tablet. In all there are twelve Holy Names
on four Tablets (see below images) which infer a serious
connection and bridge between the Macrocosm and
the personal Microcosm of one’s own "sphere of
These Names are invoked during the four Elemental
Grade Ceremonies (initiations) by the Hierophant of the
Golden Dawn in the Outer. Through the power of the Secret
Names the general nature of the element involved in the
initiation is filtered through the Tablet into the "Aura"
or sphere of sensation of the advancing candidate. The result is
the establishment of a magical link and affinity with the
element of the Initiation. This serves to empower the candidate
in that new elemental powers are now available to him or her.
This process depends on a trained and empowered Hierophant,
and can, in fact, be performed in full Temple "astrally"
to allow the elemental link to exist for members who live
hundreds or even thousands of miles from a Temple.
Elemental King is extracted from a spiral whirl
around the Central Cross to be found on each Tablet.
There is one King per Elemental Tablet.
When the Adept invokes the three Secret Holy Names of God,
the King is also automatically activated. In addition, the King
may be invoked as a specific force.
The King is always invoked when lower elemental forces on the
Tablet are to be utilized.
are six Seniors on each of the Four elemental Tablets.
This makes a total of 24 Seniors in all. The Seniors
follow the King in the Order of Hierarchy. The
Seniors are found in the Book of Revelations as the 24 Elders
who bow down before the Throne of God.
The Seniors act as a kind of funnel for the specific forces of a
particular planet. The King relates to Sol.
The planetary forces of the Seniors is configured and
transformed within the specific elemental Nature of the Tablets.
In all workings where the King is invoked, so are the Seniors in
that they work in a kind of collaboration with the elemental
King. There are rituals such as the Consecration of an
Elemental Tool when the power of the Seniors are called
upon. This allows the elemental Weapon to receive in the
charging phase the Planetary powers through the elemental nature
of the planet. Later when needed by a trained Adept, the tool
can then project this force for the purpose of magical and
alchemical workings.
are four Sephirotic Crosses on each Tablet. They
are often referred to as Calvary Crosses. There is one
cross in each sub-element.
Thus, on the Fire Tablet, there are four sub-elements of
Air, Water, Fire,
Earth. There is a cross in each. On a colored
depiction of the Tablets these crosses are white, which like the
Seniors denote a spiritual nature rather than an elemental one.
There are two angels per cross. One calls forth a
serviant angel and the other is used to command the angel. These
angels are only invoked when the Adept wishes to work with a
specific subservient angel.
These angels work under the Angels of the Sephirotic Cross.
These Angels help to regulate and balance the forces employed.
They may be utilized for pyramid working and other important
elemental considerations.
The Kerubic Angels are formed from the first
letter in each file above the Calvary Cross and are permutated
to provide (4) in total per sub-section.
highest name of Spirit in this Tablet is EHNB.
This is the purest Spiritual force and is only invoked when some
empowering is required from the direct force of spirit.
The Tablet of Union is placed on the center Altar
to act as the central hub from which the Elemental Tablets are
The Elemental Tablets are introduced one at a time in the
Grade Initiations of the Golden Dawn. There is an
important Initiation that is not depicted on the Qabalistic Tree
of Life. It is the Portal Initiation. It is attributed to the
top point of the pentagram which is Spirit. Thus, in the Portal
Initiation of our Order, the Tablet of Union is introduced as it
represents the building Spirit or actuating glue between the
This only reveals a miniscule amount of information on
Enochian Golden Dawn methodology. In fact, much of the body
of the Second Order Enochian Work remains unpublished and
safely in the hands of the College of Adepti.
Enochian Magic requires a solid and firm
foundation in the study of the Qabalah,
Geomancy, Tarot, Alchemy,
and Astrology. It is not a toy but a powerful
system that should be employed with the same caution a prudent
person uses who would handle a loaded gun.
Enochian Graphics
Tablets, watchtowers,
Dee's Holy Table
AltReligionAbout Website
(click images to

Watchtower of the North
The Enochian Watchtower of earth |

Watchtower of the West
The Enochian
Watchtower of water |

The Holy
Dee and Kelly's consecrated Holy table |

Watchtower of the East
The Enochian
Watchtower of air |

Watchtower of the South
The Enochian Watchtower of fire |

A Chart of
the Enochian alphabet, from Crowley's Equinox. |

John Dee's
diagram of the four watchtowers of Ritual magick

Sigillum Dei
The "Seal of Truth," image created by Dr. John Dee for
use in Enochian workings

The watchtowers and the black