Ritual Results


Frank van der Palen
Heusden, Holland

It was incredible. I feel so much joy, love and energy inside myself at this moment. I've never felt this so intensely as now. The ritual was beautiful. (Frank performed the Fire Ritual to Invoke the Shield Guides a few days before the Cathedral ritual.) As I was speaking the words, I felt the power in my voice rising. It felt so good, that I said the words again. Both first and second time, when I came to the part of Metatron, I could see an angel with a sword, this must of been Michael, slicing his sword into the ground. Through the slice came fire, which formed a portal in the center of Stonehenge.

After that it first became very quiet. I just felt a lot of energy in my room. Then I saw a vortex of clouds building in the portal. It reached out to me and filled me completely. It went straight into my heart. I was completely overwhelmed with joy, love, light, compassion, understanding, trust and awareness. I just enjoyed this for about half an hour. Then suddenly I saw a hand coming out of the portal. It holded a sword and reached out to me.


A voice said; you are the keeper of the frequency of this domain. It is your task to prevent other energies from harming this domain. I was given the sword and told to stand up, hold the sword straight up and to sway the sword as hard as I could. When I did this I could feel a enormous power emanating form it. This reached inside of me, but also went out of it into the sky. It was like there was forming a shield overhead. This encircling the earth. >From inside the core of the earth a very intense power came rushing out. This formed a matrix around the planet. My heart was pounding and I just felt intense joy. I knew nothing could go wrong anymore. Everybody would be protected for ever. I felt like the planet was smiling.

I sat down again, still holding the sword. I was told to place it into my heart, which I did. Then my whole body felt like an oven, a very intense heat which burnt away a lot of pain inside of me. I touched my first and fourth chakra and just stayed that way for about half an hour. Then the ritual was over. I felt at ease. Incredible! I'm planning to use the ritual, all of them if that's okay with you, in a workshop that two friends of my and myself are facilitating in the coming months. Thanks. I'm looking forward to the next ritual. By the way, what do you think the sword I received is all about?

Krista Essler
Brooklyn, NY

I will be gone all day today so decided to do the ritual this morning. In my portal, at the four corners, are crystal, a piece of wood, a stone from Egypt and some shells. Above one of the four doorways is 2 peacock feathers. I prepared my space a few days ago for the ritual by adding gold from Brazil, Amethyst and silver ribbon along with my color print out of the Divine Mother disk.

I was very excited to do this ritual as I embark on a career change into the healing arts. As I said the ritual, I felt the air thicken. It was very exciting! I felt spirits around me working on my throat and heart chakras. I asked for the things to come to me in order for me to be able to go back to school to learn acupuncture. I asked for guidance. I then felt myself drawn back to a past life in Germany where I was a monk who studied herbs. I saw myself in that life using alchemic symbols. I felt my vibration raise.

It was a wonderful experience that I will carry with me all day as I go off to my homeopathic certification seminar. Another note: On Wednesday, in meditation, I had seen the Masonic symbol. It made me aware of the coming of the energies for the Templar Knights.

Robert Love

My ritual time was interrupted by pressing events, but was able to be present. Did anyone notice the odd odor at the sacred alter and from the area behind the alter? It has to do with a recent event there. The Knights Templar were and are out in force and represent to be on a very special mission for our present time. Interesting energies have been experienced at the Cathedral in recent weeks. Did anyone pick up on this? Still looking at the time in the ritual.

The Cathedral at Chartres has been a focal point for the Mystical activities of the Knights Templar for centuries and was built for them by the Free Masons for activities similar to what you call 'Portal'. These activities are generators for energy fields of transmission through radiance and were initially designed to magnify the potential energy of the celebrations of the Mass (in those times the ultimate ritual) out into the surrounding area as a protection or shield for the people. The times of the origination of these Cathedrals were dark times for humanity and the role of the Templars was, as it is today, to be keepers of the Sacred Ritual energies which bring the Mystical energies of Peace Joy and Love (enlightenment) into the lives of the people.

In the past month there was a fire in the chambers of the Bishop, behind the Alter, where certain artifacts and vestments, deemed by the Templars to be directed toward more expanding the power of the Church and the ego of the individual, were purified by a mysterious fire. The odor that came from this purification was not acrid like smoke but very sweet like the scent of the presence of Mary. This is obviously an outward manifestation of the modern activities of the Templars whose existence is for the keeping and perpetuation of the mystical powers, which are the heritage of HU-MAN kind. These new activities have been acknowledged in sacred sights around the world and are believed by many to be a sign of great changes in our Mystical/Spiritual world of understanding. The energies always have signatures in frequency and these are very definitely Templar/Mystical energies which are usually signs of redirection and change in our Human lifestyle and our relationship with Creator (The Eighth Ray).

In my practices, all experiences are time related, like your references to "retrograde time". To me everything out side this dimension has no time, therefore it is time related. It becomes a compressed awareness of experiences. Because this is out of our normal frame of conscious awareness, we use practices which allow us to, for lack of a better description, function as if we always existed there in no time. Our experience of this realm is that all things function beyond this dimension as "Light moving at the speed of Thought", which Mystically described is Creation energy.

Every journey of this type has related physical experiences. In our work we try to practice awareness and attune to the physical surroundings as we move through them into the etheric and dimensional realms. Recognizing that there are truly "Gatekeepers" whose total existence is to keep these gates open so that we can have access at the appropriate times. After a while and after many experiences we learn to stop and visit with them and in this awareness we become familiar with and to the "familiars". They become old friends who support our activities on the path of actions which support that which they are dedicated to support. We are seen as a committed part of the One and not just voyagers "What they call children playing around the gates". All of our journeys have a purpose and are required by the Creative energy to fulfill that purpose.

I truly honor what you are doing. My total function on this plane is as a servant of those who serve the whole, The One. In the other realms it is much more fun because you can see more clearly all things at once in every direction and the beginning and the end are one. Accelerated and retrograding time is merely scanning the reality of no time and looking at the pictures. It takes some getting used to but once you can live with the weird experience it becomes reality.


I am signing back on after having been through the ritual. Wow! Who could've thought it would've been so heavenly. I had a chance to really love up my portal, I made the eastern cross over the place where I sit. The cross was made of pink rose petals from a dozen pink roses I received for Valentines day. My circle was filled with crystals, many from our creek, and angels. Every angel doll, figurine, candle, Christmas ornaments, they all wanted to be in the circle. My five candles were angels and my power web lightworker was at the north node. As I finished the ritual I began to float off, past the earth's blue atmosphere and into outer space.


I watched all the stars shooting past me as I headed in the direction of the comet. I then reached a region that had heavenly clouds and suddenly thousands and thousands of angels appeared. I remember thinking, wow, legions of angels. Then as I floated past a ridge and could peer on the other side, I saw several angels erecting a cross of light. Then every thing went to pink and I found myself back at my portal. I had to perform this ritual at 5:30am on March 9. Although I sat in my portal from 8:30 to 8:33pm to "link up for a couple minutes" I could not perform it until almost dawn. The pink light of dawn lit my portal in a gossamer way. It was fun! Wow!

Barbara S.

Nothing unusual to report in tonights ritual. At least not yet. We may see results for this one come in over a period of time. Before the ritual began, I burned some incense and meditated for about 30 min. in a hot tub of water. Then I dressed in white. I set up my portal in a circular fashion on a white lace tablecloth from Spain. The patterns crocheted in it looked like the shields on one of the portal discs. I used the Latin cross fashioned out of two different sets of rosary beads with the candles at each end of the cross and the 5th at the north end of the cross.


Along with several pieces of crystal, I used several sacred items. One was the small picture of the Ark of the Covenant. a small statue of Archangel Michael and a small photo of Archangel Gabriel for either side of the Cross. I also used a small candelabra like the ones on the ark that came from Jerusalem. I set it up pretty much like you did and used both The Divine Mother disk and the Shri Yantra disk, also the water and the earth. I had a large photo of Mother Mary at the head of the cross. I also used a white lace pillow. It made a lovely alter, and was a beautiful ritual. Afterward I meditated. I also checked out the sky, but it's raining and overcast here. Many Blessings and much Love to you.

Tom Yudai

Thank you for creating and sharing the ritual material and experience. A group invited me to facilitate an event so 20 people joined together to participate in the Chartres Portal Ritual. We started with building the altar with everyone putting in a crystal in a spiral and had other personal power objects in it. We then chanted three times. The second time with each one's perfect vision of the Earth, and the last time to propel each one's perfect vision for themselves.

We divided the ritual prayer into twelve verses, each verse in sequence read from a different direction, starting in the east, then south, west & north. It was powerful and, in the sharing, one mentioned seeing the light connecting in rods to the disk and moving up. Another mentioned the prayer breaks down the old blocked patterns. We ended with giving out tarot cards to each participant. Some used the cards as an aid in sharing. I got the ace of wands.

Dream that night of being on the phone with someone. A lightning bolt goes through the phone line, but I continued talking, the person on the other end is different after the lightning and hung up. The picture window is broken & shattered. A few people in a garage trying to figure out how to open the door that is broken.

Roger Kerr

Saturday was a strange day. Starting Friday night, I was feeling a lot of negative energy, that I just could not clear. Saturday morning I was still feeling it, a lot of fear and apprehension. I did a clearing meditation in the morning and I felt a lot better, but still not totally clear. All day I felt this uneasy, heavy negative energy. I would try to clear every so often, and I even went up to the Astral plane and allowed any Earthbound spirits to ascend if they chose to. That helped, but the negative energy was still present.
For the Ritual, I used the Divine Mother portal disk, 6 quartz crystals in a Star of David pattern, 4 Medicine Cards: Eagle, Whale, Turtle, and Deer.


I placed 4 colored stones: red, yellow, black and white; and 4 candles at the corners of the cross, and a fifth candle in the North. I also used my Amethyst crystals. At 6:30 PM MST, I began the Ritual. I was still feeling the negative energy that I felt all day, so I did a short clearing meditation before I began. I still wasn't really comfortable with the energy, but I began the Ritual anyway. As I read the words, I began to feel surges of positive energy. At the point of 'meditate for a while', I focused on the portal disk for a short while and then went into a meditation. I did a 'clearing flow' meditation to start with, as I was still feeling the negative energy. After a short delay, I wasn't totally clear, but I was calm enough to begin the Astral journey.


I stepped into the 'Tunnel' and came out through the portal in the Cathedral floor. Claire greeted me, and we walked through the corridor of arches to the 'Sacred Center' (S4), where a beam of Light was coming through a window above and to the right. I stood in the Light for a while, and then I felt like I was falling. I ended up at a pool of water (below the Cathedral?). There were several people there and we all just sat around the edge of the pool. It was like the 'pool of the quiet deep'. After a while, we all got up and walked through the stone portal into a passage way that led to a cave-like chamber. There was a fire in the center and the smoke swirled upward through an opening in the ceiling. We sat around the fire, then I came back to the room in my house, and I finished the ritual. Each time I read 'Open Sesame', I could feel a burst of energy. Then I just relaxed for a few minutes, and I went back into another meditation.

Immediately, I was back at the fire in the 'cave'. I floated up with the smoke through the opening. There were several small chambers on each side, then it narrowed down again. It's like I was going through the 'World Soul Matrix'. When I got to the sphere at the top I was floating above the clouds. I could see the Cathedral below, and drifted right over it. Then I could see the beam of Light coming down from above and going down into the Cathedral. But instead of going back down, I went up the beam of Light. The beam turned into a 'ladder', and I climbed up. Then I came to the base of another long and wide set of stairs. As I climbed the stairs, I had the impression that it was on the side of a pyramid. At the top I was greeted by a woman with long dark hair, in a white dress.


Another woman came out to greet me, and they walked me back into a room of sorts, one on each side of me. Then it was like I was in an elevator and was descending, and I was alone. I went down to one level, and then descended again. When I came out I couldn't see anything and had no idea where I was. I stood there quite a while. It was dark, and I could never really see anything, and no thoughts occurred to me to let me know where I was. It felt uncomfortable, but not really threatening. I didn't understand why I was there, and there was no one there to tell me anything, so after a while I asked Pi if I could be taken back up to the top, and she did. I didn't see anyone at the top, so I walked back down the stairs. Then it got really weird. I felt like someone or something was attacking me, like a psychic attack.


My body literally went into convulsions and I instinctively rolled over on to my stomach (I had been lying on my back). I asked Pi to bring me home and she did. Afterwards, I did not have a good feeling, just feelings of caution, apprehension and uncertainty as to what had just happened. I still don't know where I was or what happened. It was almost like I was in the 'Void' or possibly the 'Dark Side', I don't know. I just know that it wasn't a very friendly place. About 3 hours later, after feeling some intense anger and rage, it became obvious that whoever had attacked me was still with me. So I smudged myself several times, they finally left. Then I finally felt at peace again. Maybe it was one of my Reptile 'friends', I'm not sure.

Claire, do you have any idea of what that pyramid and the elevator might have represented? I'm still baffled by the whole thing. I'd never had anything negative like that happen before on any of my Astral journeys. I guess if this was a test, I must have flunked. I'd appreciate any comments you might have.

Frank van der Palen
Heusden, Holland

Now this was a powerful ritual! I'm still shaking. It did cost me some sleep as in Holland it was 02.30 a.m. when it took place. Anyway I'm grateful for everything that happened although I'm puzzled by parts of it, but maybe you can explain to me the part of the ring. Here are the results.

I woke up even before the alarm went of by a voice calling me that it was time and that "they" were waiting for me. A couple of seconds the alarm rang. I started preparing at 02.00 a.m. and immediately felt the intense energy. A very high pitched sound kept ringing in my ears. When saying the words of the ritual I again felt the tremendous power in my voice. Also it felt like there was a constant flow of healing energy coming from the portal. That's also what happened a lot throughout the ritual, it was a very physical experience. My body was being constantly healed, cleansed and fed by the energy. While meditating on the disks, I used both; with the disk of the Divine Mother facing up and the Shri Yantra disk facing downwards, I felt myself being pulled down into the earth.


Again it felt like being healed and there was a intense "Sun" shining on me. After the ritual was over and when I started meditating I saw a very intense light coming form the place where the earth and water was put on the disks, it filled me completely and it then formed into a cross of light. Then the virgin Mary appeared, she held the cross into her hands. I knew everything and everybody was being filled with the energy of love. My body was being pulled at and stretched out. For about 20 minutes the energy kept on flowing through my body, and it was like it was focusing on the parts of my body that are troubling me sometimes, and they were being healed. There were a lot of presences in the room and I was sitting in a dome of light all through the rest of the meditation. While writing down everything last Sunday morning, kept on seeing earth with a cross of light.

At a certain moment I saw earth being reborn. It started by seeing a red fiery ball/planet. I started to cool down, because its color went from red to black/brown. There was lightning and water and clouds appeared. I felt life being formed and then heard: "We are the prophets, welcome in our world. We are here to teach you to be one of us". Again there was this intense healing energy, being stretched by exterior forces. This continued for a while. Then clouds were forming in the portal. Slowly they started to clear and through the haze a hand appeared that was in water.


It wore a golden ring with a small ball of light on top of it. The ring was handed to me and I was to put it on my right hand ring finger. I can still feel it there. I was to show the ring to the forces present and kept my right arm and hand in the direction of the portal. A voice said: You are here to help us Lord Templar. Stand up". 12 Templar came in and for each one I bowed my head. I am sure I know them, at least that's what it felt like. The room I was in was filled with light and I sat down again and enjoyed the experience. Slowly the energy was returning to normal. I felt peace and a enjoyable fresh energy came in to me, bottom up. I saw signs of the zodiac turning anti-clockwise and I turned with it. Then it was all over.

The next day the weather here in Holland was completely changed. It was about 20 degrees Celsius which is about 10 above average and it was very crowded at the beach were I went to. I'm not into large crowds, so I didn't stay long. But I kept on seeing people that were hurrying along, not enjoying themselves or the weather. There was lots of sorrow with them and all I could feel was this intense love coming out of my heart. It felt great, but also I felt pain because of all this grief in the other people. To be truthful, I was happy to go home again. Now, a day after the ritual I feel peace and trust. There is change in the air. An important step has been taken.

Barbara Casey-Sorrell

March 8 at 4:00, 14 women gathered to honor the new moon. We smudged, called in the directions and performed the sun ray dance, a Tibetan-Cherokee movement honoring the 4 directions and races. We banished all oppression of women by lighting a candle, then each lit a candle, invoking empowerment for the future. We shared some pain regarding the pollution and harming of Mother Gaia, held that pain in our hearts as we envisioned a healed earth. We sang songs celebrating lives of wholeness. Then we began the Portal opening ritual. On a rose colored cloth I had placed a copy of the cross of the Mother and a copper plate with the Sri Yantra on it as focal points.


A selection of feminine energy cards from the Crowley tarot and the Hawaiian aumakua deck were interspersed with crystals to make a cross. Water blessed by Sai Baba was used during the ritual. The feeling was very strong and powerful during the ceremony; some of us saw the Mother come in white, and later at night outdoors in the hot tub, she came again. Her presence was strongly felt. Afterwards we played drums, sang songs, feasted and hot tubbed.
This ceremony took place after a day of ceremony by a small group of crones -- 4 of us -- who meditated, shared our deepest truths and performed group massage. Thanks for the wonderful ceremony -- I'm looking forward to the next one!

Hildur Hakonardottir

Friday I found myself in a splendid English Tudor home (in England), with coloured glass windows in the hall and magnificent oak carvings designed by the same architect as built the Catholic Westminster Cathedral in London !! (not Abbey, which is older). That night I sat down in the prayer room (the house had been run by nuns). My preparation was scant as I was traveling but I read the prayer slowly with much attention.

First there were very strong blue and violet colours in each side of the body - after praying to Sophia for wisdom I myself became the form of a cathedral - the feeling was so beautiful that tears came to my eyes. The church surely was foreshortened - but my body shell was that sacred form. I asked to see what beings were about and realised a huge angel on one side. I sensed the spirit of Jesus but when thinking: No, he is in Glastonbury to-night as I knew they were meditating there, and when I caught on to how silly this was, of course his spirit was everywhere - then something wondrous happened; I - the cathedral form - somehow got mingled with the form of the house - and I sensed all the beings of the night - the countryside was alive with countless spirits of spring - the night itself became so big somehow, so alive and we were all totally present ---- some people talking and laughing outside were like small unknowing children in the huge, alert, knowing night full of unseen beings.

Saturday night I got up at one oclock but I was quite sleepy. I went again to the prayer room. The Goddess first appeared as all the "sculptured" gentle ladies be it Mary or Kin Yin - it did not matter. I first hesitated to accept a big silver cross pendant because I thought it was in the shape of the German Nazi cross - but the Goddess blessed me, handed it over and told me to guard her realm in all its " many foldedness". (To wash the hem of her soiled petticoats was needed and I took it to mean the pollutions and overturning and tampering with the surface of the earth).

I saw her holding all the men of the world under one arm and she was quickly plucking out one and one and setting them " free" into the feminine energy sphere - but the women I somehow knew were divided into three groups:

1. those that were slovenly or not awake
2. those that seeking to get under her arm with the men
3. those that dwelt in their own feminine (rightful) energy.

The Goddess assumed the form of a young girl, thin and agile with this light gait, benevolent in all aspects but sometimes I sensed her bigger than ever before.

I sat at the roots of the world tree. I saw the Knights Templar come forth saying they delegated their wisdom to the monks and then later to laymen and scientists and those were natural and necessary routes. I was given a silvery shawl and a crown which I resisted - but realising it was a golden ring I accepted. I was in a bubble of peach pink life force. The crystal world opened up as vibrational pattern from a centre and at a certain points where lines met and planes opened up angels sprang forth from the crystalline outgoing vibration. It was truly beautiful.


Have been feeling a lot of that energy. Archangel Michael has been my primary guide for the last week or two. Xeia/Maureen and I did the ritual together on the phone. Received messages from Michael, and also from Annuk, another guide who came onto the scene several weeks ago as our Teacher during this phase. Annuk was our teacher in the Mystery Schools in Egypt.

Momentums of increased efficiency seem to be part of these newer energies. I continue to get shaken. It's progressed... different kind of shaking. It's now a finer, higher frequency vibration, but still comes on like gangbusters. They are trying to expedite the opening of my eyes and ears with this shaking.

Also met my guardian angel a couple days ago. She appeared to Maureen, spoke to us briefly, then returned to me. Her name is Phylestria. Very sweet, and extremely powerful. She told me right out that she'd be shaking me hard. She was telling the truth. But I'm inviting them to shake me as much and as hard as is needed, to both facilitate and expedite this process. Thought I was gonna pop some blood vessels yesterday, and when she was done with me for the day, I felt like I'd gone 10 rounds with Mike Tyson. Phylestria is a geometry angel, among whatever other attributes and history she no doubt has. She's triangle, or pyramid, though when she appeared to Maureen, it was as a beautiful female, preceded by a deep lavender light.

Aspen, Colorado

I did not do the ritual I really did not know what to so I didn't. But I have been feeling more energy and positive and I just got a raise at work so maybe I am experiencing some of what you are talking about WOW how exciting. Thank you for bring it to my attention, and I plan on doing the next ritual so keep in touch.

Krista Essler
Brooklyn, NY

What I have been experiencing is the ability to apply my knowledge of healing that I have learned thus far. I have since the ritual, successfully prescribed homeopathic remedies to 3 people. I am teaching a Reiki student this evening.


Things are changing here in Houston but, can't pin point it yet.

Jason Carey

I have been most well over these past weeks. I can say that time has been like a roller coaster for me and others around me. Times of doubt, sadness and hope have turned into joy and an unbelievable renewal. I personally have a hard time with rituals in general. It seems like a complicated procedure. My personality seems to only allow for doing things "right." Which is to say that I get concentrated on structuring every step of the way and not "letting go." It's almost as if there is some other way I need to express what your rituals are accomplishing. Perhaps it is a blockage of some sort, I'm not quite sure.

Dreams have been my main source of learning and experience lately. Last night I had a dream that put me and a co­worker into one of the rooms we work in. I was asleep within the dream, then woke up to find my co­worker staring at me like a zombie. I felt this incredible surge of energy. Tingle is not the word. The room was inundated with light as energy surged through my body. I levitated and suddenly flew backward still facing forward about ten feet. The words of the music I heard while this was happening were..."I was born in the desert-so I know how it feels there...Well look up...it's a shooting star..." Just as that phrase ended I looked up and to my right, outside of the window, was an incredible saucer that hovered while energy still poured through me. I awoke from the dream still experiencing the energy and light. Slowly I was back in 3D at 2:30 in the morning.

That is one example of the preparations. An incredible urgency to run over to Egypt and crack open a bunch of hidden chambers also is very high on my list. It is very apparent this is happening across the world. Every day that comes into my experience is filled with new life, and energy. Very soon something staggering is going to take place, and we are the very ones who have come to do that part. That is very much how I feel, and I always look forward very much toward receiving more messages about the rituals and associated knowledge.

Houston, Tx

Just wanted to let you know I did the ritual and I didn't have any particular unusual occurrence during the ritual other than the feeling of a surging of energy and waves of light coming in. I have felt more light energy since the ritual, and somewhat of a "clearing". The cross of light will protect us all so we are cut off from any negative energy and the positive light energy can expand. God Bless you in your service to the light.

New Haven, CT

Prior to March 8th I was experiencing strange visual symptoms, where on the periphery of my field of vision there was a slight distortion. This distortion was similar to what one would see on a cold day looking across an area that had a flow of heated air entering the cold air and seeing the refractive index differences. Up to the 8th I seemed to be happy one day and sad the next, however, since the 8th I have been very up and more energetic. As I had indicated before I am somewhat new to meditating, etc. and most of my experiences with my guides have been through a channeler that has been working with me to teach me. More recently she, my teacher, has been out of town and I haven't had the opportunity to work with anyone else. I enjoy reading everyone else's experiences and discussions, thank you for forwarding the info.


Unfortunately, I did not find your page until after the alignment, but I want to know more about what has happened after the ritual. Also, I can't complain about what is happening but I have noticed a difference in how I feel and relate to others. The effects of what has happened started a full two weeks before the eventful day, I wonder if the ritual would have made a difference? I am sure it would have psycho-spiritually, but would it have changed what was happening ? put an afterglow on it? so to speak. I thoroughly enjoyed your writings, with an emphasis on the astrological interpretation. I immediately was able to put into focus what was happening around me, but I wonder if I am being to hard on myself or my interpretation of the interpretation?

Jim Amidon
Leola, Pennsylvania

I had every intention of going up to my little mountain, here in the Appalachians, about an hour away, and participating with you all... as spirit would have it though, found myself on a 300 mile trip to go meet up in CT with a group from Ashtar instead... 1st time to meet them...

So, Saturday was spent driving on a wing and a prayer, "beyond all reason" and "knowing" what you all/we all were intending for the weekend... took a few breaks along the way, walked by the river... no dedicated moments to any ritual...

Sunday however... after finding this new group of friends I came to see, and being warmly welcomed... again without any words of this portal opening you mention... two separate meditations were led.... one of opening the group to itself... as individuals and as one.... the other was a powerful visualization which likely I couldn't do justice to in describing here.... .... at a minimum can say, I have a memory today, of walking through the Great Pyramid..... I had to leave this group of new friends rather abruptly, so had no time to get reactions from other's experiences....

You mention others describing "...a strong positive energy enfolding me..." <s>... and "...a feeling of being unlimited, of being more successful, of having more energy and of things coming together easier...."

well....(smile).... I dare say the wheels of my van hardly touched ground the first 100 miles or so on my way back to the 3d reality... and the energy moving through me this week is breath-taking at moments....

would be curious to learn how many ways the energy of this weekend were experienced.... as in this group which I visited... not a word was mentioned of the portal opening...... and I noticed some local churches here.. which were calling it a "World Day of Prayer"... hmmmmmmm

Suzanne Sargent

I have not been doing anything, along these lines lately. I am trying to feel where I fit in all this...And, somewhat, to understand. I do read what you send, though. And do 'tune in' a lot during each day. Light and peace to you...

Barbara Casey-Sorrell

I've been feeling great. A strong connection with the Mother, continuing to feel that I'm walking through the cave, into the heart of the mystery, with only my inner senses as guidance. And in this state, being called upon to do service, to share my "wisdom", in a sense my being comfortable in the not-knowing place.... being called upon to share the healing power of listening, of holding the energy sacredly in love. Feeling drawn more and more to meditation in the middle of increasing outward activity. The trees are flowering, the mallards are visiting our pond, spring is erupting, everything is new!

Chantyl Wilson
Valier, Illinois

I haven't been taking direct part in the rituals but I feel strong energies and lots of things happening to me personally...I don't know if this is what you meant but I know my spiritual path is opening a bit... I'm learning about 'healing' and things of this nature, feeling more connected to the Universe and am wanting to take part in the rituals the more comfortable I am becoming with things of this nature... you've indicated that some of my dreams interconnect with theses rituals so maybe I am and just don't know it? Continue to send me your information..*smile*

Dan Ogden
Middleburg, FL

Thank you for adding me to your mailing list, and for checking on the results. I am sorry that I have not written sooner with the results, but I am still trying to figure the results out. I too have had a feeling of more energy, haven't been to bed for 40 hours, and not really in that bad a shape. The strange occurrence that brought about my questioning the results is the very strong draw that I have had to the Rosicrucian order since the meditation. Maybe there is something that I am to learn from the order from which the Knights Templar originated. I will write more as this mystery unfolds for me. My cross of crystals is still set up with the fifth candle to the north, my meditations have been meaningful, but nothing spectacular yet!

Cynthia Moore
Arlington, Washington

I am still pondering the results of the ritual. Yes, I did perform it exactly as it was written. What I did was tape record a reading of it and then played it back as I was performing the ritual. It was a wonderful peaceful experience and I spent the rest of the evening quietly with no outside stimulation. BTW, I performed the ritual in my bedroom, so as to avoid any interruption or questions as to the articles I had assembled. That bedroom has since become a very special place...I will tell you more when I have the words to describe how things have changed for me. BETTER!! I am at peace and I know things are the way they are supposed to be.

Michelle Lewis
Champaign-Urbana, IL

Since this was my first ritual, I was quite excited and scurried to prepare an altar since I found out about it only a few days before. The day of the ritual I went for a long walk in the woods by the river and collected some mussel shells I found on the banks. That evening I could scarcely eat, and raced to the bedroom immediately after to set up my altar. I had used a pendulum earlier that morning to locate 3 portals - one in the bathroom, one in the closet adjacent to the bathroom, and one next to the east window, just north of the bathroom. I decided to set up the altar in the closet, and cleared everything out in preparation. I laid out a special handkerchief I have which is printed with turtles and thunderbirds, and my hawk feather found several years ago.


I placed amethyst and crystal geodes at the entrance to the closet. Around the altar I placed the shells collected earlier that day. My cross was constructed using the Native American Tarot Deck laid out in the Kachina Knife spread. I pulled one card for contemplation, the 3 of Pipes (Joint Effort). I invited my family to participate at that point. I began the ritual by smudging with Cedar, Sage and Sweetgrass. I began reading the ritual and lit the candles, but kept feeling something wasn't right. It wasn't until afterwards, I realized I had begun one half hour early. It took me quite a while to settle down, being in a new place to meditate.


Eventually, I remembered to bring Light in through my crown chakra, opening all my chakras, and grounding in the crystalline core of Gaia. I had some difficulty visualizing the Cathedral, in spite of reviewing the pictures on the web. Eventually, I saw the Rose window briefly. I connected with my Higher Self, who held out a hand in invitation to follow. I felt like I was wading through quicksand, trying to lift myself up without much success. After struggling unsuccessfully, I saw numerous guides toss me up in the air right through the portal. I did a few loops in the celestial sky, enjoying my newfound freedom. I remember seeing lots of Light beings around me, observing my form. One pulled my arm away from my body - as if to show me how Light I had become. When I realized where I was, THUD, back to third dimensionality I came.

I continued reflecting for about an hour after. I turned over the tarot cards and read about my journey. The Kachina Knife is a five card spread. Cards 1 and 2, the heart of the matter were One of Pipes (introspection) and Warrior of Pipes (impetuosity and unpredictability). Card 3, representing past influences was Hosteen Coyote (unconscious will). Card 4, signifying the present was The Lovers (for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction). Card 5, showing the future was The Weaver (attunement to the goddess of wisdom). This completed, I blew out the candles and left the closet.

My mind has been on that closet, the altar and the ritual ever since. I look forward to participating in more rituals, especially the Spring Equinox coming soon. I'm thinking of incorporating gifts to bless the elemental kingdom (like tobacco) in an all night prayer vigil, culminating at dawn when I will stand outside, facing the Sun, and ask for alignment and healing of Mother Earth with the Sun.

Margaret Bradley
Canberra, Australia

You are performing a wonderful planetary service - even to folks like myself who may not have got around to the rituals - you see we also have a loose knit group who meet regularly - sometimes simply being together, talking or meditating or walking around the lake - or in the bush - and working with the 'earth energies' as we go -- and I am convinced that your beautiful communications (having come into our ambit) touch us even in our subtle energy fields. very much love, light and many blessings to you and your good work.


I have been experiencing a much more positive out look, confidence is the word that comes to mind. I also have been doing certain techniques to raise my kundalini. I have been having faint impulses at times that I am communicating with Chief Joseph. I just hate to be left out of the party and it frustrates me when I am not having the bold and the vivid experience, However, I am having the subtle and the fuzzy. Also since the ritual I have had a confidence in the fact that I no longer have to worry and obsess about money (before I would always worry and obsess) I guess patience is the key.

Chicago, Illinois

I was not able to participate in the ritual, as some things interfered with it this time, but I did read all the material connected with it, and yes, I do fell the opening and uplifting you describe. --blessings,

Xeia Maureen

Rodeo, California

Since Charbern and I participated together in the ritual, it has been an amazing week. Several different things have occurred. First, my energy has been up, and I have been catching up and moving faster into business decisions, etc. Additionally, I have made a decision to leave Irc (which is the chat areas of the internet) and find that since making the decision to leave I have been able to accomplish more. Both Charbern and I believe that leaving Irc was a direct link to what he and I both wish to accomplish.

Karen Langdon
Ashburton, New Zealand

l did not get the chance to do the ritual, but was there in thought... But things have been happening, l have been feeling energy more, specially in the lower chakra region, and thought is creating just little things, but still its a start...Also questions are being answered very quickly, via books becoming available or through meditation, this is truly a great time to be alive...

Swarthmore, PA

Regrettably I didn't participate fully. However around the time of the portal I did start to feel that new energy. I thought it might've come from the eclipse but then I read about the Portal and I think it comes from that. Yes, I have felt very, very intense positive energies. I have still have felt my share of darker energies, going through them. But when I break through again, and I hit that positive point it feels even more so...if that makes sense. happy last day of the current Tun

Serge Khalatian

I would like you to know that I did participate in the Cathedral Ritual Los Angeles time. I did follow your instructions on how to proceed. Thank you. Since I am new to your group as of 1/30/97, all this seemed as a new experience even though esoterically I have been exposed to literature and global meditations and organizations in the past. The planet is going through difficult times and this burden is felt by many children of Light who want to establish that special contact with the Divine Mother of our Universe.
During this Ritual, I did send lots of love for the healing of this planet. I felt good; however, I did not experience anything unusual. I hope for the best. If you can share your views as you saw all those participating individuals from the Dimension of Light during or after the Ritual, and the input of The Hierarchy of Light could serve us well to improve in our next step on this path. Thanks again.

Melissa Stratton
Shawnee-on-Delaware, PA

Here are our brief ritual results. (If I wrote all that we experienced, it would take pages!) Four of us had planned to do the ritual together, but unforeseen circumstances caused us to split into two separate locations. We contacted each other by phone afterward, and were amazed at the similarities in our experiences.

My friend and I suddenly had to shift our location for the ritual to her house. As we were traveling there, she intuitively sensed where the portal was located in her house, and since it was 8:25 when we arrived we hurriedly set up our ritual items (quartz crystals, shells, feathers, candles, etc.). During this time both of us felt interesting sensations - my third eye region was pulsating, and we both kept getting numerous energy rushes. Then we settled into the circle, stated our intentions for participating in the ritual (to release fears, and blockages, to create deeper connection with Spirit) and then called in the directions, and began our meditation to hook up.


We had been in a rather serious mood, which seemed in keeping with the ritual, but as soon as we hooked up (which we both felt as an intense energetic shift) we began to sense a different tone. Soon we were giggling, then outright laughing with joy - this was not what we had expected! It was as if a HUGE party was going on, with incredible feelings of joy, love and merriment being shared and spread around. As we compared our visions, we realized we were seeing the same thing. Both of us had almost immediately seen the interior of Chartres which then opened up to the vast night sky with its flying buttresses creating a bridge on which countless beings were "sliding" down to connect with the well Portal, and then joining in this party!

We saw scene after scene of this wonderful merriment, and got the feeling that it was to help all of us to recognize the immense joy involved in connecting with Spirit, which certainly dissolves any fears! This went on for a while, then the energy became calmer. At that point I sensed Sophia/Mary/Isis as a huge presence above Chartres. She had a vast glow around her and water was pouring from her robes, which became Love energy as it spread out over all below. We basked in this peaceful, warm embrace for a long time, quietly drinking it in. Then we closed out the circle and realized we had been there for almost an hour. We were surprised, because it didn't seem that long.

Our friends called then, and we compared experiences. They had almost the identical sensation of joy and merriment and saw Chartres open to the sky. They also a huge Cross in the heavens as Chartres opened up. They too experienced The Mother Love as Sophia/Mary/Isis and saw almost the same image of her as we had - above Chartres extending her Love to all below. One friend, who had not read any of the Ritual information, said she got the idea it was about abundance, so it came through loud and clear!

Since then I've experienced a greater sense of "ease and flow". Meaning it seems to take less effort to actualize and manifest positive flow in my daily life; i.e. bumping into the right person at the right time etc. All in all, it was a wonderful experience for all of us. Thanks Claire for your inspiration. I have some additional stories that are pretty amazing.

As I mentioned we were putting things out for the circle in a hurry, because of having to quickly change our location for the ritual. We had only candle light to see with and our things were in pouches. I put out the items in my friend's pouch also, and there was one little thing I was unsure about. I asked her, and she said it was a small crystal, so I put it in the center of the circle. After the ritual when we were gathering the items, she picked up the little piece and asked if this was what I had asked about, and I said yes. She burst out laughing and in the brighter light, we could see that it was just a little piece of wood - a tiny twig - that must have ended up at the bottom of her pouch somehow. This little twig had been in the center of our ritual circle! We really got the joke and dubbed it "Cosmic Debris".

Astrologically I immediately associated it with Pluto, and how Pluto represents the cosmic debris we carry with us, but sweep under the rug and try our best to ignore. We not only didn't ignore our debris, we placed it in the center of our altar! To me this was a beautiful metaphor for retrograde Pluto located in the 12th house in the Chartres Ritual chart, since the 12th house actually represents that "under the rug" portion of our unconscious minds! And to me, part of the Ritual was about accepting our "debris", putting it on the table along with the rest of our "holiness" and loving it too.

The second thing happened 4 days after the ritual on March 11. I had a very unexpected reunion with a soulmate of mine who came on a surprise visit from Papua New Guinea, where he has lived for the past 6 years. Years ago when we were overseas together we had a couple of bank accounts here in the States, which we divided up upon our return. When we had our reunion just a few days ago he handed me an envelope filled with money! Apparently, in the hectic days when we first returned, we just forgot about this particular bank account. But, when he was settling up his finances recently, he re-discovered it with thouands of dollars in it! So suddenly I have a lot more money than I thought I had! It was in the middle of the night, days after this, as I lay awake in bed that it hit me - Wow, the Ritual- Abundance!!! And what a wonderfully rapid confirmation!

"This is the name of my city, 'Nine Gates,' Let us praise God as we are mindful that the tenth is the head." (The Acts of Peter and the Twelve Apostles, The Nag Hammadi Papyri)

Janet Sunderland

There were three of us that did the ritual: three women. I had wrapped the purple hula hoop in aluminum foil to develop the silver color of the Mother, and we made the altar on the floor again. We set pictures and statues of Mary in the circle along with crystals, a cross from the Holy Land, a bowl of water, a plant with earth, healing wands of light, some rosary beads, one of crystal beads and the other of dark beads, and we made a cross from angel cards. We put 5 candles around as instructed, two at the north. We also made fruit offerings of oranges and apples.

Before the ritual here at the house, the three of us met at Loretto Chapel, a small gothic chapel in town, and meditated. We saw many of the same images during the meditation (meaning all three of us) particularly diamonds and triangles of energy connecting the three of us to the Mary statue. From the tabernacle door came a burst of golden light. Energy was then coming from both the Mary side and the Joseph statue side. High energy, very balanced. We stayed there in meditation for about 20 or 30 minutes. Carol had gotten the information earlier in the week that we needed to anchor the energy there before the ritual at the house.