by R.T. Gault
OrderoftheTwilightStar Website

From illegible
chicken scratches mighty mystic acorns grow:
The first folio page of the Golden Dawn Cypher Manuscript.
This is a picture
gallery for an in-progress essay about Arthur Machen and his
association with the Order of the Golden Dawn, and it may relate the Machen's novels
The Three Impostors (1895) .
Click Images to
The Original
Three Impostors |

Young S.L. MacGregor Mathers impersonating a British
Officer (circa 1882)

Dr. Robert William Woodman in Masonic Regalia.
Woodman died in December 1891, leaving only two of the
original Chiefs of the Golden Dawn in power.

Dr. W. Wynn Wescott, Coroner and occult scholar
. |
The Later
Three Impostors: |

Deo Duce
Comite Ferro
'Rioghail Mo Dhream
S.L. MacGregor Mathers as the Magus, drawn by his wife
Moina Mathers

Nulla Retrosum
Moina Bergson Mathers, wife of MacGregor Mathers.
This is one of the few known picture of this lady. It
was probably taken in the 1880s when she was Mina
Bergson. She was the first non-founding member admitted
to the order in March 1988. |

Quod Sci
Sapere Aude
W. Wynn Westcott, resigned (or was forced out) of
the Golden Dawn in 1897, leaving Mathers as the sole
The Young
Man With Spectacles: |

W. B. Yeats
in 1888, when he still sported a beard. A portrait by
H.M. Paget. This is what Yeats looked like in the days
when he was joining the "Hermetic Students", The
Theosophy Society, and "deviling" in the British Museum
along with most of the other people pictured here. Yeats
officially joined the Golden Dawn on 7 March 1890, but
may have been unofficially involved with it from the
beginning. |

Demon Est
Deus Inversus
Classic 1890s W.B. Yeats, with spectacles, in his
patented "poet outfit." When the London temple revolted
against Mathers in 1900, Yeats became Imperator. He
remained a major force in the splinter of the Golden
Dawn known as Stella Matutina well into the 1920s
The New
Woman: |

Sapienti Dono Data
Florence Farr in 1890. Actress, novelist, magician,
and mistress of literary lions. An inscription on the
picture reads "Do I inspire thee." Uh huh
. |

Florence Farr in the 1890s. Farr joined the Golden
Dawn in July 1890, became Cancellarius in mid 1892,
became Praemonstrator after Wescott resigned, and was
the head of the London Temple at the time of the 1900
. |

et Fecte
Annie Horniman, She bankrolled plays by Yeats and
Farr, employed MacGregor
Mathers as a curator, and was one of the financial
backers of the Abbey Theatre in Dublin
. |

Nulla Retrosum
Moina Mathers, this time as a priestess of Isis, in
about 1900. Back when she was in art school, in the late
1880s, she met and became friends with Florence Farr,
and Annie Horniman. The three of them used to hang out
in the British Museum, dabbling in Egyptology and
mystical books. By a strange coincidence Mathers, Yeats,
Waite, and Machen were know to hang out there at the
same time, looking for similar books. |
Mr Dyson, a
Walker in London: |

An early
picture of Arthur Machen with a beard. The source of the
picture says it was taken in the 1890s, but this is
doubtful. The "decadent" style of the 1890s was clean
shaven. My guess is that the picture dates from the late
1880s. Picture originally appeared in The Collected
Arthur Machen (Duckworth, 1988).
. |

Young Arthur
Machen, writer and actor, probably around the time he
joined the Golden Dawn in 1899, and may have been the
last member to join before the revolt of 1900. There is
some evidence that he joined the order to distract
himself after the death of his first wife. Machen
followed his friend A.E. Waite into the Rectified Order
of the Golden Dawn in 1904. He continued to unofficially
collaborate with Waite on his works on the Holy Grail.
He remained highly skeptical about the Golden Dawn and
magical orders in general. |
Mr Phillips: |

Edward Waite as he looked in the early 1980s

Sacramentum Regis
Arthur Edward Waite, around 1900. He was one of the
most prolific writers on occultism and magic. He is best
known today for having created the most popular tarot
deck in the world -- the Rider/ Waite Deck. He joined
the Golden Dawn in January 1891. |
Old Friends: |

Machen at the Roman ruins at Caerleon, Wales. The hat
and Inverness cloak became a trademark costume of Machen
(as is was for his character Mr. Dyson), and he
continued to wear it look after it was out of fashion..
This outfit and Machen's later round shape lead S. T.
Joshi to wonder if Machen might be one of the models of
John Dickson Carr's great detective, Dr Gideon Fell (the
usual suspect for Carr's model was G. K Chesterton).

A. E. Waite
in regalia of the Fellowship of the Rosy Cross. On 4
November 1904 Waite constituted the Rectified Order of
the Golden Dawn, one of the the many factions which
stemmed from the original Golden Dawn. It closed down in
1914, and Waite went on to form The Fellowship of the
Rosy Cross in 1915

Machen and
Waite (left) together in 1936 |
The Beast: |

Edward Alexander "Aleister" Crowley, novelist, poet,
mountain climber, and ritual magician. Here he is shown
as Osirus when he was in the Golden Dawn in 1899. This
is the young man whom Machen learned had hired thugs to
murder |